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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 53Eaton, Sir John Craig (6. 1875). Opposes re founded by Saint-Vallier, 330-1 ; schools forciprocity, 6 180.boys in district of Quebec, 331-7 ;schools ofEaton, Wyatt (1849-96). Canadian artist, 12 Sulpicians in Montreal, 337-9 ; foundations606, 630.of Charon Brothers, 339-46, 348 ; countryEberts, David MacEwen (&. 1850). Attorneygeneralof British Columbia, 21 221, 226, sons of good families engage in teaching,schools and schoolmasters, 347-50 ; younger228.348-9 ;standard of education as judged byE. B. Osier. Lakes freighter, 10 557.signatures, 350-1 ; education among womenEby, John. Assists Mennonites on the Grand <strong>com</strong>pared with men, 351-3 ;schools of theRiver, 17 48.Ursulines, 353-4 ; boarding school of GeneralEccles Hill. Fenian repulse at, 7 411.Hospital, Quebec, 354-5 ;schools andEclipse (formerly the Commerce). Lake foundations of Congregation of Notre Dame,Ontario steamboat, 10 538.355-9 ; primary schools programme, 359-61 ;Ecole des Hautes Etudes Coinmerciales. Estab technical education, 373-7 ; Jesuits aslished in Montreal, 15 214.teachers of hydrography, 376 ;schools ofEconomic History. See Agriculture ; Currency arts and trades, 377-83 ;Latin schools,and Banking ; Fisheries, Forests and 383-6 ; general conclusions, 392-3.Timber ; Fur Trade ;Labour ;Manufac:Quebec (French) conditions after thetures ; Mining Public;Finance ;Trade and Cession, 16 398-406 ; design to anglicizeTariffs.Canadians, 400 ;inhabitants petition forEcuyer, Simeon, captain. Holds Fort Pitt continuance of work of religious institutions,(1763), 3 64.401-2 ; policy underlying suppression of reEddy, Jonathan. One of the Cumberland ligious orders, 402-3 ;standard of educationrebels, 13 135, 218.of girls <strong>com</strong>pared with boys, 404 ;LatinEddy, Mrs Mary Baker (1821-1910), founder of school founded at Longue Pointe (1767), 405 ;Christian Science. Principles of the move proposal to name it Clarence College, 405 ;ment, 11 394-5.Dorchester s <strong>com</strong>mission of inquiry, 406-7 ;Ede, F. C. V. Animal painter, 12 616.opposition to centralization and establishEdgar, Sir James David ( 1841-99). His mission ment of Protestant university, 406-7 ; destito British Columbia on railway question tute condition of religious societies (1790),and its failure, 6 65, 10 422, 21 188-9 ; and 407 ; opening of schools in Montreal, 407 ;reciprocity, 6 109-10, 9 167.Royal Institution founded, 409 ; elementaryEdgar, Oscar Pelham (6. 1871). Essayist and schools opened, 410 ; colleges founded, 410-reviewer, 12 529.411 ;law of the fabrique schools, 412-13 ;Edge, Guillaume Etienne. At Red River (1818), Montreal school statistics (1825), 413-14 ;11 121 ;establishes school at Pembina, 1<strong>23</strong>, law of 1829, 415 ; Montreal schools in 1837,20 418.415 ;increase of students in Quebec betweenEdge Hill. Colonel Bouquet s victory at, 3 66. 1829 and 1845, 415 ;salaries of teachers inEdmonton. Father La<strong>com</strong>be founds echooi at, 1829, 416; schools of Quebec City (1829),20 478 ;first school election contest, 481-3 ;416 ;act of 1836, 416-17 ;conflict onschool growth, 494, 496 ; the town in 1890, finance, 416 ; first normal schools, 417-18 ;19 170; population (1890, 1901, 1911), 170, the act of 1841, 418-19 ; <strong>com</strong>pulsory school20 327 ; its manufactures (1900, 1910), 328 ; tax, 419-20 ; text-books, 422 ; secondaryreal estate assessment, 401-2 ;business tax, schools founded between 1824 and 1846, 4<strong>23</strong> ;407.separate school system established (1846),Edmonton and Saskatchewan Land Company. 424 ; proposal for a single provincial normalDissatisfaction with grant to, 19 16(5.school (1841), 425-6 ;teachers associationsEdmonton College (Jesuit), 20 498.formed, 426, 430 ; qualifying examinaEdmundson, W. G. Editor of British American tions, 426-7 ; inspection established, 427-8 ;Cultivator, 18 568.normal schools founded, 429-30 ;Council ofEdson, Allan (1846-88). Canadian artist, 12 Public Instruction created (1856), 429;607-8.Journal de V Instruction Publique, 430-1, 439 ;Education. Special Articles :History of,New in teachers retiring fund instituted, 431 ; uniFrance, 16 3<strong>23</strong>-93; French, in Quebec versity and classical colleges founded, 431-5 ;(1763-1913), 397-441 ; English, in Quebec, college and educational periodicals, 436, 439 ;445-501 ;in Nova Scotia, 14511-36 ;in New teaching religious societies, 436-7 ; schoolsBrunswick, 545-58 ; in Prince Edward of arts and manufactures, 437-8 ; work ofIsland, 537-42 ; Public School System in St Jean Baptiste Association, 438 ; schoolsOntario, 18 277-341 ; Secondary and Uni for the afflicted, 438 ;industrial schools andversity Education in Ontario, 345-402 ;in <strong>com</strong>mercial training institutions, 438 ;reManitoba, 20 417-47 ; in Saskatchewan, 451- ligious sisterhoods and normal schools, 438-9 ;474; in Alberta, 477-506; in British Columbia, school inspectors, 439-40 ;teachers certifi22 401-42. New France :pioneer school cates, 440 ; prospects of teaching profession,master of Canada, 2 389 ; education in 440; school attendance (1910-11), 441;France work of Church, 16 3<strong>23</strong>-6 ;Petite solution of racial problem, 441. (English) :Ecole of Jesuits, 329-30 ;work of Laval, First English teacher in Quebec, 446 ; report2 421, 16 330, 332, 334, 354, 377, 378, 381, of Committee of Council on Education, 447-8 ;386, 387, 388, 521 ; elementary school opposition to proposed secular university.

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