Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESErmatinger, Lawrence. Signs petition ofQuebec traders (1770), 15 140.Ernestown. School established at, before 1790,18 278 ; academy established at Bath forinhabitants of, 352.Ernst, Oswald Herbert (b. 1842). Americanmember of International Waterways Commission, 6 364-5, 8 838.Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754). Founder of thoScottish secession church, 11 256.Eschambault, Geo. d . Nominated for councilof Rupert s Land, 19 197.Eskimos. Slay Hudson s mutineers, 1 154 ;narrate fate of Knight s expedition, 195 ;massacred at Bloody Fall, 4 671 ; showrelics of Franklin s last expedition, 5 304 ;Dominion policy towards, 7 611-12 ; theircharacteristics, 612 ;numbers in Canada,624, 22 649.Esquimalt. Made a naval base, 21 109 ;graving-dock question, 205-7, 210-11.Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway. Its proposed acquisition by Mackenzie and Mann,10 456.Estabrooks, Elijah (1756-1825). Pioneer Baptist in New Brunswick, 11 353.Estaing, Charles Hector, Comte d (1729-94).Tries to raise trouble among Indians, 3 113.Estcourt, J. B. Bucknall. British treaty<strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 818.EstrSes, Marchal, Comte d .Boundary <strong>com</strong>missioner, 1 191.Etchemin River. Forded by Monckton andTownshend, 1 290 ;Wolfe reconnoitres at,291.Exploration. Special Articles: Beginnings ofCanada, \ 17-42 ; Pathfinders of the OreatEtchemins. See Malecites.Lakes, 45-146 ; in Acadia, 13 15-62 ;inEtherington, George, captain. Taken prisoner Prince Edward Island, 305-21 ;Westernat Fort Michilimackinac, 3 64.Exploration, (1763-1841) 4 639-92, (1840-Etrutia. Cunard liner, 10 601.67), 5 295-328 ;in British Columbia, 21Eudist Fathers. Their educational work, 11 13-71. See under names of explorers.78, 83, 14 518.Exports. See under Trade and Tariffs.Europa. (1) Great Western Railway steam Express. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 540.boat, 10 545. (2) Cunard steamship, 10 Eynard, Father. Drowned at Lake Athabaska,599.11 163.European and North American Railway.John A. Poor s scheme, 10 385 ; imperial Fabre, Edouard Charles (1827-96). Romangovernment refuses to guarantee interest on Catholic bishop of Montreal (1876-86), 11 90 ;Nova Scotia section, 381 ; guarantee of archbishop (1886-96), 91, 92.1851 misconstrued, 383-4 ;Portland Con Fabre, Hector (1834-1910). French-Canadianvention of 1851 and practical results, 385-6 ; journalist, 12 477, 487 ; agent of Canada indetails of scheme, 386-7 ; chartered by Paris (1882-1910), 6 370-1.Maine, 387 ; turning of first sod, 14 407-8 ; Factories Act (Ontario), 1884, 17 <strong>23</strong>4.stages in construction, 10 387-90, 14 408 ;international amities at driving last spike,408 ;unremunerative earnings of NewBrunswick section, 10 390.Eustis, William (1753-1825), American secretary for War. On Canada as an easy conquest, 3 201.Evangelical Association. Founded by JacobAlbright (1807), 11 399.Evans, Francis ( 1800-58). Anglican clergymanat Woodhouse, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Evans, James. His system of writing forIndians adapted by Morice, 11 178.Evans, Samuel, U.S.N., captain of the Charlestown.Killed in naval engagement, 13222-a,Evans, Thomas (d. 1813), major. Reconnoitres Lewiston, 3 229.Evans, William (1786-1857). Publisher ofCanadian Agricultural Journal, 16 522.Evans, Lieut., of the 28th Regiment. Accusedof <strong>com</strong>plicity in Walker outrage, 3 36.Evaniurel, Frangois Eugene Alfred (d. 1908).Minister without portfolio in Ontario cabinet(1905), 17 184.Evarts, William Maxwell (1818-1901), UnitedStates secretary of state. On Britishfisheries regulation, 8 697.Everard, Thomas, captain R.N. His successfulraid on Lake Champlain, 3 246-7.Everett, Edward (1794-1865), United Statesminister at London. And fishing rights inBay of Fundy, 8 689-90 ;favours reciprocityin fisheries, 5 241.Evergreen City. Steamboat on Collingwood-Chicago route, 10 546.Everitt, John Signs loyalist petition (1787),17 39.Ewart, J. B. Imports Ayrshire cattle, 7658.Ewen, Alexander. Builds salmon cannery onFraser River (1876), 22 467.Ewing, William. Founds first CongregationalChurch in Winnipeg, 11 383.Exchange Bank of Montreal. Its failure, 10642.Experiment. (1) Sent on expedition to NorthPacific (1786), 21 30-1. (2) Lake Ontariosteamboat, 10 499.Factories, Shops, and Mines Acts (provincial),9 348-9.Fafard, Louis Ad61ard (1850-85). Slain atFrog Lake massacre, 11 170.Fagundez, Joao Alvarez. See Alvarez.Fairbanks, Charles Warren (b. 1852), of Indiana.Member of Joint High Commission, 6 135.Fairfleld, John (1797-1847), governor of Maine.Restrained by General Winfield Scott, 13203.Fairmount. Lakes freighter, 10 556.Fairweather, Miss. Presbyterian missionaryin Formosa, 11 281.Pointe Chene route, 10 563.Fairy Queen. Steamerduon Summerside andFaith. Lake war vessel (1782), 10 488.

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