Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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54 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES448 ; alleged indifference to education ofFrench Canadians, 448-9 ; Royal GrammarSchools established (1816), 450, 463, 464 ;Royal Institution founded, 450-5 ; assemblyand revenues of Jesuit estates, 450-1 ;sensitiveness of French Roman Catholics onlanguage difficulty, 453-4 ;account of earlyeducation, 455-69 ; pioneer schools andschoolmasters in Beauharnois, Huntingdon,and Chateauguay, 462 ; private schools ofQuebec and Montreal, 463, 465 ; associatedeffort, 465 ; reports of Durham and Buller,465-8 ;French and English education <strong>com</strong>pared, 466-7 ; charge of illiteracy, 467 ;newspapers, 468 ; libraries, 468-9 ;state aidfollowed by paralysis of voluntary effort,470 ;letters of Charles Mondelet, 471-2 ;school law of 1846, 472-3 ; rights of minorities, 473-7 ;Protestant Committee ofCouncil of Public Instruction, 475-6, 491-5 ;unpopularity of rating provisions of act of1846, 477 ; establishment of academies, 478-479 ; effect of employment of American principals and use of American text-books, 479 ;city schools after 1846, 479-82 ; position ofProtestant schools between 1846 and 1867,480; act of 1868, 480-1; protection ofProtestant minority under British NorthAmerica Act, 482-4 ; normal schools, 485-8 ;subsidiary training of teachers, 488-90 ;special teachers, 490 ; disposal of marriagelicence fees, 493 ; relations of Englishsecretaries with successive superintendents,494-5 ;technical education, 500 ; diminishing attendance in rural schools, 500-1 ;Jewsconsidered as Protestants for educationalpurposes, 501.Eastern Townships : early schools, 16 455-460 ;zeal of settlers for education, 456-7,471 ; organization and method of study ofpioneer schools, 457-8 ;district andhigher grade schools, 458-9 ; elementaryschool act of 1829, 459-60 ; first schools forhigher education, 460 ; <strong>com</strong>bination ofsecular school and theological college, 461.See Royal Institution.Nova Scotia its :beginnings, 14 511-15 ;certification of schoolmasters, 513 ; penaltiesagainst papists, 513-14 ; land grants to beinvested in trustees, 514 ; provincial aid forschool at Halifax, 514-15 ; money raisedby lottery for school at Halifax, 515 ;rise of colleges, 515-18 ; plan of Religiousand Literary Institutions formulated (1783),515 ; statistics of independent colleges (1911),519 ; development of <strong>com</strong>mon school system,520-3 ; duty on wine increased for schoolpurposes, 520 ; principal of assessmentauthorized by act of 1811, 522-3 ;firstnormal school opened (1855), 5<strong>23</strong> ;FreeSchool Act of 1864, 524 ;conditions priorto its passing, 13 297-8 ;number of illiterates (1861), 14 524 ; conspectus of educationstatistics (1824-1911), 525, 528-9; financeof public school system, 526-7 ;manualtraining grants, 527 ; re<strong>com</strong>mendations of<strong>com</strong>mittee of assembly on teachers (1838),529 ; increase in female teachers between1865 and 1911, 530 ; teachers salaries (1746,1811, 1832), 530; average annual salariesof teachers (1879-1911), 530; supplementsto teachers salaries, 531 ; teachers annuities,531 ; school inspection, 531 ;district boards,532 ; superintendents of education, 532 ;Council of Public Instruction, 532 ; specialcolleges and schools, 532-5 ; teachers institutes, 535 ; regulations for devotional exercises, 535 ; classification of public schoolpupils (1911),New 536.Brunswick :proportion of femaleteachers, 14 546 ; first grammar school established at St John, 1805, 546 ;erection ofgrammar school authorized in each county(1816), 547 ;work of Anglican missionaries,547 ; power of assessment conferred andwithdrawn, 547 ;account of Madras schools,548-50; schools and enrolment (1844-45),550-1; Board of Education formed (1847),551 ;normal schools established, 551, 552,557 ;allowances to licensed teachers, 551 ;development between 1815 and 1830, 552 ;superintendents of education, 552, 554-5 ;struggle for free schools, 419-20 ; provisionsof School Act of 1871, 420-1, 552-3 ; religiousinstruction, 420 ; separate school questionfails as election issue, 421-2 ;benefits of actof 1871, 422-3 ;its validity challenged andsustained, 4<strong>23</strong>, 553-4 ; <strong>com</strong>promise on religious instruction, 4<strong>23</strong>, 554 ; consolidatedschools, 555 ; pension scheme for teachers,555 ; physical training, 555 ;statistics ofteaching staffs, pupils, and expenditures(1871-1910), 556 ;denominational colleges,557, 558.Prince Edward Island : land grants forschoolmasters (1767), 14 537 ; nationalschool opened in Charlottetown (1821), 537 ;education acts, 537 ;educational andmaterial growth (1837-1912), 537 ;Boardof Education, 538 ; chief superintendents,538 ;school inspection, 538 ;teacherssalaries scheme, 538-9 ; maximum, average,and minimum salaries (1911), 539 ; decreasein enrolments and increase in expenditure(1891-1911), 539; statistical conspectus(1877-1912), 540; annual school meeting,540 school ; year and vacations, 540-1 ;enrolment statistics (1911), 541 ;deaf and blind, 541.provision forOntario (Public Schools): conditions unfavourable at close of eighteenth century,18 277-8 ;Simcoe s educational aims, 278 ;first elementary schools, 278-9 ; licences toteachers (1799), 279; district schools underattached toact of 1807, 279 ; suspicionteachers from United States and theirtext-books, 279 ;the Common School Actof 1816, 279-80; schools created and costper pupil, 280 ;limitations of act, 280-1 ;pioneer schools and schoolmasters, 280-1 ;policy of Anglican exclusiveness, 3 336-7,381 ;attacked in assembly, 18 281, 283, 285 ;Common Schools Act renewed fri 1820, 281 ;School Extension Act of 1824, 283 ;financialobstacles to development, 283-4 ; Buell aCommon School Bill, 283-4 ; report of <strong>com</strong>-

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