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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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44 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESDaniel, Antoine (1601-48), Jesuit. At Quebec,2 403 ;his martyrdom, 405, 409.Daniel, Captain, of Dieppe. Dispossesses LordOchiltree at Belaine and founds Frenchsettlement on Cape Breton Island, 13 38-9.Danser, John. Signs Quebec grand jury spresentment (1764), 15 128 ; signs traderspetition, 134 his ; standing, 134.Daphne. Ship sent on punitive expedition toFort Rupert, 21 95 ; 97.Darling, Henry G., major-general. Superintendent-general of Indian department(1826), 4 722.Darling, Henry W. (b. 1847), president ofToronto Board of Trade. A supporter ofreciprocity, 6 109.Dartmouth, N.S. Founded (1750), 13 83;whale fishery prosecuted by Quaker colonyat, 270.inquiry, 3 334, 4 756, 5 340, 17 89.Davidson, T. L. Reports on North-West as amission-field, 11 374.Davidson, William (1740-90). Pioneer settleron the Miramichi, 13 129, 135 ; mast-cutterand lumberman, 139, 14 599, 603 ; electedfor Northumberland County, 13 163.Davidson (Sask.). Description of, in 1904, 19179.Davie, A. E. B. (d. 1889). Provincial secretaryof British Columbia, 21 200 ; attorneygeneral,209 ; premier (1887-89), 215.Davie, Theodore (d. 1898). Premier of BritishColumbia (1892-95), 21 218; and newparliament buildings, 219-20; chief justice,220.Da vies, Benjamin. President of MontrealBaptist College, 11 365.Davies, H. W. (d. 1895). Principal of TorontoNormal School, 18 324.Davies, Sir Louis Henry (b. 1845). Minister ofMarine and Fisheries (1896-1901), 6 131 ;member of Joint High Commission, 135 ;on imperial preference, 9 205.Davignon, Joseph Francois. Patriote rescuedfrom a <strong>com</strong>pany of cavalry, 3 362.Davin, Nicholas Flood (1843-1901). Editor ofRegina Leader, 19 164 ; writes immigration pamphlets, 172; supports lieutenantgovernor,<strong>23</strong>2 ;on Indian education, 7 613.Davis, Edward Pease (b. i860). Member ofsenate of British Columbia University, 22442.Davis, Elihu James (b. 1851). Provincialsecretary of Ontario (1896), 17 179, 200 n. ;minister of Lands, 216 n.Davis, Robert Atkinson. Premier of Manitoba(1874-78), 19 107.Davost, Ambroise (d. 1643), Jesuit. At Quebec,2 403 ; missionary to the Hurons, 404.Dawham, Charles. Canadian sculptor, 12632.Dawn. Steamboat on Toronto-Montreal route,10 541.Dawson, George Mercer (1849-1901 ).On HudDarveau, Jean Edouard (1816-44). His mission son s Bay Company s services to discovery,on Lake Winnipegosis (1841), 11 130; diffi 5 312-13 ;and Alaska boundary, 8 931-2 ;culties encountered by, 132 ; murder of, 132. on agriculture in North-West, 20 587 ; onDauphin, Father, O.M.I. Missionary priest in coal of British Columbia, 22 558-9 ;on somethe North-West, 11 161.gold yields,Dauth, Gaspard (b. 1863). Member 561-2.of British Dawson, Sir John William (1820-99), principalColumbia university site <strong>com</strong>mission, 22 439. of M c Gill University (1855-93). SuperinDautre, Fief of. Granted (1637), 2 325.tendent of education in Nova Scotia, 13 295,Davenport, Margaret. Infant phenomenon 14 5<strong>23</strong> ; principal of Protestant Normalwho appeared in Montreal (1840), 12 656. School, Montreal, 16 486 ;on Council ofDavid J. Adams. Fishing vessel seized by Public Instruction, 491 ; as principal ofCanadian authorities, 8 698.M c Gill, 497 ;sketcn of, 12 525-6.David, Louis Olivier (b. 1840). French- Dawson, Samuel Edward (b. 1833). Author ofCanadian historian and dramatist, 12 460, The St Lawrence Basin and its Border-660.Lands, 12 518-19.Davidson, Andrew Duncan (1853-1916). Land Dawson, Simon James (d. 1902). Plans<strong>com</strong>missioner of Canadian Northern, 10 458. Dawson route from Thunder Bay to RedDavidson, Sir Charles Peers b. 1841). Reports River, 5 314, 19 60, 20 288 ; Indian treatyon Baie des Chaleurs Railway Scandal, 15 <strong>com</strong>missioner, 7 595.203.Day, Charles Dewey (1806-84). Baldwin sDavidson, G. S. Member of first legislativeassembly of North-West attitude to, 5 19 ; <strong>com</strong>missioner in PacificTerritories, 19 2<strong>23</strong>. Scandal, 6 58 ; on Quebec Council of PublicDavidson, John. Member of <strong>com</strong>missions ofInstruction, 16 491.Day, Forshaw (1837-1903). Canadian artist,12 609.Daze, Louis. Frozen to death at St Albert,11 163.Deakin, Alfred (b. 1856), prime minister ofAustralia (1903-4). At Imperial Confer-&quot;ices, 6 190-1, 192, 7 462, 9 212.Deane, Silas (1737-89), American statesmanand diplomatist. Proposes construction ofChambly and Caughnawaga Canals, 10 515,534-5.Deans, George, of Sooke, B.C. Petitions forGovernor Blanshard s retention, 21 121 ;one of fathers of Confederation in BritishColumbia, 171 n. ;1<strong>23</strong>.Deans, James (d. 1905). A pioneer settler ofVancouver Island, 21 1<strong>23</strong>.Dearborn, Henry (175 1-1829), American general.On the Canadian frontier (1812), 3 217 ;capture of York and Fort George, <strong>23</strong>9-40 ;superseded by Wilkinson, 246.Dease, Peter Warren. Hudson s Bay Company agent in New Caledonia, 21 69 ; hisexplorations of the Arctic coast, 4 688-9.Dease Lake. Trading-post established at, 4690, 21 69.at

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