Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Port Stanwix, on Mohawk River, near LakeGENERAL INDEXOneida. Treaty of, defining boundaries ofIndian territory (1768), 3 69, 4 704, 709.Fort Stephenson, Sandusky River, now included in site of city of Fremont. Britishrepulse at, 3 <strong>23</strong>8.Fort Thompson (or Kamloops). Founded(1813), 21 60.Fort Umpqua. Founded (1832), 21 70.Fort Vancouver, Hudson s Bay Company poston Columbia River. Erected (1825), 21 64 ;change of Bite, 64 ; crops grown at, 65 ; traderivalry at, 65-6.Fort Vermilion, Hudson sRiver. Abortive British attack on, 3 <strong>23</strong>8.Fort Wellington. See Prescott.Fort William, at mouth of KaministikwiaRiver. Selkirk s seizure of, 19 39 ; SirGeorge Simpson s conference with Chippewasat, 5 318.Fort William Henry, on Lake George. Montcalms attack on, 1 257-8 ;surrender of,258-9 ;massacre by Indians at, 259-60.Fort William Henry, Pemaquid. Captured byFrench and Indians, 13 57.Fort Yale. Hudson s Bay Company post onFraser River, 21 127 n.Fort Yukon, Hudson s Bay Company post atjunction of Porcupine with Yukon. Builtby Alexander Hunter Murray on Russianterritory, 5 307, 22 605 ;returns from takeseven years to reach market, 5 313.Fortin, Pierre (18<strong>23</strong>-88). Minister of CrownLands of Quebec, 15 178 n. ; his services tothe fisheries, 16 560.Forty-first Regiment. Brock s criticism of, 3209; <strong>23</strong>8.Fortymile River, a tributary of the Yukon.Its course, 22 593 ; gold discoveries on, 606.Forty-ninth Regiment. Brock s criticism of,3 209 ;at Queenston Heights, 229, <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>2 at ;Stoney Creek, 241, 242; at Chrystler sFarm, 249, 250.Forty-second Regiment (Black Watch). Disbanded soldiers of settle in Quebec province,15 1<strong>23</strong> ; take service with North-WestCompany, 125. See also Black Watch.Forty-seventh Regiment. At battle of thePlains, 1 303, 304.Forty-third Regiment. At battle of the Plains,1 303, 304.Fosbery, Ernest George (b. 1874). Portrait andfigure painter, 12 625.Foster, Clara. Sings The Dashing WhiteSergeant in Montreal, 12 655.Foster, Sir George Eulas (b. 1847), minister ofFinance (.1888-96). His period of office, 7514; his revision of Bank Act (1890), 10644-5 ; negotiates on reciprocity, 9 169 ;introduces tariff reductions, 6 122 ;resignsfrom Bowell ministry, 126 ; his tribute toDr Theodore H. Rand, 14 421 n. ; and thebribing of constituencies, 6 163 ; and navalpolicy, 168 ; <strong>com</strong>missioner on preferentialtrade, 9 213 ; extends Canadian consularservice, <strong>23</strong>5.Foster, H. S. First president of Bedford Dairymen s Association, 16 526.Foster, John Watson (b. 1836). American agenton Alaska Boundary Commission, 8 733,933, 938 ; negotiates on reciprocity, 9 169 ;member of Joint High Commission, 6 135.Foucher, Charles Louis. Impeached by assembly, 4 480-2.Foulon, Anse au (or Wolfe s Cove), 1 292 ;possibility of attack on, divined by Montcalm,294 ; landing at, 297-8.Bay Company poston Peace River. Milling production of, 20687-8.Found, W. A. Appointed to report on fisheriesFort Walla Walla. See Fort Nez Percys.of British Columbia, 22 459.Fort Walsh. Original headquarters of Royal Fouquet, Leon. Missionary priest in BritishNorth-West Mounted Police, 19 148.Columbia, 11 146 ;vaccinates the Indians,Fort Wayne, American post at head of Maumee 147.Fourmond, Father. Missionary priest at StBoniface, 11 149 ;his ministrations duringsmallpox epidemic, 160.Fournier, Telesphore (1824-96). Minister ofInland Revenue (1873-74), 6 64; andOntario act respecting escheats, 17 160.Fowler, Daniel (1810-94). Canadian artist, 12603-4.Fowler Brothers, of Lubec, Maine. Firstquarriers of gypsum at Hillsborough, NewBrunswick, 14 694.Fox, George. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Fox, Henry Edward (1755-1811), officer <strong>com</strong>manding in Nova Scotia. Visits locations ofloyalist regiments in New Brunswick, 13 149 ;offered governorship of New Brunswick, 152.Fox. Sails with M c Clintock s Franklin searchexpedition (1857), 5 305.Fox Land. Coast of explored by CaptainFoxe, 1 158.Fox River, Wisconsin. Jean Nicolet at, 1 61 ;74, 80, 81, 103, 104.Foxe, Luke (1586-1635). Leads expedition toHudson Bay (1631), 1 158-9.Foxes, Indian tribe, 1 80, 103.Foy, James Joseph (1847-1916). Minister ofLands of Ontario, 17 216 n. ; attorneygeneral,184, 196 n.France. Concludes <strong>com</strong>mercial treaties withCanada (1893, 1907), 9 177-8, <strong>23</strong>7-8; latertreaty negotiated entirely by Canadian representatives, <strong>23</strong>4.Frances, A. H. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Frances Lake. Named in honour of LadySimpson, 5 308.Franchevilie, Pieire de. Student at JesuitCollege, Quebec, 16 363 ; disputes in philosophy, 371.Franchevilie, parish priest of Riviere Ouelle.Repels attack by Phips s expedition, 1588-9.Francis I (1494-1547). His instructions toJacques Cartier on missionary enterprise,<strong>23</strong>81.Francis Smith Steamer on Georgian Bay andLake Superior route, 10 546.

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