Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES78, 82 ; on sacrifices made by the priesthood, 464 ; hereditary titles of honour confer right72.of membership, 464 ; voting power ofConnolly, William. Hudson s Bay Companyagent in New Caledonia, 21 69 speaker, 464-5 ; their degradation, 465 ;; father-inlawof Governor Douglas, 99.posed reform in Lower Canada, 466-7 ;unresponsive to public opinion, 466 ; proConnolly and Larkin. Complete graving-dock anomalous position, 467-8 ; <strong>com</strong>position atat Esquimalt, 21 211.Union, 487.Connolly Lake, British Columbia. Hudson s Legislative Assemblies :<strong>com</strong>position, 3Bay Company s station, 21 127 n.133-4 ; membership and electoral districts,Connor, James. Methodist mission teacher in 4 468-9 ; qualifications of electors andAlberta, 20 479.conditions as regards naturalization, 469-70 ;qualification for membership and the eligibility of judges, 3 164, 184, 4 462, 470;payment of members, 470-1 ; speakership,471-3 ; speaker be<strong>com</strong>es leader of majority,473 ; other officers, 473 ; rights, immunities,and privileges, 473-5 ;claim all privileges ofBritish House of Commons, 474-5 ;exercisecontrol over questions relating to own constitution, 476-7 ;claim privilege of determining qualifications of members, 477-8 ;(1791), 2 588 its ; provisions, 588, 3 129-38 ; privileges supported by powers to enforcePitt s defence of, 4 547-8 ;boundaries under, them, 478-9 ;checks on power of expulsion,3 132-3, 134-5, 8 893-5 ; attempt to found 479 ; right of impeachment denied by legiscolonial aristocracy and its failure, 3 130, lative council, 480 ; procedure, 482-3 ;and133, 137, 4 465 ; clergy reserves, 3 133-4 ; money bills, 483 ;members and theirland tenure, 134 ; division of provinces qualifications, etc., at Union, 487 ; power of<strong>com</strong>plicates interprovincial relations, 136-7 ; amending constitution claimed in Lowerits effect on French Canada, 138 ; spheres of Canada, 443.legislative authority, 4 442, 443 ; legislativeauthority, in whom Constitutional Development. Special Articles :vested, 463 ; legislative Constitutional History (1763-1840), 4 421-88 ;restrictions, 464 ; legislative procedure Constitutional Development (1840-67), 5modelled on Great Britain, 482-3 ; conflict 105-62. Under Treaty of Paris and Quebecof legislative and executive authorities, Act (1763-91), 4 421-38; the position in485-6 ; suspension of constitution and 1763, 421-2 ;sources of constitution, 4<strong>23</strong>-4 ;vesting of legislative authority in special boards of departments successively responcouncil, 486-7 ; changes in, under Union, sible for colonial government, 424-5 ; re487 ; <strong>com</strong>position and powers of special lations with crown and imperial parliament,council, 486-7 ; its economic results, 547-9 ;424-7 ; supremacy of crown in appointmentracial conflict under, 548-9 ; aids in pro ofmotion of loyalty in Lower governor and colonial officers, in adminisCanada, 15 101 ; tration, in legislation, in ecclesiastical affairs,causes of its failure, 168.and in defence, 425-6 ; Declaration Act ofCrown and Imperial Parliament under : 1778, 427 ; military government, 427-9 ;ecclesiastical supremacy of crown, 4 439-41 ;civil government established, 429 ; powersexercise of prerogative appropriating crown and duties of governor, 430-3 ; the council,revenue, 441-2 ; hereditary and territorial 433-6 (see under Constitutional Act) ;Durrevenues, 484 ; spheres of legislative autho ham s report, 5 105-7rity, 442-3 ; need for readjust; imperial legislation on matters ment of British theory of colonial autonomy,of local concern, 444.28-9 ;reasons for withholding full autonomy,Governor and lieutenant-governor under : 29, 47-8 ;immature condition of Canadiantheir position and powers, 444-52 ;conflicts politics, 29-30 constitutional ; problem atof authority, 445-8 ; governor s right of Union similar to that in Great Britain inforcing dissolution and its exercise 448-50 ; 1688, 105-7 ; responsible government practidegradation of prerogative of dissolution, cal solution of crisis of 1837, 4 417-18 ;450 ;administration in absence of governor, powers of governor under Union, 5 106 ;451-2.constitution not wholly British, 4 422.Executive Councils :<strong>com</strong>position and Under Sydenham harmony between execu:powers, 452-3 ;relations to legislature and tive and legislature aimed at, 5 108judiciary, 453-4 ;custom;connection between execu of the constitution, 107 ;councillors madetive and legislative councils, 454 ; difficulty of heads of departments, 108 ; governorgenerals office magnified, 108-9 ;breaking connection with the bench, 462-3 ;<strong>com</strong>binescrown expresses intention not to appoint in himself offices of governor and primejudges to either council, 463.minister, 1 10 ; attempt to restrict powerLegislative Councils : difficulty of breaking of self-government, 110. Under Bagot:connection with the bench, 462-3 ;crownexpresses intention not Stanley s instructions, 110-11 ; misgivings ofto appoint judges to home authorities on overtures to French,either council, 463 ; powers and duties, 111 ; effect of governor s failing health on463-8 ; membership and tenure of office, constitutional practice, 112-13. Under Met-Connor, Lieutenant. Commander at FortHughes, 13 139 ; conveys tidings of surrender of Yorktown, 139.Conroy, bishop of Armagh. Inquires intoQuebec university dispute, 11 105.Consolidated Bank. Incorporates other banks,10 638 ;wound up, 638.Constitution (American frigate). Captures twoBritish ships, 3 216, 13 257.Constitutional Act (or Canada Act). Passed

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