Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESDouville, Francis. Norman immigrant onPrince Edward Island, 13 312.Dove. (1) Barque built at Yarmouth, 10 581.(2) Lake Ontario schooner, 10 493.Bowling, D. B. On coal resources of Canada,22 557-8.Dowling, Edward. Member of Sydenham spostal <strong>com</strong>mission, 4 756.Dowling, Thomas Joseph (6. 1840). RomanCatholic bishop of Hamilton, 11 57.Downie, George, captain R.N, Goaded intopremature action at Plattsburg, 3 265-6 ;killed in action, 267.Dowton, William (1764-1851), actor. Appearsin Montreal, 12 655.Drago, Luis M. Member of Hague Tribunal,8 708, 716, 721.Drake, Sir Francis (c. 1540-96). His explorations in North Pacific, 8 846, 21 15-17.Drake, Montague William Tyrwhitt (d. 1908).Member of Board of Education, BritishColumbia, 22 424 ; president of council, 21209.Draper, William Henry (1801-77). Attorneygeneralof Upper Canada, 4 414 ;his withdrawal suggested, 5 19 ; paves the way forcabinet reconstruction, 33 ;declines professorship in King s College, 18 364 ; appointed to provisional council, 5 42 ;bidsfor French-Canadian support, 43, 89 ;hisuniversity bills, 18 368-9 ;and a centralizeduniversity, 369-70 ; retires, 5 50 ; 19 60,21 125.Drawback Act (American). Provisions of the,5 214, 215.Drayton, Sir Henry Lumley. Chief railway<strong>com</strong>missioner of Canada, 6 151.Drew, Andrew. His seizure of the Caroline,3 366.Driver. Ship on which Governor Blanshardsailed to Victoria, 21 90.Droit de chasse ; droit de peche ; droit deseigneur ; droit de justice. See SeigneurialSystem.Drucour, Augustin de, governor of He Royale(1754-58). His defence of Louisbourg, 12<strong>23</strong>, 226, 267-8 ; signs capitulation, 13 325.Drucoar, Madame de. Her heroism at siege ofLouisbourg, 1 226.Druillettes, Gabriel (1610-81), Jesuit. Hismission in Acadia, 2 407 ;on reciprocity anddefence mission to New England, 332-5 ;incharge of mission at Sault Ste Marie, 181, 102.Drummond, Sir Gordon (1773-1854), presidentand administrator of Upper Canada (1813-15). Captures Fort Niagara, 3 251 ;destroys forts at Oswego, 253 ; strength of hisforces, 254 at ; Kingston, 256 ;at Lundy sLane, 257-9 ; lays siege to Fort Erie, 259-60 ;and protection for Red River settlers, 19 34 ;Bathurst s instructions lead to conflict withLower Canada assembly, 3 281-2.Drummond, J. S., mayor of Victoria. One ofdelegation appointed to present secessionaddress to Lord Dufferin, 21 199.Drummond, Lewis Thomas (1813-82), attorneygeneralfor Lower Canada. His municipalact (1855), 15 294,Drummond, William Henry (1854-1909). Hispoems on the habitant, 12 583.Drummond Mines Company, 14 690.Drury, Charles. First minister of Agricultureof Ontario, 17 <strong>23</strong>2 n., 18 573.Dryad. Diplomatic incident occasioned byrefusal of Russian officer to permit it toenter the Stikine, 8 928-9, 21 68.Dryden, John (1840-1909). Member of OntarioAgricultural Commission, 18 572 ;ministerof Agriculture of Ontario (1890-1905), 17179, <strong>23</strong>2 n., 18 574 ;his services to agriculture, 575.Dual representation. In Dominion parliamentand provincial legislature, 6 <strong>23</strong> ;its abolition,in Ontario, 17 134-5 ; and in British Columbia, 21 184.Dubawnt River, in Mackenzie district, North-West Territories. Crossed by Samuel Hearne,4 673 ; its course, length, and drainage area,22 642 ; copper-bearing rocks of, 059.Dube, Louis, O.M.I, lay brother. Missionaryin the West, 11 134.Dublin. Rodney s ship at siege of Louisbourg,13 100.Dubois, Abbe, boundary <strong>com</strong>missioner (1719),1 191.Dubuc, Joseph (b. 1840). His services inRed River troubles, 11 158 ;member ofprovisional council of North - West, 191 98 ;and of first Board of Education, 20427.Dubuque. French-Canadian settler at La-Prairie-du-Chien, 15 77.Duburon, M., priest. Contributes to PatrioticFund (1799), 15 102.Duburon. Scholar in Jesuit College, Quebec,16 368.Du Calvet, Pierre (d. 1786). Imprisoned byHaldimand, 3 114.Duchambon, Dupont. Acting-governor atLouisbourg, 1 213, 215-16.Ducharme, cure. Founds school at Ste Therese(1825), 164<strong>23</strong>.Ducharme, Dominique (1764-1853). Commands Indians at battle of Beaver Dam, 3243.Duchesnay, Henri Jules Juchereau (1845-87).Imports first centrifugal cream separator,7 663, 16 526.Duchesne, surgeon. Remains after Englishconquest of Quebec (1629), 15 22.Duchesneau, Jacques, intendant of New France(1675-82). Reports English colonies to beno menace to Canada, 2 349-50 ;on thecoureurs de bois, 484 his ; charges againstFrontenac, 15 71 ;on the habitants, 54; <strong>23</strong>47.Duchesneau, Jacques. Prize-winner at JesuitCollege, Quebec (1679), 16 373.Duchess of York. Ottawa River steamboat,10 554.Duck, Simeon (d. 1905). Member of firstlegislative assembly of British Columbia,21 180 ;minister of Finance, 214.Duck. Lake Ontario vessel, 10 494.Duck Lake. Riel s success at, 6 101, 11 170,19 210 ;its effect on the Indians, 7 599.

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