Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXFort Dauphin, on Lake Dauphin, Manitoba.Constructed (1741), 1 134; rebuilt, 136.Fort Dearborn (Chicago). Its garrison massacred by Indians, 3 225.Fort des Francais, near forks of the Kenogamiand Albany. Built by La Tourette (1685),1 105.Fort des Prairies. See Fort a la Corne.Fort Douglas, on Red River,below mouth ofAssiniboine. Built by John MLeod, 19 34,35 ;surrendered to Cuthbert Grant, 37 ;Fort Enterprise. Built by Sir John Franklinat Winter Lake, Yellowknife River, 4 680 ;Franklin expedition reaches, 681, 682, 683.Fort Erie, on Niagara River, opposite Buffalo.Captured by Jacob Brown, 3 255 ; unsuccessful British siege of, 259-60 ; heavy percentage of British losses at, 260 ; Fenianoccupation of, 7 408-9.Fort Essington. Founded as an intermediatestation on coast between Fort Simpson andFort MeLoughlin, 21 67.Fort Frances, on Rainy River. Sir GeorgeSimpson s ceremonial meeting with Indiansat (1841), 5 319. See also Glenlyon House.Fort Frances Lock, Rainy Lake. Constructionbegun and abandoned, 10 530.Fort Franklin, Great Bear Lake. Constructedby Sir John Franklin (1825), 4 683, 684.Fort Fraser (Fort Natlehj,near outlet of FraserLake, British Columbia. North-West Company post founded by Simon Fraser (1806),4 657, 8 849, 21 55.Fort Frederick, at mouth of St John River.Its construction, 13 128 ;raided by Americanmarauders, 134.Fort Frontenac. Built at Cataraqui (Kingston), 1673, 1 86, 2 349 ; dismantled andabandoned, 360 n. ; re-established, 360 ;captured by Bradstreet, 1 268. See alsoVOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IFort George, at confluence of Fraser andNechaco Rivers. Built by Simon Fraser.4 658, 21 56, 246.Fort George, Astoria. Its disputed ownership,8 855. See Astoria.Fort George Canon, Fraser River. SimonFraser s descent of, 4 658.Fort Gibraltar. North-West Company s trading-post at north-west angle of junction ofRed and Assiniboine Rivers, 19 22 ; DuncanCameron s hospitality at, 32 : arrest ofCameron at, 36 ; dismantled, 36.Fort Good Hope. Hudson s Bay Companyrecaptured by Miles Macdonell, 40-1 ; firstmissionaries arrive at, 11 122.Fort Dunvegan, Peace River. Cropa raised at post situated below ramparts of Mackenzie(-809-10), 20 587.River, 5 306.Fort Duquesne (Pittsburg). Occupied by Fort Halkett, Hudson s Bay Company post onFrench (1753), 1 <strong>23</strong>6, <strong>23</strong>7, <strong>23</strong>9 ;Braddock s branch of Liard River. Robert Campbell sdefeat at, 240-2 ;its effect on British colonies, journey from, 5 307, 22 605.13 89-90 ;abandoned by French, 1 268 ; Fort Hall. Founded (1834), 21 70.name changed to Pittsbourgh, 268.Fort Hayes (Moose), on Hudson Bay. CapFort Durham, at Taku Inlet, on the Stikine. tured by d Iberville, 1 178, 8 881.Hudson s Bay Company post, 21 69.Fort Hope. Hudson sBay Company post onFort Edmonton. See Edmonton.Fraser River, 21 127 n.Fort Edward, on Hudson ; headquartersRiver, Washington of governmentCounty, New York. Webb colony of Britishs indecision at, Columbia, 149 n.1 258, 259.Fort Howe. Constructed at mouth of St John,Fort Ellice, in Marquette County, Manitoba. 13 137-8 ; arrival of loyalist vanguard at,Anglican mission established at (1862), 11 142 ; treaty of peace with Indians signed at,228.138.Fort Jemseg, at the mouth of the Jemseg River.Villebon organizes war parties of Indians at,1356.Fort Eootanae, on Windermere Lake, BritishColumbia. Built by David Thompson, 4666. See also Kootenay House.Fort Kootenae Falls. Constructed by North-West Company (1808), 8 850.Fort la Jonquiere. Disputed location of, 1 139,140, 146; 11 118.Fort La Maune. Its location, 8 903-4.Fort Langley, Hudson s Bay Company post onlower Fraser River. Built (1827), 21 67 ;inauguration of colony of British Columbiamade at, 149-50.Fort 1 Arbre Croche, on eastern shore of LakeMichigan. Occupied by British, 3 58 ;abandoned, 64.Fort la Reine, on the Assiniboine.Constructedby La V6rendrye, 1 122, 134, 136 ; Saint-Pierre s courageous conduct at (1752), 142 ;burned by Indians, 11 118 ; reached byBritish traders, 4 643.Fort la Tourette, on the Ombabiha River.Constructed (1684), 1 105.Fort le Boeuf, Erie County, Penn. Occupied byBritish, 3 58 ; Indian attack on, and withdrawal of garrison, 64.Fort Liard, Hudson s Bay CompanyCataraqui Kingston.post onlower Fraser River. Wheat ;Fort Garry, at cultivation at,junction of Red and Assiniboine 20 586.Rivers. Seat of government of Red River Fort Ligonier, Bedford County, Penn. IndiansColony, 6 32, 20 284 ;rebuilt of stone, 19 53 ;early postal services at, 7 630 ;occupied byRial, 6 34 ; forces of Schultz imprisoned in, 36.Fort George, at mouth of Oswego River, 1 252-253 ; captured by Americans (1813), 3 <strong>23</strong>9-240 ; investment of, 243 ; American abandonment of, 251.repulsed at (1763), 3 64.Fort Lyman. Dieskau plans attack on (1755),1243.Fort M c Leod, on MLeod Lake, British Columbia.North-West Company post founded bySimon Fraser, 21 55.Fort M c Loughlin, Hudson s Bay Company post

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