Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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35,48 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESDobell, Richard Reid (1837-1902). Minister Iron and Steel Company, 9 260, 14 681 ; itswithout portfolio in Laurier s administration, operations, 9 256-7, 14 681-2.6 131.Dominion Textile Company. Business conDodd, Francis. One of fathers of Confedera solidation, 9 261.tion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Donalda, Madame (PaulineDodds, John, of Montreal. Seveilhac), (6. 1884),Imports Ayrshire vocalist. Native of Province of Quebec,cattle into Canada, 7 658.12 649.Doerfler, Bruno, Benedictine. Establishesperiodical for German Donation Party, first, in Ontario, 1 85.settlers in Manitoba, Dongan, Thomas, afterwards Earl of Limerick11 187 ;first abbot of the West, 195.(1634-1715), governor of New York. HisDoggett, Captain. Founds Liverpool with territorial claims, 2 354 ;demands surrendersettlers from Connecticut (1760), 13 111. of Iroquois chiefs, 356; recalled (1688),Dogiib Indians. Mackenzie s parley with, 4 356 n.675 ;Richardson s description of, 5 299-300. Donnacona, Indian chief of Stadacona. WelBollard (Daulac), Adam, Sieur des Ormeaux <strong>com</strong>es Jacques Cartier, 1 36 ; kidnapped and(1638-60). His defence of the Long Sault, taken to France, 38-9 ;converted and bap2 414, 15 31.tized, 2 380-1.Dollard, William (1789-1851). Koman Catholicbishop of St John Donnelley, Colonel J. J. Fenian leader(1843-51), 11 77.taken at Pembina, 19 102.Dollier de Casson, Francis (1636-1701), Sulpician.Explores lower lakes, 1 82 ;Dontenwill, Augustin (6. 1857). Roman Catholicat bishopLake Nipissing, 85 ; ac<strong>com</strong>panies La of New Westminster (1899-1908), 11Salle 184.on his first expedition, 89-94 ;vicissitudes Doolittle, Luciusof his journey to Sault Ste ( 1800-62). Organizes a collegeMarie, 95-9 ;at Lennoxville (1842-43), 16 498.claims French sovereignty over Lake Erie, Dorchester, Sir Guy Carleton, first Baron96 ; plans Montreal, 15 300 ; and the (1724-1808), governor-in-chief of CanadaLachine-Lake St Pierre Canal, 10 504 ; (1768-78, 1786-96). Wolfe s chief of staffsketch of, 1 87.in campaign of 1759, 1 280, 290, 291 ;Dolphin. (1) Boat employed in Franklin wounded at battle of the Plains, 305expedition of 1825, 4 ; suc683. (2) Lake Ontario ceeds Murray as governor of Quebec, 3 35-6,vessel, 10 494. (3) Lakes steamer (1837), 4 433 calls ; together only certain of the10 538. (4) Canadian sealer, seized by council, 430-1 ; grants lease of iron-mines ofAmerican authorities, 8 731.St Maurice, 529 ; anticipates and preparesDomagaya. Indian youth who ac<strong>com</strong>panied for Revolutionary War, 3 76-9, 15 137 ;Jacques Cartier to France, 1 33 36.&amp;gt;predicts great increase of French population,Dominicans. At Ottawa, 11 69.137-8 ;hostile to an assembly, 138-9 ;onDominion. Dominion Line steamship, 10 608. levelling tendencies of an assembly, 139 ;Dominion Atlantic Railway Company. Oper his treatment of British traders, 142 ; proates part of Intercolonial, 6 327.posesDominion Atlantic Railway Steamship Comto send expedition to Pacific, 4 641-2 ;opposes recruiting for religious orders, 16pany, 10 561-2 ; merged in Canadian Pacific 402-3 ;corrects abuses of magistrates, 3 37 ;Railway, 561 n,favours Quebec Act, 45, 15 100 his ; policyDominion Bank. Established (1869), 10 638. in supporting Quebec Act, 3 76, 15 99, 100,Dominion Coal Company. Its formation and 139, 142-3, 144 ; and the dispositions ofhistory, 14 680-1 ; quarrel between rival French Canadians, 3 77, 107-9, 15 143-4 ;onlabour organizations over its wages schedule, influence of American emissaries on French9 315 ; its refusal to recognize an American Canadians, 3 108 ;his policy encourages raceunion, 315, 333. See also Dominion Steel separation, 15 162-4 ; opposes Indian parCorporation.ticipation in white men s wars, 3 77, 98-9,Dominion Franchise Act (1885). Its provi 100, 4 706 ;at outbreak of Revolutionarysions, 6 98-9 ;obstruction of the measure, 99. War, 3 107 ;tries to raise siege of St Johns,Dominion Grange. Favours policy of protec 82 ;withdraws to Quebec, 82-3 ;his defencetion, 9 140.of Quebec (1775), 85-97 ; strength of hisDominion Graphite Company, 16 593.forces, 85-6 ; assault on fortress, 89-95 ;Dominion Iron and Steamship Company. Coal attempts to close with enemy, 96 ; his treatexports (1911), 10 562.ment of American prisoners, 99 ; enjoinsDominion Iron and Steel Company, 14 395, 681, search for wounded Americans, 99-100 ;his690. See also Dominion Steel Corporation. instructions on establishment of courtsDominion Land Surveyors Intelligence Corps. (1775), 18 514-18 ; selects a Privy Council,Engaged in suppressing North-West Rebel 4 434-5 ;his dismissal of Livius, 3 111-12 ;lion, 7 431, 434.submits plan for incorporation of chambersDominion Line. Formed (1870), 10 608-10; of <strong>com</strong>merce, 4 530-1 ; hostility of Lordnow controlled by White Star Line, 610. George Germain leads to his resignation, 3Dominion Marine Association. Organized by 111-12, 4 531 ; his labours on behalf ofCanadian lake and river lines (1903), 10 557. loyalists, 13 143, 147, 148 ;and boundariesDominion Police. Composition of force, 6 318. of New Brunswick, 8757; his administrativeDominion Steel Corporation. Formed by unionof Dominion Coal Company and Dominion reforms, 3 125-6 ; on racial conflict in council, 4 538; his report on industry (1787),

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