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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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74 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESGlapion, Augustin Louis de (1719-90), Jesuit.Appeals on behalf of Jesuit College, 16 365 ;requests that Jesuits may be permitted toresume teaching, 401.Glasgow Colonial Society (Presbyterian). Itswork in Nova Scotia, 11 263-4.Glasier, John. Builds saw-milla on the NashwaakRiver, 14 602.Glasier, John (the main John Glasier ), d.1894. First lumberman to bring a driveover Grand Falls, 14 602.Glass, Charles Gordon. Forms Scottish Presbyterian settlement in Carleton County, NewBrunswick, 14 404.Glave, E. J. First to employ horses in theYukon, 22 618.Glazunof, Russian explorer. Explores theYukon River, 5 307.Gleason-Huguenin, Mrs (Madeleine ). Authorof Premier peche, 12 488.Glenelg, Charles Grant, Baron (1778-1866),secretary for War and the Colonies (1835-1839). Negotiates boundary treaty withUnited States, 8 791 ;recalls Colborne, 3 351;his instructions to Sir F, Bond Head, 352-3 ;and responsible government, 353-4 ; regardsclergy reserves as a Canadian question, 4442-3 ;and popular control of executivecouncil, 3 355-6 ;Indian policy of, 5 335-6,339-40 ;favours Canadian postal reform,4 756 ;his instructions to Durham, 391,407.Glengarry Fencibles. First Catholic militarycorps to be formed in Great Britain afterReformation, organized by Father AlexanderMacdonell (1794), 11 41, 17 67; their services in Guernsey and Ireland, 67 ;settlein Upper Canada after Peace of Amiens, 1141, 17 67-8 ;re-embodied in War of 1812,3 210, 17 69 ;at battle of Lundy s Lane,3 258 ;locate along Rideau Canal route,1776.Glengarry Settlement. First Scottish Catholicimmigrations, 11 26-7 ; disbanded Glengarry Fencibles in, 41, 17 65-9.Glenie, James (1750-1817), radical reformer.Elected to New Brunswick assembly, 13174 ;in conflict with Lieutenant-GovernorCarleton, 174; fights duel with General Coffin,174 ;radical measure of, summarily rejectedby council, 178 ; discredited on boundarieson upper St John, 179.Glenlyon House (afterwards Fort Frances).Built by Robert Campbell (1840), 5 308, 22605. See also Fort Frances.Glenmount. Lakes freighter, 10 556.Globe, newspaper. Established by GeorgeBrown (1844), 5 61.Glynn, Mills, Currie and Company. Financialp gents of Dominion government, 7 485.Gode, Frangois. One of first habitants atMontreal, 16 507.Godefroy, Jacques. Treats with Pontiac, 3 62.Godefroy, Jean Paul, Sieur. Obtains grantfrom Company of New France, 15 27 ;nominated a member of council, 2 330 ;ambassador to New England, 334.Goderich, Frederick John Robinson, Viscount,afterwards Earl of Ripon (1782-1859), secretary for War and Colonies (1827, 1830-33).Negotiates boundary convention with UnitedStates (1818), 8 842 ;and John Gait s schemeof settlement, 17 88, 91 ; gives name totownship in Upper Canada, 91 ; condemnsproceedings against Mackenzie, 3 344-5 ;hisinterviews with Mackenzie, 346 ;on alternative to dissolution in Upper Canada, 347-8 ;and endowment of church rectories, 351 ;opposes an elective council, 4 467 ;andproposed Lower Canada convention, 443.Godfrey, Alexander. Captain of Liverpoolprivateer Rover, 13 111 ;his fight with theSanta Ritta, 253.Goforth, Jonathan (b. 1859). Presbyterianmissionary to China, 11 291.Goggin, David James (b. 1849). Rector ofProtestant normal school at Winnipeg, 20439 ; superintendent of education in North-West Territories, 466 ;on separate schoolsquestion, 19 262.Gold. Deposits of Appalachian Region, 9 32-3 ;of Cordilleran Region, 54-5 ; Knight s expedition to Far North in search of, 1 194-5 ;fallin production (1867-78), 9 121; production,(1879-96) 184-5, (1896-1912) 247. Quebec:discoveries and production (1911), 16 581.Nova Scotia : discoveries and methods ofworking, 14 691-3 ;fall in production (1867-74), 9 121; production (1896-1912), 247;royalty, 14 475. New Brunswick :royaltyon, and prospecting licence, 493 ; poverty indeposits, 691. Ontario : Huronian Mineand other discoveries, 18 609-20 ;a boom,6<strong>23</strong>-4 ;raid on Richardson mine, 624 ;Porcupine area (with plan), 631-3, 9 247 ;production (1911), 17 219-20. BritishColumbia :early discoveries, regulations,and development, 21 140-2, 155, 22 558-62 ;rush in 1858, 21 134-6, 139, 22 560-1 ;aperiod of depression, 21 154 a ; newspaperof the fields, 156 ;evasion of payment ofroyalty, 158-9; values (1858, 1863/1860-69),22 561 ; yields of Williams and LightningCreeks, 561-2 ;other placer diggings, 562 ;discoveries (1896-1912), 9 247, 257 ; potentialwealth of Cariboo, 22 557 ; placer statistics,567 ;lode statistics, 568, 569. Yukon : theKlondike rush, 606-7 ;criticism of administration (1901), 610 ;account of industry,619-34 ; ground-sluicing and shovelling inand drifting, 620-3 ; steam-thawer, 6<strong>23</strong>-5 ;use of pulsometer in thawing pay-dirt, 625 ;the Dawson carrier, 626 ; open-cuttingand ground-sluicing, 626-7 ;methods onhillside claims, 627-9 ; washing andseparating apparatus, 629-30 ; hydraulicplant, 630 ; impounding dam near BonanzaCreek, 630-1 ;an artificial waterway, 631 ;wealth of gravels, 631-2 ;table showingquantities and values of output from 1885to 1911, 633. North-West Territories : SirMartin Frobisher s stampede, 654-5 ;occurrences of the metal, 655.Gold Harbour (or Mitchell), west coast ofQueen Charlotte Island. Gold discoveriesand workings at, 22 559-60.

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