Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXdepartment and, 7 505-6. See also under in tion (1910), 676; cheese factory developdividual names of banks.ment, 9 119, 124, 188, 253; successes ofCurrie, Archibald. Selkirk colonist who evadedexpulsion from Red Canadian cheese makers, 119-20; conditionRiver, 19 33 and n,ofCurrie, Walter. Congregational foreign misbutter-making industry, 253. Quebec :the industry in province, 15 191, 16 525-7 ;sionary, 11 384.butter and cheese factory production (1881-Curry, Silver. His discovery of scheelite ia 1911), 526 ;the cheese of French Canada,Nova Scotia, 14 699.7 659. New Brunswick : 14 664, 665.Curry, Thomas. A pioneer British trader in Prince Edward Island :organization, 7 662,the West, 4 643.670; factory production (1910), 14 660.Curry, Thomas. His discovery of scheelite in Ontario : cheese factories, 18 565-6 ; statisNova Scotia, 14 699.tics (1900, 1910), 578. Manitoba : 20 528-Curtis, Benjamin R. Umpire in boundary 530 ;statistics of dairy products (1912, 1913),<strong>com</strong>pensation arbitration (1863), 8 877.Curtis, H. H. Supervisor of French 324, 529 ; co-operative factories, 7 662, 20teaching 630. Alberta : first cheese factory, 7 662 ;at Montreal, 16 481.value of output, 20 324, 596. Saskatchewan :Curtis, Smith. Minister of Mines of British co-operative creameries, 562, 572-3 ;butterColumbia, 21 225.production (1913), 324. British Columbia :Curzon, Sarah Anne (1833-98). Author of first cheese factory established, 7 662.Laura Secord, 12 587, 660.Daley, Charles. Secretary of first artistsCushing, Elmer. Leader of land settlement society of Ontario, 12 634.association at Shipton, 15 152.Dalhousie, George Ramsay, ninth Earl of (1770-Cushing, William Henry (6. 1852). Minister 1838), governorof Public Works of Nova Scotia (1816-20),of Alberta, 19 275 ; resigna governor of Canada (1820-28). On slowtion of, 277.conveyance of dispatches, 4 737 ;foundsCushings, of Laohute. Loyalist immigrants, Dalhousie College, 13 262-3, 14 516 ;declines15 158.gift from Nova Scotia, 13 267 ;and agriculCustom of Paris. See Seigneurial System.ture, 7 664, 13 265-6 ;introduces AyrshireCut Knife Hill. Colonel Otter repulsed at, 6 cattle, 7 657-8 ;and executive reconstruc102, 11 170 ;number of Indians in the fight, tion, 4 452-3 ;in conflict with Lower Canada7600.assembly, 3 294, 295, 302-3, 4 450; andCutten, George Barton (b. 1874). President Papineau s election as speaker, 471 ;andof Acadia College, 11 358.Glasgow Colonial Society, 11 263 ; joinsCutts, Mrs C. Spurr. Canadian artist, 12 627. with Panet in education scheme, 16 414 ;CuttS, W. Canadian artist, 12 624.sketch of, and services, 3 307-8; 13 261,Cuvillier, Augustin (d. 1849). Witness before 267-8.Canada Committee, 3 306 ;withdrawssupport from Dalhousie. Steamer on upper St Lawrence,Papineau, 312.10 498.Cuyler, Abraham (1742-1810). Ambushed at Dalhousie College. Its foundation and history,Point Pelee, 3 62 in ; charge of necessitous 13 263-4, 14 516-17 ;a hospital during choleraloyalists, 15 145; 148.visitation (1834), 13 282.Cuyler, Cornelius (d. 1807). Loyalist inhabitant Dall, William Healey (b. 1845), United Statesof Montreal, 15 148.Geological Survey. On Alaska boundary,Cypress Hills. Massacre of Indians by Ameri 8 931 ; on habits of the seal, 22 476 and n.can traders at, 20 286.Dallas, Alexander G. (d. 1882). Governor ofRed River, 19 62, 21 154.Dablon, Claude (1619-97), Jesuit. His mission Dalton, J. First to employ horses in theat Sault Ste Marie, 1 80, 81-2, 85, 99 ; Yukon, 22 618.Daly, Sir Dominique (1798-1868). Member ofDurham s special council, 4 392 ;lieutenantgovernorof Prince Edward Island (1854-59),13 369 ; 5 42.superior of Jesuit College, 16 366 ; 1 102,2 407, 16 336.Dacres, Captain J. R. Court-martialled atHalifax, 13 257.Daedalus, H.M.S. On punitive expedition toFort Rupert, 21 94-6.Da-ga-no-we-da. Founder of Five NationsLeague, 4 701.Dairying. Dominion : art of cheesemakingintroduced by United Empire Loyalists, 7659 ; disappearance of home-made cheese,660 ; outlook in the sixties, 660 ; earlycheese factories, 660-1 ; pioneer creameries,661-2 ; centrifugal cream separator, 662-3 ;experimental work, 670 ; winter creameries,670 ; co-operative cheese factories, 670-1 ;cold storage services, 671 ; curing of cheese,672 ; cow-testing movement, 672-3 ; organization of seed division, 673 ; value of cheeseexports (1904), 676; value of milk producDaly, P. Signs loyalist petition (1785), 17 35.Dalzell, James, captain. Ambushed at BloodyRun, 3 65.Dambourges, Lieutenant Francois (1742-98).At defence of Quebec (1775), 3 93-4, 1511.at Chateau-RicherDamours, Francois. Pupilschool (1702), 16 334.Damours, J. A. Editor L477.Dandurand, Damase (b. 1819). First CanadianOblate, 11 163.Dar-lurand, Sister (Grey Nun). Founds convent at St Norbert, 20 420.Danes. Immigration of, 7 565.Danforth Road. Commenced (1801), 4 734.1Action Sociale, 12

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