Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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78 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES210-15; treasurers (1867-1913), with dates Graham, Hugh (1754-1829). Member of firstof appointment, 210 n. The Auditor, 216. permanent presbytery in Canada, 11 259.Bureau of Archives, 216. King s Printer, Graham, H. Engraver, 12 631.216. Minister of Lands, Forests, and Mines, Graham, J. L. Landscape artist, 12 622.216-20; ministers (1867-1913), with dates Graham, John Wellington (6. 1871). Secretaryof appointment, 216 n. ;National Parks, of Methodist Board of Education, 11 338.218 ; Mines, 218-20. Minister of Education Graham, Stephen. A grantee of township of220-29 ;ministers (1876-1913), with dates ofappointment, 220 n. Public Works Murray, 17 44.depart Graham, Thomas. Inspector of mines, Britishment, <strong>23</strong>0-2; <strong>com</strong>missioners (1867-1913), Columbia, 22 580.with dates of appointment, <strong>23</strong>0 n. ; game Graham, Captain. Killed while on a punitiveand fisheries, <strong>23</strong>0-1 ;Bureau of Labour, expedition in British Columbia, 21 152-3.<strong>23</strong>1-2. Department of Agriculture, <strong>23</strong>2-6 :Grahame, James Allan (d. 1905). Manager at<strong>com</strong>missioners and ministers (1867-1913), Victoria for Hudson s Bay Company, 21 154.with dates of appointment, <strong>23</strong>2 n. Special Grahame. Steamer on the Mackenzie River,<strong>com</strong>missions, <strong>23</strong>5-40.19 170.Prairie Provinces. Special Article : Pro Grain-Growers Association of Saskatchewan.vincial Executive Organizations, 20 331-46. Formation of, 20 563-4.Lieutenant-governor and executive council, Grain-Growers Grain Company. Leases pro340-1 ;oath taken by executive, 340 n. ;vincial elevators of Manitoba, 19 133, 20 319.work of public officers, 341-3 ; department Gram, M. Gregors. Arbitrator in Bering Seaof Agriculture, 344 ;health officers, 344-5 ; dispute, 8 726.care of mentally diseased, etc., 345 ; super Grampian. Allan liner, 10 606.vision over business corporations, 345 ; Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting, andregistration of land titles, 345.Power Company. Its operations in BritishBritish Columbia. Special Article : Pub Columbia, 22 577, 578, 579.lic Administration of British Columbia, 22 Granche (Grange) Mountains. Named by349-84. Early government of Vancouver Jacques Cartier, 1 30.Island, 351-3 ;and of the mainland colony, Grand Falls, St John River. Fortified post353-4; political constitution, 357-8 ; repre constructed at, 13 175.sentation in federal parliament, 368 ;execu Grand Island, Niagara Falls. Exchanged fortive departments, 366-7 ;sessional indem Wolfe Island, 8 829.nity, b67 ; provincial board of health, 368-9 ; Grand Manan Island. Disputed ownership of,government inspection of mining, logging, and 8769.railway camps, 369 ;care of indigent and Grand Portage. Route first mentioned, 1 116 ;aged, 369 ; provincial asylum, 370 ;aids to La Verendrye at, 118 ;favourite route forhospitals, 370-1 ; prison farms and industrial traders until American independence, 106.schools, 371.Grand Pro. Colonel Noble defeated at, 13 81 ;GOVERNMENT. See Proclamation of 1763 ;Acadian expulsion from, 95-6.Quebec Act ; Constitutional Act ; Con Grand Riverstitutional Development United Canada Improvement. Canal constructedfrom Dunnville to ; ;Brantford, 10 530-1 ;Provincial Rights.canal falls into disuse, 531.Governor. Schooner on Toronto-Halifax route, Grand River Navigation Company. Loss of10 540.funds of Six Nations in, 5 344.Governor Douglas. First steamer built in Grand Sault. See Long Sault.British Columbia, 10 570.Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Charter grantedGovernor-General s Body Guard of Toronto. to Trans-Canada Railway, 10 457 ; GrandEmployed in suppressing North-West Re Trunk proposal for line from North Bay tobellion, 7 431, 434.Pacific, 458 ; joint project of DominionGovernor-General s Foot Guards o! Ottawa. government and Grand Trunk Railway, 6Employed in suppressing North-West Re 148-9 ; route and connections, 9 148-9, 10bellion, 7 431.461-2 ; terms of construction, 6 149, 9 264,Gow, Peter. Provincial secretary of Ontario, 10 459-60 ; accorded Liberal party support,17 129, 200 n.458-9 ;bill introduced by Laurier be<strong>com</strong>esGowan, Sir James Robert (1815-1909). Com law, 6 149-50 ; modifications in terms, 150,missioner to investigate Pacific Scandal, 6 10 460 ; Opposition s alternative policy, 460-58.461 ;its stable construction, 9 199, 10 462 ;Gowen, Chas. One of fathers of Confederation government supervision of building, 6 327-8 ;in British Columbia, 21 171 n.its line in Saskatchewan, 20 566 ; dry dockGrace, Thomas. Missionary priest in Mari at Port Arthur, 10 588 ;its stimulus totime Provinces, 11 42.British Columbia, 22 360-1 ;steamer serviceGrace and Company. Owners of a Pacific line on Pacific coast, 10 573.of steamships, 10 619.Grand Trunk Railway. Its charter real beginGraham, Frank T. (b. 1869). Author of His ning of Canadian construction, 10 395 ;trionic Montreal, 12 654.three acts under which it was chartered, 396-Graham, George Perry (b. 1859). Provincial 397 ; prospectus issued in London, England,secretary of Ontario, 17 183, 200 n. ; 399 ; projected lines with mileage, 399-400 ;Dominion minister of Railways, 184. capital, 400 ; advantages as an investment,

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