Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXdemands Gagnon, Antoine. Missionary priest in NewFinance, 6 22, 7 514 ; and educational safe Gastineau, Jn. A. Signs Quebec tradersguards for Protestants in Quebec, 16 483 ; petition (1764), 15 134.independent treaty-making powersBrunswick, 11 42, 77.for Canada, 9 176 ;his limited powersGagnon, Clarence. French-Canadian painter in negotiating trade conventions, 176-7 ;and etcher, 12 618-19, 631.fisheries <strong>com</strong>pensation <strong>com</strong>missioner, 6 69,Gagnon, Ernest (1834-1915). French-Canadian 8 695 ; high <strong>com</strong>missioner, 6 370 ; sketch of,author, 12 484-5.24.Gagnon, Jean. Learns carpentering and roofing Gait, John (1779-1839). Proposes formationat Little Seminary of Quebec, 16 378.of a Canada colonization scheme, 3 333, 17Gagnon, Noel. Prize-winner at Jesuit College, 88 ; secretary of Canada Company, 3 334 ;Quebec, 16 372.17 89 ; ceremony at naming of Guelph,Gagnon, Pierre Paul. One of first students in 89-90 ;and destitute Columbian immigrants,Jesuit College, Quebec, 16 363.90-1 ; charged with slighting Goderich, 91 ;Gaillon, Michel. Hanged for theft at Charlesbourghis scheme for a paper currency, 4 621-22 ;Royal (1542), 1 42.closing years, 17 92.Gaines, Edmund Pendleton (1777-1849), Ameri Gait, Townshipcan general. Defends Fort Erie in War by Canada Comof pany, 3 334 ; named after John Gait, 17 89.1812, 3 260.Gamache, Nicholas Rokault, Marquis of. ConGale, Samuel (d. 1826). A patentee of township tributes to Jesuit College, Quebec, 16 361.of Farnham, 15 150 ; 3 306.Gambia. First vessel built at Moncton by theGaliano, Dionisio. His surveys on north-west Salters, 10 584.coast, 21 48.Gamb.er, James, first Baron Gambier (1784-Galicians. See Ruthenians.1356). British signatory to Treaty ofGalinee, Rene de Brehant de (d. 1678), Suipician.Ghent, 8 771.His journey with Dollier de Casson, Gamey, Robert Roswell (b. 1865). Alleged1 81-2, 84, 89, 96-100, 10 477 ;at council of attempted corruption of, 17 182-3.Senecas, 1 90-1 ; describes Niagara, 92-3 ; Gammage, Anglican clergyman in Britishtakes possession of Lake Erie basin, 96.Columbia, 21 147.Galinier, Dominique (1616-71), Sulpician. As Gananoque. Successful American attack onsists in founding seminary at Montreal, 2 (1812), 3 217-18.415.Ganay, James. Captain of a Halifax privaGaliote. First vessel launched at Quebec teer, 13 224.(1663), 2 463, 10 479.Garden, John. Wounded at siege of Quebec,Gallands. Acadian settlers in Prince Edward applies for grant in Prince Edward Island,Island, 13 312-13.13 343.Gallatin, Albert (1761-1849), American secre Gardinerston. Rendezvous of American extary of the Treasury. On financial losses of pedition against Quebec, 3 84.United States in War of 1812, 3 197 ; sig Gardner, Bartlett. Shipbuilder at Yarmouth,natory to Treaty of Ghent, 8 771 ;on 10 581.Governor Sullivan s blunder, 782 n. ;his Garneau, Alfred (1836-1904), French-Canadianconclusions on the Jay map, 822 ; negotiates poet. His volume of verse, 12 469.boundary arbitration treaty, 791-2, 845 ; Garneau, Francois Xavier (1809-66). Sketchand Oregon boundary, 863 and n.of, 12 452-4 ; his Histoire du Canada, 454-5Galli, Spanish navigator. His farthest north stimulates poetry, 460 ;his statistics;onin Pacific (1582), 8846.origins of settlers, 15 60-1.Gallia. Cunarder purchased for the Beaver Garneau, Pierre. Commissioner of CrownLine, 10 612.Lands of Quebec, 15 193; 201.Galloway, J. G. Congregational Church leader Garnier, Charles (1605-49), Jesuit. His missionin Nova Scotia, 11 381.and martyrdom, 2 405-6.Gait, Sir Alexander Tilloch (1817-93), minister Garnier, Julien (1643-1730).of Finance (1858-62, 1864-66, 1867). In College, Quebec, 16 366.Superior of Jesuitterested in railway projects, 10 377, 396, Garreau, Leonard (1609-56). Jesuit martyr,397 his ; opportunist railway policy, 396 ; 2408.secures federal union a place in conservative Garrow, James Thompson (1843-1916). Ministerprogramme, 5 7 ; inspector-general, 283 ; without portfolio in Ontario cabinet, 17 180.claims fiscal freedom for Canada, 79-80 ; Garvie, William, of the Halifax Citizen. Anhis protective budget of 1859, 6 78, 9 133 ; opponent of Confederation, 14 380.his financial policy inconsistent with re Gascon, Father, O.M.I. Missionary priest inciprocity, 5 253-6 ; negotiates on reciprocity, the West, 11 140 ; assists in making first9 127-8 ; defines incidental protection,133 his ; budget speech of 1866, 134 clearing near Grand Rapid, Mackenzie River,;and 147.<strong>com</strong>mercial union, 166 a ; promoter of Gasp, Eastern de. See Aubert de Gaspe&quot;, Philippe.Townships Bank, 5 278 ; and a Gaspe Bay. Jacques Cartier s intercourse withprovincial bank of issue, 283, 284-5 ;his Indians at, 1 32 ; cross erected byBanking Act, 286-7 ; relations with Bankat,32-3, 2 379.of Upper Canada, 289 ; member of <strong>com</strong> Gaste, Father, O.M.I. Founds mission on Lakemittees on defence, 7 401, 421 ; minister of Cariboo, 11 142, 164.

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