Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 77difference between Canadian and UnitedStates constitutions, 271 ;three factors inpolitical development, 6 203-5 ; growth inCanada s powers of self-government, 204-5.See also Confederation.Quebec. Special Article Government : ofQuebec, 15 219-36. Legislative Council :number of members, mode of appointment,and qualifications, 219 ;sessional indemnity,219. :Legislative Assembly members andsessional indemnity, 219-20. ExecutiveCouncil or Cabinet :<strong>com</strong>position, 220 ;salaries of members, 222 ; changes inorganization, 221 ;names and duties ofpublic departments, 221-2 ;functions andpowers of executive council, 222-4. Powersof lieutenant-governor in council, 2<strong>23</strong>-4.Agent-general, 224. Attorney-general, 224-225. Public Utilities Commission, 225. Department of Provincial Secretary its duties:and powers, 225-7 ; incorporation of jointstock<strong>com</strong>panies, 227. Treasury department : its duties and powers, 227-30 ;modeof issue and cost of marriage licences, <strong>23</strong>0.Lands and Forests, <strong>23</strong>0-2 ;location ticketsand patents, <strong>23</strong>1; outdoor service andfire protection system, <strong>23</strong>2. Agriculture,<strong>23</strong>2-3. Roads, <strong>23</strong>3. Colonization, Minesand Fisheries, <strong>23</strong>3-4. Public Works andLabour, <strong>23</strong>4-5. Public Instruction, <strong>23</strong>5-6.Atlantic Provinces. Special Article : Provincial and Local Government, 14 435-508.Nova Scotia. Governor : Cornwallis s <strong>com</strong>mission, 14 437-40 his ; negative voice in lawmaking,439 ; title changed to lieutenantgovernorand <strong>com</strong>mander-in-chief, 442 ;his powers and jurisdiction, 442-3. Lieutenant-governor : change made in originaltitle, 442-3 ; powers and immunities beforeConfederation, 444 his ; place in federalconstitution, 445 ;his pardoning pov/er,445. Executive Council : Cornwallis s <strong>com</strong>mission with reference to nominations,437 ;and the filling of vacancies, 437-8 ;aminiature of Curia Regis, 446 its ; presidency, 446 ;some of original appointmentsmade by crown, 446 ;itsmembership,446-7 ; duties and powers, 447 ; its abuseof privileges and entrenched position againstassembly, 447 ; Joseph Howe secures itsreform, 447-8 ; present constitution, 449.Legislative Council : constituted in 1838,448 ;its establishment concurrent withsuppression of law-making powers of executive, 450 ; system of nomination andmembership, 450 ; disqualifications of membership, 450 its ; privileges, immunities, andpowers, 451 ;its officers, 451. Legislative Assembly Cornwallis s <strong>com</strong>mission,:438-9 ; law-making power subject to disallowance, 439 ; representative institutionsthe creation of no formal charter, 436, 441 ;assumes control of casual and territorialrevenues, 449 ; original function solelylegislative, 451 ; paralysed through lack ofcontrol over purse, 451-2 ; not co-equal withBritish House of Commons, 452 ; Catholictests and their abolition, 452-3 ; the imperial Renunciation Act of 1778 waives rightof levying tribute on colonies, but affirmsthat of imposing duties for regulation of<strong>com</strong>merce, 454-5 ; imperial acts extendingcolonial powers over customs, trade, andnavigation, 455 ;provincial fiscal autonomyprior to Confederation, 455 ; membership,455 ; privileges and immunities of members,455-6 ; qualifications and disqualifications,456 ;electoral qualifications, 456-7 ; powerand procedure in finance, 457-8 ; officers ofthe house, 458-9 ; law-making powers,459-60 ; sphere of jurisdiction, 460. Publicdepartments : Attorney-general, 461-2 ;Crown Lands, 462 ;Provincial Secretary,462 ;Provincial Treasurer, 462 ; PublicWorks and Mines, 462-3 ; Deputy King sPrinter, 463 ; Education, 463 ; Agriculture,463-4.New Brunswick : Public departments, 14487-8 ; provincial government, 480-94 ;machinery of government, 480- 1 ; lieutenantgovernor,481 (see under Nova Scotia).Executive Council, 481 ;its first meeting,482 ; separated from legislative council(1833), 482 ;formed into cabinet (1848),482 its ; separation from the legislature notfollowed by amenity to popular control,483. Legislative Council : deadlock withassembly on payment of members, and itsresult, 483, 484 ,its separation from theexecutive, 483. Legislative Assembly first:called (1786), 482; its term, 485; numberof representatives, 486 ; qualifications ofmembers, 486 ; provincial franchise, 486 ;its officers, 487 ; sphere of jurisdiction, 487(see under Nova Scotia).Prince Edward Island : lieutenantgovernor,14 498 ; legislative council be<strong>com</strong>esan elective body, 501. Executive Council,498. Legislative Assembly : merges legislative council, 501-2 ; qualifications forelectors, 502 ;officers of the house, 502.Public departments of government, 503.Ontario. Special Article : Provincial Executive Organization, 17 189-240. The legislature, 189-80. Lieutenant-governor, 190-3 ;his <strong>com</strong>mission, 191-2 ; lieutenant-governors(1867-1913), with dates of appointment,190 n. Cabinet, 193-5 ; changes in organization, 193-4. President of the council, 195.Attorney-general, 195-8 ; attorneys-general(1867-1913), 196 n. ; registration of landtitles, 198 ; superintendent of insurance,198-9 ; municipal auditor, 199. Secretaryand Registrar, 200-9 ; successive holders ofoffice (1867-1913), 200 n. ; administration ofCompanies Act, 201 ; statistics showinggrowth of <strong>com</strong>panies, 201-2 ; administrationof Motor Vehicle Act, 202 ; RegistryBranch, 202 ; prisons, asylums, and eleemosynary institutions, 2 M2-4 ; CentralPrison its history and methods of administration, 202-3 ; Mercer Reformatory, 203 ;hospitals for insane and feeblo-minded, withstatistics, 203-4 ; provincial board of health,205-6 ; collection of vital statistics, 206-7 ;Liquor Licence Branch, 207-9. Treasurer,

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