Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Commercial Union. See Reciprocity.Commissary. War vessel on Lake Champlain,10 487.Commodore. War vessel on Lake Ontario, 10494.Commodore Barry. Steamer on upper StLawrence, 10 499.Compagnie des Habitans. Takes over tradingmonopoly of Hundred Associates, 2 326-7 ;first employs brandy as an article of exchange, 456-7.Compagnies detachersde la Marine (Louisbourg).Lax discipline of, 1 207-8.Company of Acadia. Carries on the fur trade,13 60.Company of de Caen. Formed by William deCaen and his nephew Emery, 2 319, 451, 1520 ; monopoly cancelled, 2 32 x.Company of de Monts. Formed (1603), 2 317 ;hostile to missions and Indian colonization(1616), 2 389; trading monopoly cancelled,317.Company of Montmorency. Formed by amalgamation of Companies of de Monts and deCaen, 2 319, 390-1 ; trading monopoly cancelled (1622), 319 ; suppressed, 399.Company of New France (Compagnie des CentAssocies). Founded by Richelieu in 1627,2 321, 399, 453, 15 21 ;its duties and privileges, 2 322-4, 399, 453-4, 536, 15 <strong>23</strong>-6 ;itscapital and directorate, 2 454, 15 21 n. ; itsrepresentative character, <strong>23</strong> ;noblemen whoentered <strong>com</strong>pany to retain social rank, 25 ;the policy of Huguenot exclusion, 25-6 ;ships of first expedition captured, 2 324, 454,15 21 ; seigniories granted by, 2 325-6, 536,15 27-8 transfers ; trading monopoly toCompagnie des Habitans, 2 326-7, 456 ; conditions of transfer, 456 ;charter withdrawn(1663), 327, 338, 459, 15 33 ;fails in colonizing, 2 537 ;its losses, 456.Company of Notre Dame de Montreal. Landgrants to (1640), 2 326, 455 ;make overIsland of Montreal to Sulpicians (1663), 415.See Montreal.Company of Rouen and St Malo (Champlain sCompany). Established (1613), 2 318, 450,451 ; opposed to colonization and missionaryenterprise, 318-19, 389 ; absorbed by Company of de Caen, 319, 15 20.Company of the Merchants of London, Discoverers of the North-West Passage. SeeHudson s Bay Company.Company of the North (founded 1682). SeizesEnglish ship in Hudson Strait, 1 176 ;attempts to drive British from Hudson Bay,8 880-1 its ; decline, 1 182, 189 ;its claimunder Treaty of Ryswick, 8 885.Company of the West (Company of Louisianaor the Mississippi Bubble, or Company of theIndies). Takes over trading monopoly(1717), 2 492, 507 ; terms of its charter, 501,508 ; name changed to Company of theIndies (1719), 508 ;controls beaver monopoly till after Conquest, 508 issues ;coppercoinage for colonies, 515 ; and bills of exchange, 521 ; develops ginseng trade, 514-515.GENERAL INDEX 37Company of the West Indies.Charter grantedto (1664), 2 343, 465, 538 ; its duties, obligations, and powers, 343-4, 465-6 ; preventedfrom shipping old men and women to thecolony, 15 37 ; failure and revocation ofgrant, 2 344, 347, 467, 474 ; <strong>com</strong>pensationawarded to, 467 ;condemned by Talon,470-1.Comte, B. Signs Quebec traders petition(1764), 15 134.Conacher, John. Engraver, 12 631.Conciliation Act, Labour (1900), 9 341-2.Conde, Henri de Bourbon, Prince de (1588-1646). Lieutenant-general of New France(1612-20), 1 48, 2 318 ; transfers his privileges, 319, 390.Confederates. Organize raids from Canada, 7406.Confederation. Special Article : Federation :General Outlines (1867-1912), 6 3-11. Failureof the Union, 5 147-55 ; Elgin on its constitutional difficulties, 151-2 ; sources of themovement, 93-4 ;Gait s motion, 94 ; influence of events in United States and of breakdown of party government, 95-6 ; legislativeunion favoured by Macdonald and homegovernment, 153 ;conferences of partyleaders (1864), 96-7 ;union of parties, 97-9 ;request to adopt titlerefused, 161 ;extractKingdom of Canadafrom Quebec resolutions (1864), 7 507-8 ;division of federal andprovincial functions, 5 153 ; residue of powerleft with federal authority, 154-5 ;Monck sproposal regarding bills dealing with education, religion, or trade, 155 ;a daring experiment, 14 384-5 attractive ; power ofDominion parliament, 388 ; position oflieutenant-governor subsequent to, 418 ;<strong>com</strong>position of first ministry under, 6 22.See also Federal Constitution under Government.Confiance. British war vessel on Lake Erie,10 494 ;its masts supplied by Americancontractors, 3 262-3 ;at Plattsburg, 264,265, 267.Conflans, Hubert de Brienne- (1690-1777).Defeated at Quiberon Bay, 1 281.Conge-ca-tha-wha-chaga River. Hearne encounters Copper Indians at, 4 671.Congregationalism. Its principles, 11 379 ;the relationship between religious independency and political democracy, 380 ;inNova Scotia, 381 ;in Quebec, 381-2 ;ZionChurch, Montreal, 382 ;in Ontario and theWest, 382-3 ; Congregational Union formed,383 ;its missionary work, 383.Connaught, H.R.H. Arthur William PatrickAlbert, Duke of (b. 1850), governorgeneralof Canada (1911-16). On wisdomof British colonial policy, 14 442.Connell, Charles. Surveyor-general of NewBrunswick, 14 415.Connolly, Amelia. Wife of Sir James Douglas,21 99.Connolly, John. His appointment to Indiandepartment cancelled, 4 722.Connolly, Louis Thomas (1815-76). RomanCatholic archbishop of Halifax Cl 859-76), 11

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