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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESschools, 494-5 ; technical education, 495-7.See also Separate Schools.North- West Territories :early development, 19 151-5 ; provision made for separateschool system, 152 ; public school systemestablished, 153 ; pioneer school districts,153-4 ;obstacles to progress, 154 ; North-West Council s standing <strong>com</strong>mittee (1885),154 ;Board of Education, 154-5 ; schoolstatistics and grants (1886-1904), 155 ;increased expenditure due to immigration,252 ;schools in operation (1901, 1902, 1903,1904), 263 n.British Colutribia : Vancouver Island :rates paid for boarders to first teacher, 21106 first ; appropriations, 106 ;first teachersand schools, 22 401-4 ; Cridge s report(1861), 404-7 ; private schools in Victoriaand their courses of study, 407-8 ;SchoolsAct of 1865, 408-9 ; first meeting of Board ofEducation (1865), 410; donation of schoolreserves and sites, 410 ;first contract forschool books, 410; school estimates (1866),410-11; crippled finances (1866), 411;discontinuance of free schools (1867), 417 ;repeal of act, 418. First school on mainlandand its teachers, 411-12 ;its heavy fees andabsence of proper text-books, 412 ;firstschool non-sectarian, 413; government grants(1864, 1865, 1866), 413 ;school ordinance of1869, 418-19; arrears of salary (1869),419-20 ;inefficient administration, 420-1 ;statistics for 1869, 421 ; public schoolsof Victoria closed (1870-72), 422; schoolsuperintendent s first report (1872), 425-6 ;Schools Act of 1872, 422-4 ;first board, 424 ;salaries of teachers, (1872) 426, (1878) 431 ;failure of central boarding school experiment at Cache Creek, 426-8 ; Schools Actof 1872 amended (1873, 1876), 428, 429 ;superintendent s report on school underconstruction at Victoria, 429 ;first <strong>com</strong>petitive high school entrance examination,429 ;Roman Catholic hostility to SchoolTax Act of 1876, 430 ; expenditures, enrolments, and attendances (1872 and 1878),431 ;Public School Act of 1879, 431-2 ;burden as between province and municipalities, 432-3 ; secondary education, 433-4 ;Vancouver normal school, 434 ; schoolinspection, 434 free text-book; system andits cost, 434 ;attendance and cost of publicschools (1873-1911), 435-6; extension oflocal control, 356-7 ; university affiliations,438 ; Royal Institution for Advancement ofLearning, 438.See under individual names of schools,colleges, and universities.Edward VH (1841-1910). Visits St John, 13177 ;at Montreal, 12 656.Edwardsburgh, Township of. Its settlement,1725.Egmont, John Perceval, second Earl of (1711-70). His scheme for settlement of PrinceEdward Island, 13 339-42, 14 495-6 ; signatories to his memorial, 13 341 refuses ;proffered grant of a parish, 343 ; grants madeto his associates, 343.Egremont, Sir Charles Wyndham, second Earlof (i7iO-63), secretary of state for SouthernDepartment (1761-63). And establishmentof a Roman Catholic hierarchy in Canada,11 14.Egyptian. Canadian Navigation Company ssteamboat, 10 539.Eighth Regiment (King s Own). Detachmentof, lost on the Ontario (1780), 10 487-8 ;inCanada during War of 1812, 3 209 ;at StoneyCreek, 241 at ; Chippawa, 255 at; Lundy sLane, 257-8 ;disbanded soldiers formmilitary settlement on St John River, 13191.Eightieth Regiment. Detachment of, ambushedat Devil s Hole, 3 67.Eighty-fourth Regiment. See Royal HighlandEmigrants.Eighty-ninth Regiment. At battle of Chrystlers Farm, 3 250.Eighty-second Regiment. Scottish lowlandregiment sent to Nova Scotia, 13 225.Elder, Dempster and Company. Acquire BeaverLine and afterwards sell to Canadian PacificRailway, 10 612; 616.Electric Reduction Company, Limited, Buckingham, P.Q., 16 589.Elevators, grain, in Prairie Provinces. Agitation for government control, 20 318-19 ;report of <strong>com</strong>mission on, 319-20 ;methodsof solution, 337-8 ; provincial ownership,19 132-3 ; grain <strong>com</strong>mission appointed tooperate, 20 320-1 ;under lease to <strong>com</strong>panies,19 133, 20 319, 320, 563-4, 574 ;numberand capacity, 318 ; proposed establishmentof grain sampling market, 318.Elgin, James Bruce, eighth Earl of (1811-63),governor of Canada (1847-54). His administration, 5 48-76 ;an eminent Peelite,48-90 ; problem awaiting his solution, 49-50 ;a turning-point in Canadian history, 51-4 ;and Rebellion Losses Bill, 55-8 ;insulted atMontreal, 57, 58-60 ;conciliates French-Canadian feeling, 58 ;balances French andBritish claims, 89 ;his rebuke to Lord JohnRussell, 67 ; and control over civil list, 132 ;his popularity in United States, 74-6 his;influence in securing reciprocity, 75, <strong>23</strong>7-8,242-3 ;on abuse of power in United States,130-1 ;his services summed up, 76 ;development of responsible government under,118-27 ;his interest in agriculture, 18 563.Edwards, John. Baptist preacher in Clarence, Eliott, Adam. Anglican clergyman itineratingOnt. (1822), 11 362; recruits Baptists in in Upper Canada, 11 224.Great Britain, 364.Eliza Anderson. Steamer constructed inEdwards, William Cameron (b. 1844), member British Columbia, 10 570.of Dominion Senate. On Quebec s pre Elizabeth. (1) One of Drake s vessels, desertseminence in water-power, 16 544.and returns to England, 21 16. (2)Edwards. Surgeon to Selkirk settlers on RedIts prizecargo sold at Halifax, 13 221.River, 19 21.Elizabethtown. Settlement of, 17 25.

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