Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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(1897), 206-7; tariff war with, 6 145, 9<strong>23</strong>5-6 ; growth of its trade with Canada, 179.Gerow, G. C. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Gerrish, Lloyd, Armstrong and Bard. Beginfirst coal-mining operations after Britishoccupation of Nova Scotia, 14 394.Gerristma. Missionary priest to Europeanimmigrants of the West, 11 190.Gervais, Benjamin (1786-1876). One of firstinhabitants of St Louis, 15 77.Gesner, Abraham (d. 1864). Overestimatesproductive coal-seams of New Brunswick,14 683.Geyer, Governor. Sends Henry Kellsey onexploring expedition, 1 193.Ghent, Treaty of (1814). Preserves the statusquo, 3 271 ; fishery rights under, 8 683;provisions re Oregon Country, 21 61.Gibbon, Wm. R. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Gibbons, George C. (b. 1848). Member ofInternational Waterways Commission, 6366, 8 838.Gibbons, James (b. 1834), cardinal. At EucharisticCongress of Montreal (1910), 11 92.Gibbons, Captain. Sent on search for North-West Passage, 1 156.Gibbons, Major-General. Entertains FatherDruillettes at Boston, 2 333.Gibbs, M. W. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Gibbs, Thomas Nicholson (1821-83), superintendent-general of Indian Affairs (1873), 7620.Kempt and the Commodore Barry, 10 499.Gildersleeve. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 538.Gill, Charles. French-Canadian poet, 12 471.Gill, Charles Ignace (d. 1901), judge. Descendedfrom New England prisoner of war, 15 52.GENERAL INDEX 73Gill, Valentine. Makes second survey forShubenacadie Canal, 13 270.Gillam, Ben, son of Zachariah Gillam. Madeprisoner by Radisson, 1 173-4.Sails for Hudson Bay butGillam, Zachariah.returns, 1 161 ;in first fur-trading expedition of Hudson s Bay Company, 162, 20366 ; connives at illicit trading, 1 173-4.Gillespie, Thomas (1708-74). Forms ReliefPresbyterian Church in Scotland, 11 257.Gilmour, Boyd. Coal-mining expert, 21 122.Gilmour, James. Assists in coal-mining development at Nanaimo, 21 122-3 ; returns toScotland, 1<strong>23</strong>.Gilmour, John (1792-1869). Organizes firstBaptist church in Montreal, 11 364.Gingras, Apollinaire. French-Canadian poet,12 469.Gingras, Louis (1786-1866). Missionary priestin New Brunswick, 11 42.Ginseng Trade. Its growth and decline, 2513-14 ;value of the imports from Quebecin 1752, 514.Gipps, Sir George (1791-1847). Member of<strong>com</strong>mission for investigation of Canadianaffairs, 3 320.Girard de la ChaussSe. Obtains grant fromCompany of New France, 15 27.Girard, Jean (1696-1765). Teacher in Sulpicianschools of Montreal, 16 338, 384.Girard, Marc Amable (1832-92). His servicesduring the Red River troubles, 11 158 ;member of provisional North-West Council,19 198 ; premier of Manitoba (1874), 19 107.Girard, cure. Embarks with his parishioners atGibson, Alexander. Founder of Marysville, Fort la JoyeNew for Brest, 13 327 ;on founderingBrunswick, 13 202.of the ship, 327-8.Gibson, of Marysville. Supports <strong>com</strong>mercial Girod, Amury (d. 1837). Leader in insurrecunion, 9 166.tion in Lower Canada in 1837, 3 363, 364.Gibson, Sir John Morison (b. 1842). Provincial secretary of Ontario, 17 200 Girouard, Antoine (1762-1832),cur&amp;lt;.Opensn, ; Latin school at St Hyacinthe, 16 411.minister of Lands, 179, 216 n. ; attorneygeneral,180, 196 n. ; his remark on Sault of British Ohio Company, 1 <strong>23</strong>6.Gist, Christopher. Sent to prospect on behalfSte Marie election frauds, 182 ; resigns as Givins, James. Chief superintendent of Indianattorney-general, 183-4; lieutenant-governor department for Upper Canada, 4 7<strong>23</strong>.of Ontario, 190 n.Gjoa. Amundsen s ship, <strong>com</strong>pletes the North-Giffard, Robert (1587-1668), first seigneurNew of West Passage, 5 302 n.France. Granted seigniory of Beauport(1634), 2 325, 536-7, 15 27 ; crops grown for War and the Colonies (1845-6). HisGladstone, William Ewart (1809-98), secretaryby, 16 506 ; brings out settlers, 15 27 ; positionnominated member on colonial autonomy, 5 45-7 ;disof council, 2 330 ;en tinction between maritime and inland <strong>com</strong>nobled, 569.merce routes drawn by, 133 ;and preferGiffin, T. H. One of fathers of Confederation ence on colonial timber, 203-4 ;on impositionin British Columbia, 21 171 n.of differential duties by colonies, 213 ;andGifford, Dr Retta. Canadian Methodist mis abolition of colonial preference, 216sionary to West ; favoursChina, 11 325.fiscal freedom for self-governing colonies,Gilbert, Arthur. Returned for Drummond and 220-1 ;aids reciprocity movement, 222-3,Arthabasca on navy issue, 6 171-2.<strong>23</strong>6 ;and Intercolonial Railway survey, 14Gilbert, Charles Henry (6. 1859), of Leland 407 ;and Rebellion Losses Bill, 5 57-8 ;andStanford, Jr. University. Results of hisresearches into age of salmon postponement of responsible government inthrough scale Prince Edward Island, 13 368, 14 500 ;readings, 22 466-7.opposes grant of Vancouver Island to HudGildersleeve, Henry. Builder of the Sir Jamesson s Bay Company, 21 81 ;subscribes forfounding of Trinity College, Toronto, 18 374.Gladwyn, Henry (d. 1791), major. His defenc*of Detroit, 3 61-3, 65-7, 69.Gladwyn. Lakes schooner, built (1763), 10 485 ;aids in defence of Detroit, 3 61.

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