Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 47general of Paris. Chaplain at Fort George, Dickie, R. M. First Presbyterian missionaryNiagara River, 11 26 ; 32.to the Yukon, 11 294.Desjardins Canal, 10 522.Dickinson, Tertuilus. Opposition candidate atDeslandes, Joseph (1696-1742), Jesuit. Pro St John election (1785), 13 164;fessor of hydrography in Jesuit appealsCollege, 16 against sheriff s return, 164-5.376.Dickson, Charles. Member for WestmorlandDesportes. Habitant who remained after Eng County in New Brunswicklish conquest of Quebec assembly (1785),(1629), 15 22.13 163.Destroismaispns, Thomas (1796-1866). Missionary priest at Red Dickson, William (1770-1846). Aids Mennonitesettlement in Waterloo County, 17 48 ;River, 11 124, 20 418.Detroit. Efforts at French settlement, 2 503 ; purchases township of Dumfries, 69 ; namesmissionary priests of (1752-98), 11 24-5 ; township after John Gait, 89 ; sketch of, 70.French retirement on (1759), 1 273 ; Bishop Dieskau, Jean Armand, Baron de (1701-77).de Pontbriand s visit to, 2 439 ; surrendered Defeated and taken prisoner at Lake George,to Captain Campbell, 3 57 ; occupied by 1 243-4.British, 58 ;Indian attacks on, during Digby. Post office opened at (1788), 5 373.Pontiac s War, 59-60, 61-3, 65-6 ;Indiantreaties of peace concluded Digges, Sir Dudley (1583-1639). Merchantat, 68, 69 ; adventurer, 1 151, 155.Indians refuse boundary overtures at, 4 710 ; Digges Island. Named after Sir Dudleyceded to United States under Jay s Treaty, Digges, 1 152 ;Hudson s mutineers slain at,17 17-18 ;retirement of Hull on, 3 221 ;154 ; Button s conflict with Eskimos at, 156 :fall of, in War of 1812, 222-5.153.Detroit. (1) Barclay s flagship at battle of Dignam, Mrs Mary Ella (b. 1860). CanadianLake Erie, 3 244, 245, 10 492. (2) Michigan artist, 12 626-7.Central Railway steamboat, 10 545.Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth (1843-1911),Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad. Commercial British statesman. On municipal instituBank involved in its affairs, 5 290.tions of Ontario, 18 455.Detroit River. Manitou destroyed by Dollier Dillon, John, of Montreal. On spiritual needsand Galin6e at, 1 98.of foreign population in Canada, 11 321.Devil s Hole, near Fort Niagara. British con Dimock, Joseph (d. 1846). Baptist preachervoy massacred inat, 3 67.Maritime Provinces, 11 353.Devlin, Charles Ramsay (1858-1914). Minister Dingley, Nelson (b. 1832). His attitude toof Colonization of Quebec, 15 213 n.reciprocity, 9 166; his tariff causes resentDevona. Dominion Line steamship, 10 615. ment in Canada, 201 ; member of JointDevonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, eighth High Commission, 6 135.Duke of (1833-1908). Opposes Chamber Dinwiddie, Robert (1690-1770), lieutenantgovernorof Virginia. Protests againstlain s tariff reform policy, 6 144.Dewar, John Hunter. Author of De Roberval, French aggressions, 1 <strong>23</strong>6.12 660.Dewar, Peter. His adventurous Dionne, Elisee (d. 1892). Member of Quebecvoyage to government (1882), 15 189.Canada, 15 158-9.Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope (b. 1848). ProDewars, of Chatham. Scottish immigrant vincial librarian of Quebec, 12 460.pioneers on Ottawa River, 15 158-9.Director. Harrison Direct Line steamship,Dewdney, Edgar (1835-1916). Indian <strong>com</strong>mis 10 618.sioner of North-West Territories, 7 601, 621 ; Discovery.on Indian destitution due to (1) Hudson explores Hudson Baydisappearance in, 1 151 its ; subsequent voyages to Hudsonof buffalo, 601 ; lieutenant-governor (1881- Bay, 155-6. (2) Vessel of88), 19 203, 220 Governor Knight s; lieutenant-governor of expedition (1719), 1 195. (3) Sent on exBritish Columbia (1892-97), 21 218.pedition in search of North-West PassageDewdney trail. Its construction (1865), 21 158.De Witt. Michigan Central (1742), 1 197. (4) Ship of Captain Cook sRailway steam expedition to discover North-West Passage,boat, 10 545.21 24, 25, 28, 29. (5) CommandedDewitt, Jacob. A bypromoter of Banque du Vancouver in expeditionPeuple, 4 of 1791, 21 47, 48,631.49, 50, 51.Diana. British frigate at Quebec (1760), 1 310. Disney, Daniel, captain. Tried for <strong>com</strong>plicityDibblee, Frederick (d. 1826). Anglican clergy in Walker outrage, 3 36.man at Woodstock, 11 210.Dixon, George (d.Dick, Thomas. c. 1800), In <strong>com</strong>mand ofCaptain of Lakes steamboat Queen Charlotte, North Pacific trader, 21Gore, 10 500.31.Dick, W. R. Pioneer Baptist at Fort Garry, Doane, J. H. One of fathers of Confederation11 374.in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Dickens, Charles (1812-70), novelist. Appears Dobbs, Alex. T. (b. 1784). Captures Americanin regimental theatricals in Montreal (1842), ships at 12 Fort Erie, 3 260.652.Dobbs, Arthur (1689-1765). His attack onDickey, Arthur Rupert (1854-1900). A Hudson s Bay Company, 1 196 ;and theDominion representative in Manitoba Schools North-West Passage, 197.Conference, 6 126 ; resigns from Bowell Dobbs. Ship sent in search of North-Westministry, 126. Passage (1747), 1 197.

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