Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXDudley, Thomas (1576-1652), governor ofMassachusetts. His interview with FatherDruillettes, 2 333.Dudley Island. Surveyed and sold by authorities of Massachusetts, 8 769, 770.Dudouyt, Abbe. Laval s agent in France, 2422.Dufaux, Francois-Xavier (1752-96), Sulpician.Missionary at Sandwich (1784), 11 24, 25.Duff, James Stoddart (b. 1856). Minister ofAgriculture of Ontario, 17 <strong>23</strong>2 n., 18 581.Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple HamiltonBlackwood, Marquess of (1826-1902), goverHis <strong>com</strong>nor-general of Canada (1872-78).mutation of sentences on Kiel and Lepine,6 43, 45, 19 106 ;on the Scott tragedy, 87,89 and n. ;on Kiel s assumption of authority,6 39-40 ;and constitutional aspect of PacificScandal, 15 184 ;intervenes in BritishColumbia railway dispute, 6 66, 21 198-200 ;and the secession address, 199 ; replies tothreats of separation, 199 ;his visit to Manitoba, 19 108-9 ;and description of theprovince, 10 ; suggests formation of NiagaraFalls Park Commission, 17 <strong>23</strong>5.Duffleld, William Ward (b. 18<strong>23</strong>). AlaskaConvention <strong>com</strong>missioner (1892), 8 933.Dugas, Azarie (b. 1852). Protonotary-apostolicof St Boniface, 11 188.Dugas, George (b. 1833). Parish priest of StBoniface, 11 163, 20 421 ;member of firstBoard of Education of Manitoba, 427.Dugas, Joseph (1738-18<strong>23</strong>). Pioneer Acadiansettler of Clare, 13 116.Duhamel, Joseph Thomas (1841-1909), RomanCatholic bishop of Ottawa (1874-86). Archbishop, 11 69.Duke Of Kent. Ship built at Kingston, 10 492.Dulhut, Daniel Greysolon (1640-1710). His lifeand explorations, 1 104-6, 112.Dulieux, Professor. On iron sands of Gulfof St Lawrence, 16 578.Dumas, the Sieur. Stays British advance atCote d Abraham, 1 304.Dumfries, Township of. Its settlement, 17 69.Dummer, Township of. Its survey and settlement, 17 82.Dumont, Gabriel (1838-1906). Kiel s adjutantin North-West Rebellion, 6 101, 11 169, 170his military skill, 19 208, 210-11 ;his escape,111.Dumoulin, Severe. Priest of Red Rivermission, 11 121, 1<strong>23</strong>, 20 418 ;woundedby an Indian, 11 126 ;returns to Quebec,125.Dunbar, David. Surveyor of woods in NovaScotia, 13 78.Dunbar, F. A. Canadian sculptor, 12 633.Dunbar, Ulric Stonewall Jackson (b. 1862).Canadian sculptor, 12 634.Duncan, Captain Charles. His visits to northwest coast of America (1787, 1788), 21 37.Duncan, Norman (b. 1871). His life andliterary works, 12 556-7.Duncan, Richd. Signs loyalist petition (1787),1739.Duncan, Sara Jeannette. See Cotes, MrsEverard.Duncan, William. Anglican missionary mBritish Columbia and Alaska, 11 <strong>23</strong>4-5.Dun<strong>com</strong>be, Charles (1792-1867). Chairman ofEducation Commission, 18 286 his ; part inrebellion in Upper Canada, 3 367, 7 388.Dundas, Adam D., lieutenant R.N. On proposed grant of Vancouver Island to Hudson sBay Company, 21 83-5.Dundas, Henry, first Viscount Melville (1742-1811), secretary for War and the Colonies(1794-1801). On Simcoe s selection ofLondon as capital, 3 176 ; reproves Dorchester, 149-50.Dundas, Thomas, colonel. On old inhabitantsof New Brunswick, 13 172 ; adjusts loyalistclaims, 172, 17 27.Dundas Street. Surveys and conditions ofgrants on, 3 177, 10 360.Dundonald, Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton-Cochrane,twelfth Earl of (6. 1852),<strong>com</strong>mands militia in Canada (1902-4). Hisscheme of militia reorganization, 6 151, 7445-7, 468 ;his dismissal and its causes,6 152, 7 443-4 ; reforms effected by, 447-8.Duudurn. Lakes freighter, 10 553.Dunham, Township of. Grant of, 4 560.Dunkin, Christopher (1811-81). Opposes Confederation, 5 97-8 ;refuses to accept officeunder Joseph Cauchon, 15 172 ; provincialtreasurer of Quebec, 172 ; on Council ofPublic Instruction, 16 491.Dunlop, John. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Dunlop, William ( Tiger ),1792-1848. At thenaming of Guelph, 17 89-90.At the relief of Majebigwa-Dunlop, Colonel.duce, 13 226.Dunmore. Lake war vessel, 10 488.Dunn, Andrew Hunter (1839-1914).Anglicanbishop of Quebec (1892-1914), 11 220.Dunn, John Henry (d. 1854). Member ofexecutive council of Upper Canada, 3 354 ;receiver-general of United Canada, 5 165.Dunn, Oscar (1845-85). French-Canadianchronicler, 12 487-8, 16 430.Dunn, Thomas (1731-1817). Acting receivergeneralof Quebec, 4 493 ;on first executiveof Lower Canada, 3 141 ; granted townshipof Dunham, 4 560 ; administrator, 3 158.Dunn and Co. Granted monopoly of Indiantrade, 4 524.Dunsmuir, James (b. 1851), premier of BritishColumbia (1900-2). Born at Fort Vancouver, 21 122 ; premier, 226, 227 ; imposesa tax on coal, 22 375 ; prepares the casefor better terms, 21 <strong>23</strong>4-5 ; lieutenantgovernor,<strong>23</strong>7.Dunsmuir, Robert (d. 1 889). Arrives at Victoria(1851), 21 122; develops Nanaimo coal-mines,122-3 constructs ; railway on VancouverIsland, 211 ; president of the council, 215.Duntze, Captain. Reports on coal of Vancouver Island, 21 88-9.Dunwich, Township of. Granted to ThomasTalbot, 17 61 ; settled by Scottish Highlanders, 63.Duon, John (1680-1746). Rent-gatherer forAnnapolis River district, 13 75.

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