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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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against United States, 134 ;on colonialpolicy, 3 16-17.Grey Nuns. Community founded at Montreal,2 438 ;at Bed Biver, 11 132, 164, 20 420,439 ;at Ottawa, 11 66-7 ; at Charlottetown,77 ;at Saskatoon, 190-1 ; at Begina, 194 ;at Hull, 16 439.GENERAL INDEX 81See also Charity, Sisters of.Gridley. Exterminates sea-cows of PrinceEdward Island, 13 345.Grier, Edmund Wyly (b. 1862). Portraitpainter, 12 629.Grier, John (1798-1871). Anglican clergymanat Carrying Place (1824), 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Griffin, Martin Joseph (b. 1847). Literary <strong>com</strong>mentator, 12 529.Griffith, Admiral. Conquers and annexes partof Maine, 3 261.Griffith, Sir John. Original member of Hudson s Bay Company, 1 166.Griffon. First ship to sail upper lakes, builton Cayuga Creek, 1 101 ;loss of, 102.Grijalva, Hernando.Pacific, 21 14.Grim, Peter.His exploration in NorthOne of Opposition candidates atSi John election of 1785, 13 164.Grimmington, Captain Mike. Captures FortAlbany, 1 182-3, 185.Grinnell Land. Discovered by de Haven sexpedition, 5 303.Groghan, George, deputy superintendent ofIndian Affairs. Makes treaty of peace withIndians, 3 69.Grollier, Henri (d. 1864). Arrives at St Boniface, 11 137 ;at Lake Athabaska and FortGood Hope, 138, 141, 142 ;death of, 148.Groseilliers, Jean Baptiste. Surrenders FortBourbon, is kidnapped, and enters Englishservice, 1 175.Groseilliers, Medart Chouart, Sieur des (c. 1621-91). His rank as explorer, 1 72, 20 365 ;his explorations, 1 73-9, 111 ; visits Creecountry, 11 116; his marriages, 1 73 ; entersEnglish service, 161 ; founds Fort Charleson Hudson Bay, 162-3, 171, 20 366; reentersFrench service, 1 173-4 ; death of,175-6.Grosse-He. Quarantine station at (1847), 1196.Grouard, Emile (b. 1840). Vicar-apostolic ofAthabaska-Mackenzie, 11 173, 179.Gruppe, Charles P. Painter of Dutch scenery,12 621.Guadeloupe. Arguments for its retention inplace of Canada after Seven Years War,3 25-6.Guelph. Account of settlement of, 3 335, 1788-92.Guelph Agricultural College. See OntarioAgricultural College.Guercheville, Antoinette de Pons, Marquise de(d. 1632). Acquires rights of Poutrincourtin Acadia and transfers them to Jesuits, <strong>23</strong>85-6, 13 32, 33 ; territorial dispute foundedon her patent, 13 34.Guernsey settlement formed at Pisquid, PrinceEdward Island, 13 358.Guerriere. British ship captured by UnitedStates frigate Constitution, 3216.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IGuibord, Joseph (d. 1869), member of InstitutCanadien. Denied Christian burial by hiabishop, 11 89 ; subsequent legal proceedings, 89.Guienne, Battalion of. Arrives in Canada, 1250 ;at siege of Quebec, 291, 292, 294, 300.Guignas, Michel (1681-1752). Professor ofhydrography in Jesuit College, Quebec, 16376.Guigues, Joseph Eugene Bruno (1805-74),Boman Catholic bishop of Ottawa (1847-74).His labours in the diocese, 11 66-8 ;foundsmission of Maniwaki, 68-9.Guillaume le Breton. Ac<strong>com</strong>paniesCartier s second expedition, 1 34.JacquesGuillemin. Teacher at Beauport (1750), 16348.Quillet, Blaise. Clears land at Montreal, 16507.Guillet. One of the first pupils in school atChateau-Bicher, 16 334.Guillon, Mathieu (1713-83), Sulpician. TeachesLatin at St Sulpice, Montreal, 16 384.Guire, De, priest. Subscribes, to Patriotic Fund(1799), 15 102.Gummersal, Thos. Signs loyalist petition(1785), 17 35.Guodor. Teacher at La Durantaye (1747),16 348.Gwillimbury, East and West. Colonists fromBed Biver settle in, 17 72.Gwynne, William Charles. First professor ofmedicine in King s College, Toronto, 18 364 ;supports Baldwin s university bill of 1843 atcollege council, 368, 372.Habeas Corpus Act. Suspension of, blocked byUpper Canadian assembly, 3 222.Habord, David. Condemned, and afterwardspardoned, for shooting an In iian, 13 171.Hacamaugh Indians. Simon Fraser s interview with chief of, 4 662.Hadden, Sir Charles Frederick (b. 1854), mastergeneralof the ordnance. On provision ofreserve stores, 7 453-4.Hagarty, Beatrice. Canadian artist, 12 627.Hagarty, Clara Sophia. Canadian artist, 12626.Hagerman, Christopher Alexander (1792-1847),solicitor-general of Upper Canada. Dismissed on account of expulsion of Mackenzie from assembly, 3 344-5 ; reinstated,345 ; appointed to bench, 4 414.Haggart, John Graham (1836-1913). Resignsfrom Bowell ministry, 6 126.Hague Tribunal. Reference of fisheries disputes with United States to, 6 172 its;decisions, 174-5. See also North AtlanticCoast Fishery Disputes.Halm, Gustav. Canadian artist, 12 625.Haidas, Indian tribe. Territory of, 11 116 ;Father Crespi s description of, 21 20.Hailes, Harris William. President and <strong>com</strong>mander-in-chiefin New Brunswick (1816-17),13 184.Haines, Fred. Animal painter, 12 626.Haines, Captain Hiram. His disastrous voyageto West Indies, 10 584.

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