Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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46 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESsystem of organization, 13 170-1 ; treating Denys, Nicolas (1598-1688). On the Indians ofon muster days, 171 ; provincial regiments Aoadia, 13 26 ; ac<strong>com</strong>panies de Razilly ssent to Canada during the Rebellion of 1837, expedition, 41-2 ;his fishing colonies and202 ; militia strength and organization grants, 42, 47, 14 564-5 ; on fishing off Grand(1860-66), 14 414, 418-19; Fenian raid of Banks, 562-3 ; exports fish to Oporto, 564 ;1866, 7 420 ; militia system in Prince on blockade and surrender of La Tour s fort,Edward Island, 419-20.13 45 ; dispossessed by Charnisay and reSee Navy, Canadian.sumes possession, 47 ;taken captive by LeDelafleld, Joseph. Agent in boundary <strong>com</strong> Borgne, 48 ; visits France and obtains conmission, 8 828.firmation of his grant, 48 ;abandons hisDelaney, Patrick. Editor of Journal de VInstruction publique, 16 430.Delaune, William, captain. Reconnoitres withWolfe, 1 291 ;in <strong>com</strong>mand of first men toclimb the Heights, 297.Delawares. Warlike attitude of, in 1761, 3 58.Delfosse, Maurice. Umpire in fisheries eompensation<strong>com</strong>mission, 6 69, 8 695.Delorme, Pierre (6. 1831). Member of provisional North-West council, 19 198.Demaray, Pierre Paul. Patriote rescued froma <strong>com</strong>pany of cavalry, 3 632.Demers, Modeste (1809-71), Roman Catholicbishop of Vancouver (1847-71). His missionary labours, 11 128, 131, 144; invitesthe Oblates, 145.Denaut, Pierre (1743-1806), Roman Catholicbishop of Quebec (1797-1806). Anticipatestrouble from grant of representative institutions, 3 165 ; opposes Royal Institution,11 37 ; his visitations, 37 ;and officialrecognition, 37 ;his interest in NicoletCollege, 16 410 ; 11 34.Denes, Indian tribe. Their territory, 11 116.Denison, George Taylor (b. 1839). SupportsCanada First movement, 6 70 ; organizescounter-movement to <strong>com</strong>mercial union,110 ;and the Metis claims, 100-1.Dennis, Captain (afterwards Sir James). AtQueenston Heights, 3 229-30, <strong>23</strong>2 ; wounded,<strong>23</strong>3 ; delays Wilkinson s advance, 249.Dennis, John Stoughton (1820-85). Beginssurveys at Red River, 19 69 ;interviewedby Riel, 6 34 ;deforced by Metis, 19 69 ;stakes out appropriations for himself, 11 151 ;<strong>com</strong>missioned to raise troops, 154 ; supportsclaims of Metis, 6 100 ;his forecast ofproductive areas of North-West, 19 156 ;originates system of surveys for North-West, 158, 196.Dennis, Joseph. Builder of the Canada (1826),10 498.Denonville, Jacques Rene de Brisay, Marquisde (1653-1727), governor of New France(1685-89). Aids educational work, 16 379-80 ;his plan for creation of manufactures, 380 ;sends expedition to Hudson Bay, 1 177 ;rebuked for deporting undesirables, 2 353 ;proposes purchase of colony of New York,355 ;wants no more noblemen in NewFrance, 15 52 ; treacherously seizes Iroquoischiefs, 2 355-6.Dent, John Charles (1841-88). His historicaland biographical works, 12 498-9.Denys de Pronsac, Richard, son of NicolasDenys. Makes grants in Acadia for missionary purposes, 13 50 ; his settlement onthe Miramichi, 59.settlements, 48-9 ;returns to France, 50 ;his Description Geographique, 50, 16 555 ; onthe coal within his grant, 14 672 ; givenright to exact duties on plaister (gypsum)and coal, 672.Derby, Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley, fourteenth Earl of (1799-1869), secretaryWar forand the Colonies (1841-45). Appoints<strong>com</strong>mittee of investigation into the Canadianquestion, 3 319-20 ;advises Bagot to recognize no distinctions of race or creed or party,5 32, 110-11 ; opposed to Bagot s policy,35-6 ;and governor-general s supremacy incolonial constitution, 112-13; defines government s policy on American imports passingthrough Canada, 192-3 ; his colonial tradepolicy, 202-3, 196 ; and discrimination byCanada against United Kingdom, 9 175 ;opposes reform of legislative council, 5142.Derby. Selected, and abandoned, as seat ofgovernment for British Columbia, 21 149.Dering. Ship in the fight with d Iberville atHudson Bay, 1 185, 186, 187.Des Barres, Joseph Frederic Wallet (1721-1824),lieutenant-governor of Cape Breton (1784-87). His exaggerated ideas of province, 13<strong>23</strong>1 ; lieutenant-governor of Prince EdwardIsland (1804-12), <strong>23</strong>1 ;and the Island s defences, 361 ;sketch of, <strong>23</strong>0-1 ;his servicesto cartography, <strong>23</strong>1.Des Brisaye, Theophilus. First resident Anglicanclergyman on Prince Edward Island, 11 206.Deschambault- Magazines at, destroyed byMurray, 1 287 ;294.Deschamps, Isaac (1722-1801), first justice ofPrince Edward Island. States number ofinhabitants, 13 326 his ; salary and allowances, 338.Des Chatelets, Juchereau. Granted seignioryof Cap Rouge, 15 27 ; opposes proposed<strong>com</strong>position of council, 2 329.Deserontya, Captain John. Settles loyalforms MohawkIndians at Lachine, 11 221 ;settlement on Bay of Quinte, 17 42.Desgly, Louis Philippe Mariauchaud (1710-88).Roman Catholic coadjutor of Quebec, 11 <strong>23</strong>-4.Des jar dins, Alphonse. Organizes credit cooperation in Quebec, 9 266 ;a Dominionrepresentative in Manitoba Schools Conference, 6 126.Desjard.ns, Louis Joseph (1766-1848). Frenchpriest serving in Maritime Provinces, 11 32,42 ; bequeaths paintings to Canada, 32.Desjardins, Peter. Originator of DesjardinaCanal project, 10 522.Desjardins, Philippe Jean Louis (1753-1833),French refugee priest, afterwards vicar-

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