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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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SL JOHN FISHER COLLEGE LIBRAfEUard, 0. Hudson s Bay Company officer atFort Yale, 21 127 n.Ellenborough, Edward Law, first Baron (1750-1818). Attacks Durham s Ordinance ofJune 28, 1838, 4 398.Ellice, Alexander. Seigneur of Beauharnois,15 158.Ellice, Edward (1781-1863). Favours union ofLower and Upper Canada, 3 295 ;306.Elliott, Andrew Charles, premier of BritishColumbia (1876-78). Declines to placateRoman Catholics on School Bill, 22 430 ;his limitations, 21 201-2; 197, 198.Elliott, H. W. Reports on the seal, 22 476.Elliott, Jesse Duncan (1782-1845), Americannaval officer. His cutting-out exploit atFort Erie, 3 228.Elliott, Matthew, lieutenant-colonel (d. 1814).Official of Indian department, 4 712.Elliott, William (b. 1863). Member of executive of North-West Territories, 19 250.Ellis, Philip William (b. 1856). Member inNiagara Falls Power Commission, 18 477.Ellis, William (d. 1795). Anglican incumbentat Windsor, N.S. (1775), 11 205.Ellison, Price (b. 1862). Holds portfolios inBritish Columbia cabinet, 21 <strong>23</strong>3.Elms, Rossington. Anglican clergyman atBeverley (1826), 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Elmsley, John (1762-1805), chief justice ofUpper Canada (1796-1802). Member ofexecutive council of Upper Canada, 3 355.Elmsley, John, and the debt on Toronto RomanCatholic Cathedral, 11 60.Elwyn, Thomas. Stipendiary magistrate atLillooet, British Columbia, 21 148 n.Elyot, Hugh. Merchant of Bristol, 1 24.Emard, Joseph Medard (b. 1853). First RomanCatholic bishop of Valleyfield, 11 90.Emerald. Lake Erie steamboat, 10 501.Emerillon. One of Jacques Carder s ships,1 36, 37, 38.Emerson and North-Western Railway. Charterdisallowed and re-enacted by province, 19119.Emigration from Canada to Great Britain andSouth Africa. Outward and inward flow,9 195.Emigration from United Kingdom. JohnBurns s statement on (1911), 6 198-9.Emigration to United States. Its effect on shipping on the Great Lakes after 1825, 10 501-2 ;effect of free land grants in the sixties, 9111;volume and causes (1860-81), 113-14, 7 520 ;increase in Canadian-born residents (1870-80), 521 ; proportion of natives of CanadaEricsson, Leif.resident in United States (1890), 9 152 ;increase in number of Canadian residents(1880-1910), 196; numbers of Canadianresidents in United States, (1850-1900) 7 521,(1881-90) 522, (1891-1900) 5<strong>23</strong>-4, 9 195;chief drain on Canada s population, 7 527-30 ;racial statistics (1901-10) with deductions,529-30 ; from Prince Edward Island, 13 374.Emigration to United States, French-Canadian.Movement from 1840 to 1849, 16 518 ;organizations in New England and EasternStates, 15 106-7 ; colonization measures asGENERAL INDEX 57a remedy, 107, 175-6 ; its economic causes,107-8, 175-6 ;estimated numbers outsideof Quebec, 108 ;their numbers in UnitedStates, 108 ;the danger of absorption, 116-117.Emmanuel College, Saskatoon (Anglican), 11243, 20 467.Emmerson, Henry Robert (b. 1853). Premierof New Brunswick (1897-1900), 14 431.Employers Liability Act (Quebec) of 1909, 9355.Empress. (1) Ottawa River steamboat, 10 554.(2) Steamer trading from Prince EdwardIsland, 10 563.Empress Of Asia. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 617-18.Empress Of Br tain. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 613.Empress of China. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 616 ; wrecked, 617.Empress Of India. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 616.Empress Of Ireland. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 613.Empress Of Japan. Steamship of CanadianPacific Railway, 10 616 ;its transpacificrecord, 617.Empress of Russia, steamship of CanadianPacific Railway. The vessel described, 10617-18.En censive tenure. See Seigneurial System.England. Desertions at Victoria to the ship,21 93.English immigration in Nova Scotia, 13 113, 130.Ennismore, Township of. Its survey and settlement, 17 83-4.Enos, Roger (1729-1808), American militaryofficer. Turns back from expedition againstQuebec (1775), 3 84.Enterprise. (1) Vessel built at Detroit (1769),10 486. (2) Successful first cruise of Liverpool privateer, 13 221. (3) Sails in Ross sFranklin search expedition, 5 297. (4) Sailsin Coliinson s Franklin search expedition,5 301. (5) Steamer built in British Columbia,10 570.Envelopes. Their first use in Canada, 4 730.Epworth League (Methodist), 11 332.Equal Rights Association. Formed to securedisallowance of Jesuit Estates Bill, 6 107,17 170 ;and preferential tariff, 6 122 ;andManitoba schools question, 124.Erb, Daniel. Trustee of township of Waterloo,1748.Erebus. Ship of Franklin s last expedition,5 295-6.America (.1000), 13 15.Erie and Ontario Railway.His voyage to coast of NorthOpened as a horsetramway from Queenston to Chippawa, 10374.Erie Canal. Diversion of trade due to itsopening, 4 544 ;tolls abolished, 9 160.Erie Packet. Lake Erie vessel, 10 491.Erlander Lake. Hudson s Bay Company postestablished at, 8 915.Ermatinger, Edward. His biography of ColonelTalbot, 12 510.

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