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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESDupin, Julien Joseph (6. 1840). Missionarypriest at St Boniface, 11 149.Du Plessis, Paciflcus (d. 1619), Recollet brother.Arrives at Tadoussac, 2 387 ;death of,391.DuplessiS. Pupil at Jesuit College, Quebec,16 368.Du Plessis-Bochard, Guillaume Guillemot,governor of Three Rivers. Slain in anIroquois raid (1652), 15 31.Dupont, Nicolas. Grants land forPointe-aux-Trembles, 16 358.convent atDuport, John, first chief justice of PrinceEdward Island (1770-76). His <strong>com</strong>mission,13 345, 14 503.Dupuy, Claude Thomas, intendant of NewFrance (1726-28). Forbids one Le Chevalierfrom engaging in teaching, 16 349 ; opposesestablishment of Jesuit College at Montreal,385.Dupuys, Zacharie (1608-76), major. SavesFrench colony on Lake Ontario, 1 71.Duquesne, Marquis Abraham (1610-88). Frenchadmiral, 1 263.Duquesne de Menneville, Michel Ange, Marquisde, governor of New France (1752-55). Hisinstructions, 2 373 ;orders forts to be builton Upper Ohio, 1 <strong>23</strong>6.Du Quesnel, Jean Baptiste Prevot (d. 1744).Governor of Louisbourg (1740-44), 1 210.Durell, Philip (d. 1766), British admiral. Sentby Wolfe to block the St Lawrence, 1 279-280.Earl ofDurham, John George Lambton, first(1792-1840), governor of Canada (May 29,1838, to Nov. 1, 1838). SpecialArticle :Lord Durham and Union of Canadas,4 389-418 ;his appointment, 390 ; powersconferred on, 390 ; instructions to, 391 ;his staff, 391-2 his ; reception in Canada,392-3 ;removes difficulties with UnitedStates, 393 ; appoints crown lands <strong>com</strong>mission and enlarges executive council,394 ;the ordinance of June 28, 394-5 ;hisscheme of federal union, 397-8 ;ordinancedisallowed, 398 ; resigns, 399-400 ;his proclamation, 400 ;results of his mission, 400-1 ;authorship of his report, 401 his relations;with French-Canadians, 401 his ; report andits re<strong>com</strong>mendations, 402-5 ;looks for submergence of French-Canadian nationality,403-4, 15 168 ; imperialist as well as liberal,4 404-5 ;on principles of colonial selfgovernment,405 ;warns against attemptsto favour English minority, 5 148 ;on constitutional difficulties of Confederation, 151-152 ;on lack of municipal institutions, 15290-1 ;on education, 16 465-7 ;conclusionson seigneurial tenure, 2 589 ;and the colonialdemagogue, 3 15 ;on absentee proprietorsof Prince Edward Island, 13 365-6 ;on improvident grants in Prince Edward Island,14 499 ;on cause of Rebellion in LowerCanada, 15 105.Durieu, Pierre Paul (1830-99), Roman Catholicbishop of New Westminster (1890-99). Hiswork in British Columbia, 11 145, 147, 162,166, 178, 179, 184.Dutch East India Company. Henry Hudsontakes service with, 1 150-1 ;dividends of(1605-49), 2 465.Dutch Immigration in Canada, 7 564.Button, Robert. Attacked in Strait of Juan deFuca, <strong>23</strong> 35-6.Duval, Edmund Hillyer. Principal of normalschool at St John, 14 551.Du Vernet, Frederick Herbert (6. 1860). Anglican bishop of Caledonia, British Columbia,11 <strong>23</strong>5.Du Vivier, Francois Dupont. Garrison officerat Louisbourg, 1 204 ;sent to France to seekaid, 214 ;his attack on Annapolis Royal(1744), 13 80.Dyde, Samuel Walters (6. 1862), theologian.Principal of Robertson College, Edmonton,20 498.Dyea, Lynn Canal. Made a sub-port of entry,8 933-4.Dymond, Alfred H. Secretary of OntarioAgricultural Commission (1880), 18 572.Dyonnet, Edmond (&. 1859). Landscape andportrait painter, 12 621-2.Eagle. American ship-of-war at Plattsburg,3267.Eagle Lake, Algonquin National Park. Steamerservice on, 10 566.Eagleson, John. First Anglican clergyman inPrince Edward Island, 11 206, 13 338.Eaglet. Sails with Radisson for Hudson Bay,1 162-3, 20 366.Earl Grey. Ice-breaker plying between PrinceEdward Island and mainland, 10 563-4.Earl of Moira. British armed schooner supporting Brock, 3 227.East India Company. Advised to prosecutefur trade, 21 30 ;traders sail under foreignflag to avoid licence from, 32, 34 ;authorizedto send ships direct to Canada, 4 575.Eastern Extension Railway. Aided by NovaScotia, 10 443 ; purchased by Dominion,444.Eastern Steamship Company. Maintains service between St John and Boston, 10 561.Eastern Townships. Origin of first settlers, 16509-11 ; system of land tenure in, 15 148-9,16 510 ;settlement by associations, 510 ;difficulties of survey work, 15 153 ;livestock introduced by loyalists, 7 655-6 ;somepetitioners for grants in, 15 148-50 ;nonloyalistAmerican settlements in, 151-3 ;hardships encountered by colonists, 153-5 ;denial of representation in assembly toEnglish inhabitants, 3 305, 309, 15 163 ;alienations to land <strong>com</strong>panies, 4 513-14, 1587 ; gold deposits of, 16 581-2 ; copperminesin, 583-8; asbestos-mines, 591-2. SeeEducation.Eastern Townships Bank. Chartered (1854-55),5 278 ;reduces paid-up capital, 281.Eastman, Daniel W. (d. 1865). Presbyterianminister in Niagara district (1802), 11 266.Easton, Robert (d. 1831). Presbyterian ministerin Montreal (1804), 11 266.Eastwood and Co. Publishers of BritishAmerican Cultivator, 18 568.

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