Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXCanadianCrawford, Isabella Valancy ( 1 850-87 ).poet, 12 585-7.Crawford, John Willoughby (d. 1875), lieutenantgovernorof Ontario (1873-75), 17 190 n.Crawley,, Edmund Albern (1799-1880). Firstpresident of Acadia College, 11 356, 13 288 ;his non-appointment to Dalhousie College,14 517.Crease, Sir Henry Bering Pellew (d. 1905).First practising barrister in British Columbia,22 394 ; attorney-general, 21 166 and n. ;first puisne judge, 22 392.Credge, C. H. Anglican chaplain at Victoria,11 <strong>23</strong>2.Credit River. Mississaga settlement on, 5 333.Credit Valley Railway. Municipal contributions to, 10 428.Creelman, George Christie (b. 1869). Presidentof Ontario Agricultural College, 18 572.Crees. Prevented from trading with French,1 75 ;their territory, 78, 11 115, 20 286 ;wel<strong>com</strong>e Radisson, 1 79 ;visited by LaVerendryes, 120 ;councils held by, 136 ;Alexander Henry s visit to, 4 644-5 and;Campbell s expedition of 1843, 5 309-10;encountered by Milton and Cheadle, 324-5 ;cessions of territory by, 7 597, 598.Creighton, David (b. 1843). Obstructs OntarioEducation Bill of 1876, 17 153.Creighton, George. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171.Cremazie, Octave (1827-79), poet-bookseller.Father of French-Canadian poetry, 12461-2 ; estimate of his work, 462-3.Crepieul, Francois de (1638-1702). Fatherprefectof Jesuit College, 16 366.Crescent.10 541.Steamer on Montreal-Quebec route,Crespi, Father. Describes Haida Indians, 2120.Cresswell, William N. (1822-88). Canadianartist, 12 608.Crevier, cure. Founds Monnoir College (1853),16 432.Crevier, Dame. Donates Abnakis reserve ofSt Francis, 4 717.Crickmer. Anglican clergyman appointed toBritish Columbia, 21 147-8.Cridge, Edward (1817-1913), bishop of ReformedEpiscopal Church. Arrives at Victoria, 22402 ; conditions of his engagement, 402-3 ;reports on public schools, 404-7 ;tried forecclesiastical offences, 21 107 ; joins ReformedEpiscopal Church, 107 ; sketch of, 106-8.Cridge, Mrs (nde Mary Winnelle). Organizesfirst Sunday School in British Columbia, 22403.Crimean War. Its effect on Canadian trade,5 188 ; neutralization of territory on Pacificduring, 8 929, 21 109 ; agreement violatedby Russia, 8 929 and n.Crinnon, Peter Francis (1838-82). RomanCatholic bishop of Hamilton (1874-82), 11 64.Crocker, Charles (1822-88). And constructionof Vancouver Island railway, 21 211.Crocket, William (b. 1832). Normal schoolprincipal and superintendent of Education,New Brunswick, 14 551, 552, 554, 566.Croft, Henry Holmes. First professor ofchemistry in King s College, Toronto, 18 364 ;sets Bishop Strachan s lawn sleeves on fire,364 ;and Baldwin s university bill of 1843,368, 372-3, 389.Crofton, Major. Sent to Red River duringOregon dispute, 19 56.Croghan, George (1791-1849). Repulses Britishattack on Fort Stephenson, 3 <strong>23</strong>8-9 ; defeated at Michilimackinac, 253.Croke, Sir Alexander (1758-1842), judge of viceadmiralty.Favours religious test, 13 262 ;owner of Studley, 264.Crolo, Catherine. Sister of Notre Dame, Montreal, 2 414, 16 355.Cronyn, Benjamin (1802-71). First Anglicanbishop of Huron (1857-71), 11 224, 225.Crooks, Adam (1827-85). Defeated in Ontarioelections of 1867, 17 110; attorney-general,129, 196 n. ; provincial treasurer, 137, 210 n.;passes the Crooks Act, 149 ; minister ofEducation, 220 n. ;his educational policy,18 319-21, 325-6, 327 ;and bilingual schools,3<strong>23</strong> ; organizes Ontario School of Art, 12635 ; retirement of, 17 164.Crooks, Francis. Builder of the York, 10 491.Cross, Charles Wilson (b. 1872). Attorneygeneralof Alberta, 19 275.Crossen, James. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Crow Indians (probably Beaux Hommes), 1 127.Crow, Robert. His expedition in search ofNorth-West Passage (1737), 1 196.Crowell, Thomas. Free Baptist pioneer inNova Scotia, 11 355.Crowfoot, Indian chief. Negotiates the Blackfeettreaty (1877), 20 291, 19 209.Crowley, Father. Priest in Upper Canada, 1148, 49 ;ministers to Irish immigrants, 17 85.Crown Point, at west side of Lake Champlain.Fort built at, 2 502 ;Johnson s attack on, 1389 ; destroyed by Bourlamaque, 1 274 ;captured by Seth Warner, 3 80 ;Arnold andSullivan at, 97.Crowne, William. Partner with La Tour, 1351.Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira (c. 1796-1848).Assumes <strong>com</strong>mand of Franklin expeditionafter death of leader, 5 296.Cruikshank, William (b. 1848). Canadianartist, 12 611-12, 630.Crymes, John. Captures American privateer(1782), 13 2<strong>23</strong>.Cullen, C. E. Immigration agent of North-West Territories, 19 <strong>23</strong>6.Cullen, Maurice B. (b. 1866). His Newfoundland landscapes and winter scenes, 12 620.Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of (1771-1851). And Talbot s application for a grantin Canada, 17 60.Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of (1721 -65). At Closter-Seven (1757), 1 254.Cumberland. Steamer on Georgian Bay -LakeSuperior route, 10 546.Cumberland Coal and Railway Company. Involved in labour disputes, 14 683.Cumberland House, Hudson s Bay Companypost on Sturgeon Lake. Built by Samuel

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