Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESGaston, William (1778-1844), American jurist.Maintains prescriptive right of inalienableallegiance, 3 193.Gates, Horatio (1728-1806), American general.One of first settlers at Halifax, 13 82.Gatineau River. Fish in its drainage system.16 565.Gaudais, Louis. Royal <strong>com</strong>missioner in NewFrance, 2 459-60.Gaulin, Remi (1787-1357). Roman Catholicbishop of Kingston (1840-57), 11 54; visitsOttawa River settlements, 55.Gaulin, Simon. One of first pupils in school atChateau-Richer (1702), 16 334.Gaultier, G. In charge of school at Chateau-Richer (1705), 16 334.Gaume, Jean Joseph (1802-69).His campaignagainst liberalism, 11 102-3.Gauthier, Charles Hughes (b. 1845). RomanCatholic archbishop of Ottawa, 11 58.Gauthier, Georges (b. 1871). Roman Catholicauxiliary bishop of Montreal, 11 92.Gauthier, Joseph Nicholas (1689-1752).Acadian settler in Prince Edward Island,entertains Franquet, 13 311 ;sketch of, 311-312.Gautier, Gabriel. Receives grant of CapeBreton, Island of St John, and MagdalenIslands, 13 53.Gavazzi, Alessandro (1809-89). Riots atQuebec and Montreal occasioned by his anti-Romanist propaganda, 5 72.Gazelle. Steamboat on St John-Annapolisroute, 10 561.Geary, Mr. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Talbot settlers toCanada, 17 74.Geddes, of Calgary. A member of North-West Council, 19 214 ; and revenues frompublic lands, 215 ; agitates for reforms, 216,219.Geddie, John (1815-72). Presbyterian missionary to New Hebrides, 11 277.Gendre, Florimond. Founds first industrialschool for native children on Pacific coast,11 146.General Hunter. Brock challenged from deckof, 3 224.General Mining Association. Formed to operate coal-mines of Nova Scotia, 14 675-6 ;experiments in working iron ore in PictouCounty, 687 ; resentment aroused by itsmonopoly, 676-7 ; agreement reached withprovincial government, 677 ; subsequenthistory of, 678, 682.General Smythe. First steamboat of MaritimeProvinces, 10 561, 13 185.Genest, Charles (1761-1827). Missionary priestin New Brunswick, 11 42.Genet, Edmond Charles (1765-1834), Frenchminister in United States. His intrigues inCanada, 3 148.Genner, Samuel.Sculptor in service of LittleSeminary of Quebec, 16 382.Genova. First inward-bound steamship toarrive at Quebec, 10 603.Gens de la Mer, Indian tribe, also known asPuants or Winnebagoes. 1 60, 61.Gens de 1 Arc, See Bow Indians.Gentil, Widow. Entertains Franquet atinn on Prince Edward Isiand, 13 312.herGeoffrion, Christopher Alphonse (1843-99). Involved in stationery contract irregularities,15 206 ;minister without portfolio inLaurier s administration, 6 131.Geoffrey, cure.Replaces the school at Champlainwhich was burnt down (1687), 16 356.Geological Survey. Organization of, begun(1843), 6 344-5.Geology. See Physical Features.George H (1683-1760). His opinion of Wolfe,1 279.George HI (1738-1820). Endeavours to establish personal rule, 15 126 ;his <strong>com</strong>plimentto Madame de Lery, 93 ; Papineau s eulogiumon, 102-4.George IV (1762-1830). Grants to Duke ofYork, for a period of sixty years, reservedmines and minerals of Nova Scotia, 14 394,675.George V (b. 1865). At Quebec Tercentenarycelebrations, 11 107 ; lays corner-stone ofUniversity of Manitoba, 20 445.George, James. Advocates use of wooden railsin Champlain and St Lawrence Railway, 10370.George, Sir Rupert D. Challenges JosephHowe to a duel, 13 292.Georgian Bay. Champlain at, 1 53 ;Jesuitmission on, 64-7 ; Groseilliers and Radissonon, 74 ;islands of surrendered by Chippewasand Ottawas, 5 337.Georgian Bay Canal. Proposals for construction, 10 534.Gerin-Lajoie, Antoine (1824-82). His literarywork, 12 457 ;his novel Jean Rivard, 474-5.Germain, Charles (1707-79), Jesuit. A leaderof Acadians who came to surrender at FortFrederick, 13 115.Germain, Lord George, first Viscount Sackville(1716-85), secretary for Home and theColonies (1776-82). His hostility to Carleton,3 110-11 ;and the proposed Vermontsecession, 115; approves Haldimand s planfor settling loyalists at Niagara, 17 18.Germain, Joseph (1633-1722), Jesuit, superiorof missions in Canada. On the courses ofstudy at Jesuit College, and character anddisposition of students, 16 363-4 ; 366.Germain. District teachers association formedat St Eustache by, 16 430.German Immigration. In Halifax, 13 83-4 ;atLunenburg, 14 647-8 in ; Niagara district,17 47 ;at Markham, 50-1 ;settlements inthe thirties, 11 51 ; in Dominion, 7 564 ;homestead entries in Prairie Provinces, 20310 ;in Saskatchewan and Alberta, 19 168,178, 179 ; educational claims of immigrants,20 459 ; ministrations to immigrants, 11187-8.German, William Manly (b. 1851). Opposed toreciprocity, 6 179-80.Germanic. Steamer on the Georgian Bay andMackinac route, 10 555.Germany. Commercial Treaty of 1865 between Canada and, blocks inter-imperialtrade preference, 9 173 ; treaty denounced

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