Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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6 4 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCEScreation of reserve, 495 ;revenue (1901-13),495 ; Forestry Commission and its re<strong>com</strong>mendations (1909), 495-502 ;abolition oftime-limit in timber leases, 496-7 ;fireprevention, 497-9 ; Forest Protection Fundcreated, 500-1 ;its financial statement(1913), 503 ; conservation, 501-2 ; forestrevenue (1912, 1913), 503 ; private timberpotentialities, 509 ;account of saw-millingindustry, 509-12 ;statistics of cut and railshipments (1909-12), 511 ; lumbering conditions <strong>com</strong>pared with other parts of Canada,9 285 ;lumber cut <strong>com</strong>pared with WesternStates, 22 511-12; dumping of inferiorgrades, 512 ; pulp industry, 505, 513-15 ;Panama Canal and lumber trade, 515-18 ;forests and their future value as <strong>com</strong>munitywealth, 518-19 ;forests and future reafforestation, 519 ; protection and preservation of supply, 520-1.Forget, Amedee Emmanuel (b. 1847), firstlieutenant-governor of Saskatchewan (1905-10). Clerk to North-West Council, 19 200 ;lieutenant-governor, 6 156 ;calls on WalterScott to form administration, 19 270.Forget, Antoine (1672-1749). Teacher in StSulpice schools, Montreal, 16 338, 384.Forget-D6patis. Rector of college of St Boniface, 20 421.Forget-Duverger, Francois. Sells mission property on Mississippi owned by QuebecSeminary, 11 15.Forrester, Alexander. Principal of normalschool at Truro, 14 5<strong>23</strong> ; superintendent ofeducation of Nova Scotia, 13 295.Forster, John Wycliffe Lowes (6. 1850). Portrait painter, 12 629.Forster, Captain, 8th Regiment. His captureof the Cedars, 3 97-8.Forsyth, Charles Codrington. Sent on Franklinsearch expedition (1850), 5 301.Forsyth, George, of Montreal. On proportionof immigrants passing through Canada toUnited States, 4 579.Forsyth, Richardson and Co. Interested inproposed Canada Banking Company, 4 604.Fort Abitibi. Founded (1686), 8 900.Fort a la Corne (St Louis, or des Prairies).Constructed (1753), 8 900 ;its location, 1144, 145 ; Anthony Hendry entertained at,198 ;visited by Alexander Henry, 4 647.Fort Albany, at mouth of Albany River, westcoast of James Bay. Captured by d lberville(1686), 8 881 ;retaken by English(1693), 1 182-3, 8 884; only post held byHudson s Bay Company after Treaty ofRyswick, 1 189.Fort Albert.See Victoria.Fort Babine. Hudson s Bay Company poston Babine Lake, northern British Columbia,21 127 n.Fort Beauharnois, on Lake Pepin, MississippiRiver. French trading-post built (1727),1 117.Fort Beausejour. See Fort Cumberland.Fort Boise. Founded (1835), 21 70.Fort Bourbon. French post constructed onCedar Lake, 1 134; 8 900, 11 118; LaVerendrye purposes wintering at, 1 137 ;site of, 144 ;reached by Thomas Curry, 4643.Fort Bourbon, on Hayes River, Hudson Bay.Founded by Radisson (1682), 1 174-5, 8 880.See also York Factory.areas, 503-4 ;leasehold timber lands, 504-5 ;licensed timber lands, 505-6 ;timber landshitherto reserved, 506-7 ; railway belttimber land, 507-8 ; acreage of timber landsand total stand of merchantable timber,508 ; <strong>com</strong>parison of United States and Fort Bull, between Albany and Oswego. DeCanada as forest countries, 509 ;their struction of (1756), 1 251.Fort Camanistigoyan, at entrance to LakeNipigon. Built by La Tourette (1678), 1105.Fort Camosun (Victoria). Founded by JamesDouglas, 21 76 ; origin of the name, 76 n. ;name changed to Fort Albert, and afterwards to Fort Victoria, 78. See alsoVictoria.Fort Carleton, on Deer Island, eastern end ofLake Ontario, 4 532.Fort Carlton, Hudson s Bay Company post onNorth Saskatchewan. Indian treaty signedat (1875), 7597.Fort Charles, on Rupert River, James Bay.Founded by Groseilliers and Gillam (1668),1 163, 8 880 ;first Hudson s Bay Companycaptured by d lber-expedition at, 1 170-1 ;ville, 178-9, 8 881.Fort Chartres. Last post held by French eastof Mississippi, 3 58, 69.Fort Chimo, in Northern Ungava. Construction of (1827), 8 915.Fort Chipewyan, North-West Company sposton Lake Athabaska, near mouth of AthabaskaRiver. Founded by Peter Pond(1778), 4 651 ;Alexander Mackenzie at,652, 673, 678 ;Sir John Franklin sets forthfrom (1820), 680 ; prize won at Philadelphiafor grain grown at (1876), 20 587.Fort Churchill. See Fort Prince of Wales.Fort Colvile. Hudson s Bay Company poston upper Columbia, 21 70.Fort Confidence, Hudson s Bay Company poston Great Bear Lake. Built by Simpson andDease, 4 689 ;Richardson winters at, 5 299.Fort Connolly, on Bear Lake, at head ofSkeena River. Built by James Douglas(1826), 4 690.Fort Cowlitz. Founded (1837), 21 70.Fort Crevecoeur, on the Illinois River. LaSalle journeys to Fort Frontenac from, 1 102.Fort Cudahy. Hudson s Bay Company postat mouth of Fortymile River, Yukon Territory, 22 606.Fort Cumberland. Situated on disputed territory on north bank of Missiquash River, 1<strong>23</strong>9, 245; captured by British (1755), 244,13 89-90 ;Acadians assembled at, prior todeportation, 95, 97 ;submission of Acadiansat accepted, 114 ;rebel attack on (1776),135, 217-18.Fort Daer. Established by Miles Macdonell atPembina (1812), 19 22, 24.

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