Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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8oCANADA AND ITS PROVINCESGray, James (1763-1804), solicitor-general ofUpper Canada. Drowned on the Speedy,10 492.Gray, John Hamilton (d. 1887). Member ofPrince Edward Island Land Commission(1860), 13 366.Gray, John Hamilton (d. 1889), judge, BritishColumbia. Reports on Chinese immigration,21 2GO-2.Gray, Robert (1755-1806), American navigator.At launch of the North- West America atNootka, 21 36-7 ;winters at Nootka Soundin the Lady Washington, 37, 42 ; exchangesfor the Columbia, 38 ; explores estuary ofthe Columbia River, which he names afterhis ship (1792), 8 849, 21 38-9 ; claims basedon his discoveries, 8 843.Gray, Thomas (1787-1848). His predictions oneconomic and social influence of railway,10 365-6.Gray, Senator, of Delaware. Member of JointHigh Commission, 6 135.Gray s Elegy. Recited by Wolfe on eveningpreceding final attack on Quebec, 1 296.G. R. Crowe. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Great Bear Lake. Surveyed by Sir JohnFranklin, 4 683 ; its area, 9 24, 22 641.Great Bear River. Blazing coal seam on, seenby Mackenzie, 4 678.Great Britain. (1) Steamboat on upper StLawrence (1830), 10 499. (2) Vessel, stranding of which demonstrated superiority ofmetal over wooden hull, 10 586.Great Fish River (Back River). Explored byGeorge Back (1833), 4 686-7.Great Meadows. Washington s surrender at,1 <strong>23</strong>7, 13 89.Great Northern Railway. Its extension intoCanada, 10 462-3.Great Northern Transit Company. One oforiginal constituents of Northern NavigationCompany, 10 555.Great Slave Lake. Discovered by SamuelHearne and named Athapuscow, 4 649, 672 ;Alexander Mackenzie on, 674, 678 ;its area,924.Great Western. (1) Sails from Bristol to NewYork (1838), 5 365. (2) First steamer withan upper-deck cabin (1839), 10 544. (3)Windsor-Detroit car ferry, 10 547.Great Western Railway. Lapse and revival ofcharter, 10 392 ;endeavours to obtain imperial loan, 392-3 ; beginning of construction,393, 395 ; obtains capital in United States,395 ; municipal subscriptions to, 397-8 ;conflict and final amalgamation with GrandTrunk, 405-7, 425, 430, 435-6 ; anticipationsof large dividends, 408 ;its faulty construction, 411-12 ; position between I860 and 1867,416 ; lawsuit with Commercial Bank, 5 290 ;mail service and rate, 398, 7 635 ;lake steamerservices, 10 545, 546 ;friction in management,427 ;involved in rate wars, 429-30.Great Western Steamship Company, of Bristol.Tenders for first transatlantic steam mailservice, 10 596, 597.Grecian. Canadian Navigation Companysteamer, 10 539.Greeks. As immigrants in Canada, 7 566-7.Greeley, Horace (1811-72). Favours <strong>com</strong>mercial union, 9 165.Greely, Adolphus Washington (1844), Americanmilitary officer and explorer. His Arcticexpedition of 1881-84, 5 302 n.Green, J. C. A promoter of the AgriculturalBank, 4 629.Green, R. F. Minister of Mines, BritishColumbia, 21 <strong>23</strong>0.Green Bay, Wisconsin. Explored by JeanNicolet, 1 60 ;Ottawas at, 69 ; tribes on,80; 101, 102, 103, 111.Greene, Henry. Mutineer of the Discovery, 1152 ; killed by Eskimos, 154-5.Greenland. East coast named Labrador sLand by John Cabot, 1 22 ; west coastsighted by Gaspar Corte Real, <strong>23</strong>.Greenway, Thomas (1838-1908), premier ofManitoba (1888-1900). Denounces betterterms agreement, 19 118-19 ; premier, 120 ;and disallowance, 122 ;and separateschools controversy, 11 175-7.Gregory, George. Signs Quebec traders petition (1770), 15 140.Gregory and M c Leod. Montreal fur traders,sometime employers of Alexander Mackenzie,4652.Grenadier Guards. First battalion sent toCanada during Trent crisis, 14 409 and n.Grenville, Charles Cavendish Fulke (1794-1865).His impressions of Sydenham, 5 16, 27-8.Grenville, William Wyndham, Baron (1759-18.54), secretary for Home and the Colonies(1789-91). Sends draft of ConstitutionalBill to Dorchester, 3 129-30 ; on difficultyof delimitating Upper Canada boundary, 132 ;negotiates Jay s Treaty, 1 50 ; and St Croixboundary dispute, 8 760, 762.Grenville and Carillon Railway. Placed undercontrol of wardens of counties, 10 414.Grenville Canal. Its construction and disuse,10 517-18,Grey, Charles (d. 1870), colonel. His missionto Washington, 4 393-4 ; member ofDurham s special council, 395.Grey, Sir Charles Edward (1785-1865).of Canada Commission (1835), 3 320.MemberGrey, Sir Edward (b. 1862), foreign secretary.His position on fisheries dispute betweenNewfoundland and United States, 8 707-8 ;and Franco-Canadian <strong>com</strong>mercial treaty of1907, 9 <strong>23</strong>4 ;favours freedom to selfgoverningcolonies to withdraw from <strong>com</strong>mercial treaties, 6 197.Grey, George, United States judge. Member ofHague Tribunal, 8 708.Grey, Sir Henry George, third Earl (1802-94),secretary for War and the Colonies (1846-52).And Hudson s Bay Company s territorialaspirations in North-West, 21 79 ;and grantof Vancouver Island, 85, 86 ; favours railway construction as best form of imperialaid to colonies, 10 379 ;on Canadian federation, 5 151-2 ;defers grant of responsiblegovernment in Prince Edward Island, 13 368,14 500 ;favours colonial representation inLondon, 5 162 ;vetos differential duties

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