Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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76 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES280. The Senate :<strong>com</strong>position, mode of disputes, 352 ; operations under Industrialappointment, qualifications for membership, Disputes Act (1907), 353-4. Deputy minis280-2 ; speaker and other officers, 282-4 ;ters : duties and responsibilities, 354-5 ;originates divorce bills, 204 ;its diminishedplace, 284-6 suggested system of parliamentary under; proposed reforms, 15 198. secretaries, 355-6. Private secretaries toHouse of Commons : functions and powers, ministers, 356-7. Library of parliament,6 286 ; opening of parliament, 286-7 ; 357. Civil Service Commission, 357-9election of ; respeaker, <strong>23</strong>7-8 ; parliamentary forms effected through <strong>com</strong>mission of 1907,procedure and party discipline, 288-90 ; 359-62. Commission of Conservation, 363-4.party whips and caucuses, 290-1 ;office InternationalJoint Commission, 363-9. Highof speaker, 292-3 ;<strong>com</strong>missioners of Internal Commissioner, 369-70 ; successive holders ofEconomy, 292 ;officers of the house, 293-4 ; office, 370. Agent of Canada in Paris, 370-1.its unrestricted freedom of speech, 294 ; Supreme Court, 371-2. Exchequer Court,number of representatives and qualifications 372-3 ;created a Colonial Court for membership, 294 ; manner of Admiralty,of giving 373-4.royal assent to bills, 295 ; power of reserving Federal Constitution : constituent partsand of disallowing bills, 295-7 ; manner of and fundamental arrangements, 6 209-15 ;itselection of new parliament, 297-8 ;the statutory foundation, 215-16 ; the crown in4mandate theory, 298-9 ;ministerial re Canada, 216-17signation after defeat at polls, 299 ; Dominion veto;nominaof provincial acts, 218-21 ; imperial legislationtions at hands of defeated ministries, 299- affecting Canada, 221-3 ; Canadian legisla300. Cabinet : constitution and functions,300-1 ;number tive powers, 2<strong>23</strong>-6 ; observations on Federaof portfolios, 301 ; assign tion Act, 226-9 ; contrasts with Unitedment of portfolios on geographical and racial States, 229-30 ; general scheme of Dominionlines, 302 ; advisory and executive functions, powers, <strong>23</strong>1-2 ; provincial residuary power,302-4 ; quorum, 304. Prime minister : his <strong>23</strong>2-3 ; predominance offunctions and Dominion laws,duties, 304-6 ;holds preroga <strong>23</strong>3-5 ;limitation of provincial powers,tive of dissolution, 297 ; rise and growth of <strong>23</strong>5-6 ; Federation Act as a whole, <strong>23</strong>6-8 ;office, 374-5 ; <strong>com</strong>pared with United States plenary powers of Canadian legislatures,president, 375 ; increase in salary, 157 ; <strong>23</strong>8-41 ;Dominion interference with produal first ministers, 306 ;limitations in vincial legislation, 241-2 ; provincial interchoice of colleagues, 307 ; powers of patron ference with Dominion legislation, 242-3 ;age, 307-8. Leader of the Opposition :provincial independence and autonomy,institution of salary (1905), 157 ;effect of 243-4 ; legislative power distributed bythe payment, 158. President of Privy subject, not by area, 245-8 ; aspectsCouncil : office and ofits duties, 308-9 ; issues legislation, 248-50 ;true nature and charorders-in-council, 309-10 ;and cabinet acter of legislation, 250-2 ; proprietary rightsmeetings, 310. Minister of Finance : his under Federation Act, 252-3 ; Dominionstatus and duties, 311 ; framing of the specific powers,Estimates, 312 ; original name 253-60 ; provincial powers,and branches 260-4of his department, 313-14. ;a constructive feat of statesmanship,Treasury Board : 264-7. Navigation and shipping, 254 ; seacoastand inland fisheries, 254-6 ;its <strong>com</strong>position and duties, 314. Auditorgeneral,315-16. Minister of Justice, 316-19. and insolvency, 256 ; copyright, 257 ;bankruptcySolicitor-general, 302, 320. Secretary of Indians and lands reserved for the Indians,state : his duties, 320-2 ;custodian of the 257 ;naturalization and aliens, 257-8 ;seals, 320-1. Department of External marriage and divorce, 258-9 ; classes ofAffairs, 322-4. King s Printer, 324-5. Minister subjects not expressly excepted assigned toof Public Works : his duties, 325-6 ; diffi provinces, 259-60 ; municipal institutions,culties of his position, 326. Minister of 260-1 ; shop, saloon, tavern, auctioneer, andRailways and Canals :undertakings under other licences, etc., 261 ; incorporation ofhis control, 327-8. Department of theInterior its :responsibilities and <strong>com</strong>panies with provincial objects, 261-3 ;organiza solemnization of marriage in province, 263 ;tion, 328-31 ; its immigration propaganda, property and civil rights in province, 263-4.330. Department of Indian Affairs, 331-2. Position of the crown, 209-10 ; PrivyDepartment of Agriculture, 33o-4. Do Council of Canada, 210 ;<strong>com</strong>position ofminion Archives, 334-5. Post Office depart Dominion parliament, 210 ; readjustment ofment, 336-7. Minister of Marine and representation in House of Commons afterFisheries, 337-9. Department of Marine decennial censuses, 211 ; power of disand Fisheries : <strong>com</strong>mission of investigation allowance, 211-12 into ; proposed transference ofcharges against, 164. Department of power of disallowance, 15 198 ;the lieutenantgovernors,6 212; lieutenant-governor sNaval Service, 339. Minister of Customs,339-41. Minister of Trade and Commerce, power in reservation of bills, 214 ; provincial341-3. Mines department, 343-4. Minister constitutions after Confederation, 212-14 ;of Militia and Defence : his functions, 345-6 ; proposed abolitiontechnical and of legislative councils, 16professional advisers, 346-7. 198-9 ; courts and judicature, 6 214 ;Minister of Inland Revenue, 348-9. RoyalNorth-West Mounted Police, 349-51. Decolonial governors not viceroys, 217; Sirpartment of Labour its attitude to labour Georges E. Cartier s <strong>com</strong>parison of Britishwith American constitution, 15 170-1 : ;

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