Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Falardeau, Antoine Sebastien (6.1822). French-Canadian artist, 12 602.Falconbridge, Sir William Glenholme (b. 1846),chief justice of King s bench of Ontario.On Gamey Corruption Commission, 17 183.Falconio, Diomede (b. 1842), archbishop ofAcerenza. Apostolic delegate to Canada(1899-1902), 11 111.Falkland, Lucius Bentinck Gary, tenth Viscount(1803-84), lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia(1840-46). On position of Indians, 5 358 ;offers Joseph Howe a seat on executivecouncil, 14 448 ;Howe s attacks on, 13 291 ;favours a school assessment law, 14 5<strong>23</strong> ;recalled, 13 293 ;sketch of, 290-1.Family Compact. Associated with CharteredBank of Upper Canada, 4 614-15 ; antagonism against, 3 338 ; opposition strengthenedby Mackenzie s return to assembly, 339 ;itsexcesses, 341 ; incensed at Mackenzie s reception at Colonial Office, 345-6 ;its influence on Colborne, 348 ; its capacity forgovernment, 379-80 ; attacks Durham sReport, 4 405 ; favours federation ratherthan union, 406, 410 ; its struggle withSydenham, 412-13.Fancamp, Baron de. One of promoters of a<strong>com</strong>pany for founding of Montreal, 2 411.Faneuil, Peter. Signs presentment of grandjury of Quebec (1764), 15 128 ;member ofa New England family, 129.Fanning, Edmund (1737-1818). Lieutenantgovernorof Prince Edward Island, 13 349 ;ambiguous position of, 349 ;his successfuladministration, 352 ; sketch, 352-3.Faraud, Henri Joseph (18<strong>23</strong>-90), Vicar-apostolic of Athabaska-Mackenzie (1864-90).Joins mission in the West, 11 134 ; begsthat he may not be recalled, 136 ;foundsLake Athabaska mission, 136 ; vicar-apostolic, 147-8 ; his work at Peace River, 166 ;death of, 174.Fargues, Peter. Signs Quebec traders petition(1770), 15 140.Faribault, Minnesota. Named after French-Canadian colonist, 15 77.Faries, Hugh. Brings suppliesFraser to New Caledonia, 21 56.for SimonFarmers Bank. Founded (1835), 4 630; itsfailure, 10 648.Farguhar, Colonel. United States boundarysurvey <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 877.Farrell, John (1820-73). Roman Catholicbishop of Hamilton (1856-73), 11 64.Farrington, Harvey. Establishes first cheesefactory in Canada (1863), 7 6CO, 18 566.Farris, Mrs J. W. de B. Member of Senate ofUniversity of British Columbia, 22 442.Fauchois, Michel. Sculptor of the LittleSeminary of Quebec, 16 382.Fauquier, Frederick Dawson (1817-81). FirstAnglican bishop of Algoma (1873-81), 11226.Favorita.2122.Quadra s ship in expedition of 1779,Favourite. Vessel on which Hugh Allanemigrated to Canada, 10 602.F. B. Head. Trent steamboat, 10 499.GENERAL INDEX 59Fearon, James. Principal of Halifax Institution for the Deaf, 14 534.Featherstonhaugh, George WilliamSurveys Maine boundary, 8 813.(d. 1866).Fechter, Charles Albert ( 1824-79), actor. Anecdote of his appearance in Toronto (1868), 12658.Federal Bank. Established (1874), 10 638;suspension, bankruptcy, and wind-up, 638,643.Federated Association of Letter Carriers, 9 316-317, 321.Federation of Textile Workers of Canada, 9316,321.Felice. Sailed by Meares under Portugueseflag, 21 33-4, 36, 37.Felicidad. Ship of Spanish expedition toNorth Pacific (1775), 21 21.Felicity. Lake war vessel (1782), 10 488.Felix. Sails with Ross on Franklin searchexpedition, 5 301.Fell. Sloop in which Carleton withdrew toQuebec, 3 83.Feller, Henrietta (c. 1808-68). Founder ofGrande Ligne Mission, 11 372-3.Felt Makers Company. Renewal of Hudson sBay Company charter opposed by, 1 188.Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de (d. c. 1678),Sulpician. His missionary work at Kente,I 85, 86.Fenety, George Edward (1812-1899). His Lifeof Joseph Howe, 12 510.Fenian Raids. Projected on New Brunswick,7 420, 14 415-16 ;on Canada (1866), 7 406-412 ; projected on Manitoba, 424, 11 158-9 ;incidents of the campaign, 19 101-2 ;services of Metis accepted in repelling, 6 43,II 159. See also under Defence.Fenn, John. Original member of Hudson sBay Company, 1 166.Fergus, Patrick. Member of council of PrinceEdward Island, 13 345.Fergusson, Adam. Imports live stock to UpperCanada, 18 561.HisFerland, Jean Baptiste Antoine (1805-65).literary works, 12 456-7 ;relieves victimsof typhus epidemic, 11 96 ;on origins ofFrench Canadians, 15 61 ;sketch of, 12456.Ferland, Joseph Ange Albert (b. 1872). French-Canadian poet, 12 471.Fernandez, Francis, of the Azores. Exploringprivileges conferred on, 1 24.Fernandez, Joao. Exploring privileges grantedto, 1 24.Fernow, Bernard Edouard (b. 1851). On forestsurvey of Nova Scotia, 14 621 ;on rate ofgrowth of red spruce, 624.Ferrelo, Bartolome. Explores North Pacificcoast (1543), 8 846, 21 15.Ferrier, James (d. 1888). Member of Councilof Public Instruction of Quebec, 16 491.Fessenden, Reginald Aubrey (b. 1866). American representative on Niagara Falls PowerCommission, 18 477.Feudalism. See Seigneurial System.FidalgO, Salvador. Spanish <strong>com</strong>mander atNootka, 21 60.

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