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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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539-45 ;and packet service between Falmouthand Halifax, 733 ;his division ofGENERAL INDEX 49loyalist settlements, 17 39 ;founds agricultural society at Quebec, 16 521 ;and theConstitutional Act, 3 129-30, 18 410 ; appoints honorary members to executive, 4 Douglas, Howard. First chairman of Calgary452 ; objects to system of payment by fees school board, 20 484.and perquisites, 3 146 ; pacific policy of, Douglas, Sir James (1803-77), governor of Vantowards United States, 148-9 ;favours a couver Island (1851-63), governor of Britishfederal and centralizing policy, 145, 181, 4 Columbia (1858-64). Joins North-West445 ;his strained relations with Simcoe, 3143, 144-5 ; disapproves of Simcoe Company, 21 63 ;his secession to Hudson ss plans Bay Company, 63-4 ;constructs Fortfor defence and settlement, 151, 180-1 ; Connolly, 4 690 ; in New Caledonia, 21 69<strong>com</strong>plains of virtual ;supersession by his at Fort Vancouver, 70 his ; expedition tosubordinate, 4 446 his ; provocative speech the Stikine, 69 ;founds Fort Camosunto Indians, 3 149 ; regards Dundas s criti (Victoria), 76-8 ; agrees to provisionalcism as censure and resigns, 150 ;on his government of Oregon, 8 867 ; re<strong>com</strong>mendedreasons for resigning, 151-2 ;sketch of, for governorship of Vancouver Island, 21 86 ;personal qualities, and services, 35, 75, 152, justice of peace, 86 ;member of council, 97 ;15 136.governor, 97 ;his dual position, 98 ;hisDorchester, Ontario. Settled by Scottish one-man rule, 103, 128-9, 132, 136, 160-1,Highlanders, 17 63.164, 22 351-2, 353 ;re<strong>com</strong>mends impositionDoreil, <strong>com</strong>missary of war. Sent on mission of imports duty, 21 105 ; unsympatheticto France (1758), 1 275-6.to representative institutions, 110-11 ;inDoric. Northern Navigation Company s structed to call assembly, 111-12 ; at openfreighter, 10 555.ingDorion, Sir Antoine Aim6 (1818-91). Deof first parliament, 113-15; his Indianpolicy and influence over natives, 7 607-8,feated at election of 1861, 5 82 ; opposes 21 109, 114-15; reconciles antagonistic inConfederation, 6, 97-8 ;and Intercolonial terests, 115-16 ;as road builder, 117, 156-8 ;Railway, 6 30 ;his attitude to Red River governor of British Columbia, 127-8Expedition, 42 ;dis;and the Pacific Scandal, satisfied with his emoluments, 128, 147 ;57 ;minister of Justice (1873-74), 63.assumes authority during gold rush, 133-4,Dosquet, Pierre Hermann (1691-1777). Coad 136-7 his ; mining regulations, 137, 141-2 ;jutor of Quebec (1729-33), 2 431 ; bishop(1733-39), 433, 434; and irremovablepastors, 431-2 ;and teaching of Latin, 16385-6.Doty, John (d. 1841). First Anglican incumbent of Sorel (1784), 11 213, 214.*Double Majority. Its disavowal advised bySir Edmund Head, 5 93 ; principle supportedby John Sandfield Macdonald, 93 ; doctrineof, under the Union, 148-50 ; the questionin Manitoba, 19 109.Double Shuffle. Executed by John A.Macdonald to avoid re-election, 5 91-2 ;attitude of Sir Edmund Head to, 129.Doublet, Captain. Island of St John grantedto (1663), 13 312 ;aided by <strong>com</strong>panies of StMalo, 312.Doucet, Andr (1782-1824).in Nova Scotia, 11 42.Missionary priestDoucet, Father, O.M.I. Missionary priest atSt Boniface, 11 149.Dougall, Lily (b. 1858). Canadian novelist, 12565.Doughty, Arthur George (b. 1860). Dominionarchivist and keeper of the records, 6 335 ;his Siege of Quebec and other works, 12 500.Douglas, David (1798-1834), botanist. VisitsBritish Columbia, 21 133, 22 558.Douglas, George (d. 1894). First principal ofMontreal Wesleyan Theological College, 11336.Douglas, Sir Howard, Bart. (1776-1861), lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick (1824-31). His interest in education and churchextension in New Brunswick, 11 211, 14 552 ;VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>Ifounds college at Fredericton, 13 196, 14557 ; his residence destroyed by fire, 13 197 ;and the Miramichi conflagration, 198 ; hishandling of Madawaska boundary dispute,199.inaugurates colony of British Columbia, 150 ;and troubles with American miners, 151-3 ;disregards instructions to set up an assembly,160 ; his reply to his critics, 161-4, 22 353-4 ;at first meeting of legislative council, 21168-9 ; encourages agriculture, 22 528, 538 ;his land grant policy, 543-4 ; donates sitefor Reformed Episcopal Church, 21 108 ;retirement and closing years, 169 ;sketchof, 63-4, 98-9 ; character and personality,99-102 ;his diffidence and self-depreciation,22 389 ;and relations of master and servant,21 104-5.Douglas, James, captain R.N. A Britishsettler in Quebec, 15 122.Douglas, James (b. 1837). On copper-miningon Eastern Townships, 16 583, 585.Douglas, J. W. And British Columbia secession address, 21 199.Douglas, Stephen. Favours <strong>com</strong>mercial union,9 165.Douglas, William. Commander of the Iphigcnia,21 34 ; arrested at Nootka, 42.Doukhobors. Tenets and history of sect, 7538-40, 11 393 ; persecution and banishmentof, 7 540-1, 11 393 ;first colony settles inCyprus, 393 ; emigrate to Canadian North-West, 7 541-3, 11 393-4 ; qualities as settlers,7 543-5 ; fanatical pilgrimages of, 544-7 ;secessions from, 548 ;conditions of theirgrants, 548 ; their settlements, 19 178, 20305-6 ; awakening to educational needs,460.Douro, Township of. Its early settlers andtheir privations, 17 80-2.

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