Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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68 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESFrancklin, Michael (d. 1782), administrator Fraser, Malcolm. Secretary of Quebec merof Nova Scotia (1766, 1767-68, 1772). His chants <strong>com</strong>mittee, 15 140 ; gives alarm oftreatment of the Acadians, 13 116 ;advo Montgomery s attack on Quebec, 3 90 ;cates establishment of Anglican clergymen founds seigniory at Murray Bay, 15 125, 16to prevent spread of republican ideas, 262 ;508.his description of Charlottetown in 1768, Fraser, Simon (1726-82). Raises the 78th or346-7 ; surveys and superintends settlement Fraser s Highlanders, 15 1<strong>23</strong> ; applies forin Prince Edward Island, 337-8 ;rebuked grant on Prince Edward Island, 13 343.for his zeal, 338 ;restrains the Indians, 138, Fraser, Simon, afterwards brigadier (d. 1777).218 ; requests protection for mast-cutters, Answers the sentry s challenge at Sillery, 1139-40; and Cumberland rebels, 217.297.Francklin, Hazen, and White. Engage in Fraser, Simon. Signs petition for assemblymasting, 14 599 ;value of a delivery of (1770), 15 140.masts (1782), GOO.Fraser, Simon (1776-1862). His expedition*Francoise (Mile Robertine Barry). Her to the Pacific, 4 657-63, 21 55-7 ;fails tochroniquea, 12 488.locate the Columbia, 56-7 ;retires fromFranklin, Benjamin (1706-90). His plan for fur trade, 57.union of American colonies, 1 <strong>23</strong>8 ; arranges Fraser, William. Petitions for retention ofBraddock s transportation, 240 ; deputy Governor Blanshard, 21 121.postmaster-general, 4 729 ; opens post Fraser, Wm. Signs loyalist petition (1787),offices in Canada (1763), 731 ;and landspeculation in Nova 1739.Scotia, 13 1 1 1 ;ridicules Fraser, William (d. 1851). Vicar-apostolic ofseparation from mother country as a Nova Scotia, 11 73 ; bishop of Halifax, 77 ;visionary fear, 132 ;finds Canadian senti bishop of Arichat (1844-51), 80.ment be<strong>com</strong>ing anti-American, 3 97 ; signa Fraser, William, Baptist pastor. On sobrietytory to Treaty of Versailles, 116, 8 752, and absence of blasphemy in Breadalbane,753, 797 ;marks boundaries on Red Line 11 362map, 819 ;364.; on the Mitchell map, 761.Fraser, William Alexander. His short stories,Franklin, Jane Griffin, Lady (1792-1875). 12 562.Equips Franklin search expedition, 5 301,304. Fraser, Captain. Accused of <strong>com</strong>plicity inFranklin, Sir John (1786-1847), Arctic explorer. Walker outrage, 3 36.His expedition of 1819-22, 4 679-83 ;em Fraser and Thorn. Mast contractors to Britishploys French-Canadian voyageurs, 15 78 ; navy, 14 599expedition of 1825-27, 4 ; export first cargoes of square683-4; his last timber from the Miramichi, 601.voyage, 5 295-7 ; discovery of relics, 304-6. Fraser Lake, in Cariboo district, BritishFranklin Search Expeditions. Sir James Clark Columbia. Hudson s Bay Company postBoss (1848), 5 297-8 ;Moore and Kellett at, 21 127 n. ; crops raised at (1811-18), 2(1848), 297, 298 ;Sir John Richardson 525-6.(1848), 297, 298-301 ;Collinson and M c Clure Fraser River. Simon Fraser s descent of, 4(1850), 301-3; Austin and Penny (1850), 658-63 its ; length, 9 <strong>23</strong>.301, 303; Sir John Ross (1850), 301, 303; Frazer, William (b. 1831). Member of North-Charles Codrington Forsyth (1850), 301 ;West Council, 19 198.Edwin J. de Haven (1850), 301, 303; Sir Frechette, Louis Honore (1839-1908). HiaEdward Belcher (1852), 303; Sir Francis career and poetical achievement, 12 463-6.M c Clintock (1857), 304-5 ; Charles Francis Frechette, Pierre. Missionary at Detroit, 11 24.Hall (1865), 305-6.Frederick Island. Surveyed by authorities ofFranklin. See Venango.Massachusetts, 8 769-70.Franqnelin, Jean Baptiste. Instructor in Frederick the Great. His varying fortunes, 1hydrography at Quebec, 16 375 ; returns to 254; 260-1, 269.France, 375 ; reappointed, but does not Fredericksburg, Township of. Settled byreturn, 376.loyalists, 17 25Franquet, French ; elementary school estabengineer. Strengthens forti lished at, 18 278.fications of Louisbourg, 1 219 ;in Prince Fredericton. Selected as capital of NewEdward Island, 13 310-12; plans defence Brunswick, 13 155, 158 ;named in honourof Fort la Joye, 321.of Duke of York, 160 ; post office opened atFraser, Charles Frederick (b. 1850). Principal (1788), 5 373; barracks constructed, 13of Halifax School for the Blind, 14 534.175 ; college established, 14 546 ; provinceFraser, Christopher Findlay (1839-94). Op hall at, 13 181 ; King s College founded, 11poses Orange Lodge Incorporation Bill in 211 and n., 13 196; first Anglican cathedralOntario legislature, 17 142 ;<strong>com</strong>missioner outside British Isles erected at, 14 424 n.of Crown Lands, 146-7 ; provincial secre Fredin, Jean. His association with Charon,tary, 200 n. minister of Public; Works, 16 339.<strong>23</strong>0 n. ;clerk of Forestry, 18 595.Free Trade Association. Formed in Montreal,Fraser, John A. (1838-97). Canadian artist, 5 217 ;and Navigation Acts, 218, 224 ;12 607 ;and Ontario Society of Artists, 634. proposes a tariff revision, 2<strong>23</strong> ;and canalFraser, John James (1829-96). Premier of tolls, 224.New Brunswick (1878-82), 14 428; lieu Free Trade Union. Formed to oppose Chamtenant-governor (1893-96), 427. berlain s tariff reform policy, 6 144.

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