Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESHearne (1774), 4 646 ; explorers at, 649, 650,679.Cumberland Rebels. Send delegates to Congress, 13 217 ; defeated at Fort Cumberland,218 ; their trial and execution, 218.Camming, Melville (b. 1876). Principal ofTruro Agricultural College, 14 534.Cummings, Samuel. Visits the St John asloyalist agent, 13 142, 143.Cnnard (or Cuenod), Abraham. Father of SirSamuel Cunard, 13 287.Gunard, Henry. Interested in construction ofRoyal William, 10 592.Cunard, Joseph. Interested in construction ofRoyal William, 10 592.Cunard, Sir Samuel (1786-1865), shipowner.Interested in whaling industry, 13 270 ;sawmillerand shipbuilder, 10 585 a ; promoterof Halifax Banking Company and ShubenacadieCanal project, 10 532, 13 269 ;interested in the Royal William, 592 ;securesmail contract between Liverpool and Haliof French paper money, 15 132 ; experimentsin mediums of exchange currency standardsand ratings, 4 600-4 ;demoralization ofsilver currency, 603 ;first attempts toestablish banks, 604-6 ; War of 1812 andfinance, 606-8 ; origin of great charteredbanks, 608-15 ;British government andcurrency reiorm, 616-20 ; paper currency,620-3 ;a plethora of banks, 624-6 ; government regulation of banks, 626-8 ; jointstock bank projects, 629-92 ; <strong>com</strong>mercialcrisis of 1837-38, 632-6 ;lack of currency inNova Scotia, 13 269 ;banks established,269 ;lack of currency in Prince EdwardIsland, 360 ; Sydenham and Canadianbanking, 5 261-4 ; proposed provincial bankof issue, 261, 263 ; new features in bankcharters, 264 ; currency standards, 264-8 ;values of coins fixed by act of 1841, 267 ;circulation of spurious copper coins, 268 ;adverse conditions of exchange, 269 ;noteissuingprivileges, 269-74 ;Peel s Bank Actfax, 5 365, 10 596-7 ; first Cunarders, 598 ;of 1844 as applied to Canada, 269-70 ;his reception at Boston, 598 ;discontinues Savings Banks Regulation Act (1841), 270 ;Halifax as port of call, 600 and n. ;and issue of provincial debentures, 270-1 ;Prince Edward land question, 13 366 ;sketch Hincks s ten resolutions, 271-2 ;the Freeand characteristics, 10 595-6, 13 287.Banking Act, 272-3 ;decimal currency,Canard Line. Its first vessels and their first 274-6 ; changes in currency ratings, 274 ;voyages, 10 597-8 ; beginning of weekly introduction of decimal currency opposed byservice, 599 ;evolution in ship construction, British Treasury, 275-6 ;first shipment of599, 601 ; averse from risks of experiment, decimal coinage, 276 ;banks and specula599-600, 601 ;ceases to make Halifax a port tion, 277-83 ;financial crisis of 1857, 279-of call, 600 ;its fleet, 600-2 ; its agreement 282 ; banks and railway speculation, 277,with British government, 601-2 ; immunity 288-90 ; burglaries in rural districts causefrom accident of, 5 403.increase in deposit accounts, 279 ; attemptCurateau de la Blaiserie (1729-90), Sulpician. toOpens a <strong>com</strong>pel banks to accept notes at par atLatin school at Longue-Pointe, 16 any branch, 279 ; laxity in bank chartering,405.280, 283 ;bank statistics (1850, 1856), 281 ;Curie, J. H. Criticizes gold-fields administra long credits, 282 ; proposed irredeemabletion in the Yukon, 22 610.paper currency, 282 ;Gait and CanadianCurley, General Thomas. Fenian leader banking, 283-8 ;banks and Canadian silver,taken prisoner at Pembina, 19 102.286 ;notable bank failures, 289-91 ;banksCurrency and Banking. Special articles : Cur of Maritime Provinces, 10 628 ;movementrency and Banking, (1760-1841) 4 599-636, for adoption of American system, 627-30 ;(1840-67) 5 261-92; Banking System of Bank Act of 1871 and its decennial reCanada, 10 627-60. New France :Regula visions, 633-5, 640-2, 643-5, 645-6 ;increasestions on currency and exchange, 2 478-80 ; in bank capital (1869-74), 635; discountsdifference of money values between France and deposits (1874), 636 ;<strong>com</strong>mercialand Canada, 478-80 ;difference abolished, failures of 1875, 636 ;new banks estab499 ;wheat made legal tender, 479-80 ; lished, 637-9 ; suspensions and failures, 639 ;special colonial currency (1670), 480 ; proposed banking reforms, 640-1 ; notesSpanish silver currency and its influence in made first charge on bank s securities, 9 116,illicit trading, 485-6 ; ordinances on foreign 10 640-2 ;a series of failures, 642-3 ;Bankcurrency (1681, 1683), 485, 4o6 ;issues of Circulation Redemption Fund, 645 ;incard money, 495-9, 516-21 ; depreciation of adequacy of specie reserves, 644 ; proposedcard money, 497, 522-4 ;its redemption, independent audit of banks, 644, 648-9499 ;use of playing cards as card ;money, functions and powers of Canadian Bankers516; change in coin values (1689), 497-8; Association, 645-6, 649-50 ; expansionoutstanding currency (1713), 498 ;final (1900-13), 646-7; recent disastrous bankstage of paper money, 516-24 ; reorganiza failures, 648-50 ;decimal currency madetion of coinage of France, 515 ;issue of applicable to whole Dominion, 650 ; coinagebons, 516 ;and of ordonnance.s, 517 and n., standard value altered (1910), 650 ;Canadian618-20 ; Murray s estimate of outstanding branch of Royal Mint established (1908),paper currency, 5<strong>23</strong> ;efforts at redemp 650-1 ;silver and bronze coins as legaltion and final discounting of paper money, tender, 651 ;United States coins that are5<strong>23</strong>-4.legal tender, 651 n. ;functions of bankingBritish regime financial situation after the system, 652-60 :; development of bankingConquest, 4 599-600 ; protests against use since Confederation, 9 136, 281 ;Finance

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