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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESCoffin, Wm. C. His canal and railway projects,10 377.Coffin, William Foster (1808-78). His historicalwork, 1813: The War and its Moral, 12502.Cogan, Henry. Member of first legislativeassembly of British Columbia, 21 180.Coinage. See Currency and Banking.Colnett, Captain. His visits to Nootka, 21 37 ;Coit, Isaac. Non-loyalist American leader of seizure of his vessel, 43,Land Settlement Association, 15 151-2. Colonel Moody. Steamer constructed in BritishColbert, Jacques Nicholas, coadjutor of Rouen. Columbia, 10 570.Consecrates Saint-Vallier bishop of Quebec, Colonial Association. Urges tariff concessions2 425.to colonies (1842), 5 196.Colonial Bank. Chartered (1856), 5 279;failure of (1859), 284; 280.Colbert, Jean Baptiste (1619-83), minister ofMarine and Colonies (1669-83). Sends dairystock to New France, 7 654 ; suppressesmunicipal institutions, 15 287-8 ;his colonialand trade policy, 1 9, 208, 2 447, 458, 464-5,476, 15 4-5 ;and free trade within theempire, 2 466 his ; policy modified by Talon,470-1 ;and reciprocity with New England,475 ; suppresses Company of New France,537 ;his <strong>com</strong>mission of inquiry, 450-60 ;forms West India Company, 343-4 ;sendsout wives for settlors, 15 41 ;and frenchificationof Indians, 43 ;aims at concentration of settlement, 58-9.Colborne, Sir John, first Baron Seaton (1778-1863), lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada(1828-35). His instructions, 3 338; andrevision of King s College charter, 340 ;education in United States as aregardsdanger, 340 ;on Strachan s political zeal,340-1 ;interested in Indians, 5 332, 333-4,334-5 ;censured for Mackenzie s expulsion,3 345 ;and Family Compact, 348, 350-1 ;receives notice of recall, 351 ;his bitternessand the <strong>com</strong>monagainst Methodists, 18 360 ;schools, 285 ; establishes crown rectories, 11224, 269 ;defeats rebels at St Eustache, 3363 ;his forces, 7 390 ;sketch of, 3 337.Coldwell, George Robson (b. 1858). Ministerof Education of Manitoba, 20 442.Colebrooke, Sir William Macbean George(1787-1870). Lieutenant-governor of NewBrunswick (1841-48), 13 204; cancellationof appointment made by, 205 ;on drawbacksof timber industry, 5 201-2.Colgan, Thomas Patrick. Priest at Ottawa(1842), 11 55.College Ste Anne, Church Point, N.S., 14518.Colleton, Sir Peter. One of the GentlemenAdventurers, 1 162 ; original member ofHudson s Bay Company, 166.Collier, Sir George (1738-95), British viceadmiral.His attack on Machias, 13 225 ;relieves Majebigwaduce, 226-7.Collier, Hon. John. Charged with taking feesthat were oppressive, 13 104-5.Collins, Enos. His success in privateering, 13253 ;one of founders of Halifax BankingCompany, 269.Collins, Francis (1801-34), editor of CanadianFreeman. Family Compact s vindictivenessagainst, 3 338.Collins, John. Surveys for loyalist settlementswest of Cataraqui, 17 <strong>23</strong>.Collinson, Sir John Richard (1811-83). Commands Franklin search expedition (1850-54), 5 301-2.Collinson, Sir Richard (1811-83). His feat innavigation, 5 302-3.Collver, Jabez (d. 1819). Organizes Presbyterianchurches in Norfolk County (1793), 11 266.Aids workColonial Church Society (Anglican).in British Columbia, 21 147-8.Colonial Copper Company. Fails in attempt todevelop copper-mines at Cape d Or, 14 697.Colquhoun, Arthur Hugh Urquhart (b. 1861),deputy minister of Education of Ontario.His educational policy, 18 335.Columbia. (1) Trader on north-west coast, 2137-8, 42. (2) Hudson s Bay Companybarque, 21 104. (3) One of first Cunardsteamships, 10 597 ;wrecked on SableIsland, 598.Columbia and Western Railway. Provincialgrants in aid of, 22 365-6.Columbia Lake, Upper, source of ColumbiaRiver. Reached by David Thompson, 4 666.Columbia River. David Thompson s explorations on, 4 666-9 ; statement of United Statesclaim to, 8 858-9 and n.Columbian College, New Westminster (Methodist), 11 337.Columbian Company. Sends emigrants toSouth America, who finally settle in Guelph,1791.Columbus, Christopher (c. 1446-1506), discoverer.His reception in Spain after discovery ofNew World, 1 17-18.Columbus. Value of wireless demonstrated atwreck of (1909), 10 609-10.Col vile, Andrew, Selkirk s executor. On theRed River enterprise, 19 46.Colvile, Jean, wife of Lord Selkirk. Her interest in Red River Settlement, 19 17.Colville, Lord. Commands squadron in StLawrence (1760), 1 310; extract from hisjournal, 311.Come . Steamboat on Toronto-Montreal route(i852), 10 541.Comingoe, Bruin Romcas (1724-1820). Ordained to Dutch Reformed Church at Lunenburg(1770), 11 2~9.Commerce (afterwards Eclipse}. Lake Ontariosteamboat (1842), 10 538.Commercial Bank of Midland District. Founded(1C31), 4 625; increases its capital, 628, 5278 ; allows interest on deposits, 4 630 ;claims government assistance, 633, 635 ;amended charter disallowed, 5 269 ;causesleading to suspension (1867), 288, 290-1;absorbed by Merchants Bank of Montreal,291 ; 10 637.Commercial Bank of New Brunswick. Chartered (1834), 10 628.

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