Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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province, 557-9 ; government organizationand protection, 559-61 ; important decisionon fishing rights, 560 ;values of principalfish caught and number of men employed(1911), 561 inland and; sporting, 561-7 ;the interlacing river systems, 563-4 causes;of deterioration, 563, 565, 567 ; expendituresof Laurentian Club (1910), 566 ;revenuefrom fish and game privileges, 15 <strong>23</strong>4.Neiv Brunswick : their industrial development, 13 182, 183.Ontario, 18 603-9 ;<strong>com</strong>mercial fishes,603-7; salmon of Rideau Lakes, 603;decrease in supply, 603-5 conflict of ;opinionon decrease of supply, 606 increases in;annual value, 606-7 ;men employed andcapital invested, 607 ; sporting fishes, 607-8 ;revenue from non-resident angler, 607.Prairie Provinces, 20 326, 600-1.British Columbia, 22 445-83 ;relation ofphysical characteristics to, 445-6 ; earlyfishing in Alaskan waters, 447 ; legislation,447-62 ;federal and provincial powers, 448-9,454, 460-1 ; province s contribution toDominion revenue and its proportion to thewhole, 454-5 ;dissatisfaction with centralized control, 457-8; influx of Japanese:inducements offered to white fishermen, 459-460 ; progress (1896-1912), 9 251-2 ;futureof deep-sea fisheries, 22 461-2.Total catch in the Yukon (1908), 619 ;ofNorth-West Territories, their weight andvalue, 653-4.Fishes. Alabone : of British Columbia, 482.Bass : in Ontario, 18 608. Carp increased:catch and rise into favour in Ontario, 606.Clams : value of, in Atlantic (1910), 14588 ; of British Columbia, 22 482. Cod :excluded in charter to Company of NewFrance, 2 454 ;methods and earnings ofpioneer fishers of Banks, 14 562-3 ;of NewFrance, 16 555-6 ; importance, duration ofseason, and productive areas in Atlantic,14 570-1; artificial fish-drier, 571-2;markets for dried product, 572 ;value ofcatch (1910), 572 ; mode of curing andfishing, and yield (1911) in Quebec, 16 557-558 ;black cod of British Columbia, 22473-4. Crabs : of British Columbia, 22480. Flounders : of British Columbia, 470.Oaspereaux : catch and its value in Atlantic(1910), 14 578. Hake, haddock, and pollock:mode of fishing and curing, and value ofcatch in Atlantic (1910), 572-3. Halibut:its increasing value, 573-4 ; worth of catchin Atlantic (1910), 574; growth in BritishColumbia, 9 251-2, 22 469-70. Herring :in the Atlantic, 14 574-5 ; drift-net fishing,675; value of catch (1910), 575; industryundeveloped, 575-6 ; in Quebec, 16 559 ;lake, value of catch in Ontario (1912), 18606 ;in British Columbia, 22 471-2 ; developed by Japanese, 9 252. Lobster : inthe Atlantic, 14 582-5 ; canning industry, 9121, 251, 14 583; regulations, 584-5; ofBritish Columbia, 22 479-80. Mackerel :its habits, methods of capture and curing inthe Atlantic, 14 579-81 ; fluctuating valueGENERAL INDEX 61of catch, 581 ; in Quebec, 16 659. Maskinongeits favourite haunts in : Ontario, 18608-9. Oulachan : in British Columbia, 22470-1. Oyster: difference between Canadianand European oyster, 14 585-6 ; beds ofEastern Canada, 586 ; declining catcheswith increasing values, 586 ; causes of depletion, 586-7 ; preventive regulations, 587 ;leasing of areas for artificial cultivation, 587 ;industry hampered by conflict of jurisdiction, 9 251, 14 587 ;of British Columbia, 22481-2 ; province assumes sole right to leaseareas of foreshore, 461. Pickerel and pike:value of catch in Ontario (1912), 18 606.Pilchard and anchovy: in British Columbia,22 473. Prawns : of British Columbia,480-1. Salmon : leads in value, 9 252 ;areas of productiveness, catch, and its valuein the Atlantic, 14 581-2 ; value of sea fisheryin Quebec, 16 559 ;rivers of province, 561-3 ;report on their wanton destruction in Ontario (1869), 18 603-4; British Columbiadiffers from Atlantic salmon, 22 462-3 ; fivespecies of Oncorhyncus, 463-6 ; life-history,466-7 ; salmon-canning industry, 467-8 ;value of canning pack (1911, 1912), 463;legislation and regulation, 449-62 ;hatcheries, 455 ; proposed understanding withState of Washington on depletion in EraserRiver, 455-6, 457. Sardine : mode of fishingin Atlantic, 14 576-7 ; transference ofcanneries to United States ports, 577 ;value of catch, 577. Sea-cows :regulationof 1770 in Prince Edward Island, 13 345.Seal Hunting : at Magdalen Islands, 14689 ;in British Columbia, 22 477-8. Shad :value of catch (1910) and its gradual decline,14 578. Smelt : mode of fishing and valueof catch in Atlantic, 578-9 ;of BritishColumbia, 22 473. :Sturgeon their formerabundance and decline in Ontario, 18 604,606 ;in British Columbia, 22 472. Trout :(Great Lake) fall in yield through overfishing,9 120; yield in Ontario (1912) andvalue as a sporting fish, 18 605 ; hatcheriesconstructed, 605-6 ; trolling in Lake Nipigonand Rideau Lakes, 607-8 ; (Brook) bestfishing rivers, 607 in ; provincial watersof British Columbia, 22 478-9. Whale :formerly prosecuted from Shelburne, N.S.,13 <strong>23</strong>8 ; species found in North Pacific,their <strong>com</strong>mercial values and methods employed, 22 474-5 ; imported as meat intoJapan, 476 ;threatened extermination, 476.Whitefish : fall in yield, 9 120, 18 603 ; usedas manure, 604 ;a great haul at WellingtonBeach, 604 ; improved catch in recent years,605 ; its food qualities, 22 652-3. SeeBering Sea Dispute North Atlantic Coast;Fishery Disputes.Fitz- Clarence, Amelia, Viscountess Falkland,13 290.Fitzgerald, Lord Edward (1763-98). Followsthe trail from Niagara to Detroit, 1 108.Fitzgerald, Edward. Writes immigration pamphlets descriptive of North-West, 19 172.Fitzgerald, James E. Attacks grant of Vancouver Island to Hudson s Bay Company, 21 81.

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