Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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34 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESCity Bank of Montreal. Founded (1832), 4 624 ;amends its charter, 5 278 ; amalgamateswith Royal Canadian Bank, 10 638.City of Midland. Steamer on Georgian Bayand Mackinac route, 10 555.City of Montreal. Great Western Railwaysteamboat, 10 546.City of Owen Sound. Steamer on GeorgianBay-Lake Superior route, 10 546.City of Sydney. Steamer on Montreal and StJohn s route, 10 562.City of Toronto. Lake Ontario steamboat(1842), 10 537.City of Winnipeg. Steamer on Georgian Bay-Lake Superior route, 10 546.Civil Service Reform. The <strong>com</strong>mission of 1907,6 164-5.Civil Service Rifles. Raised to repel Fenianraids, 7 407, 412.Clanricarde, Ulick John de Burgh Canning,first Marquis of (1802-76), British postmastergeneral.His scheme of provincial controlof the post office, 5 387-8.Clapp, William H. Canadian figure painter, 126<strong>23</strong>.Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers,fourth Earl of (1800-70). Negotiates unratifiedconvention with United States, 8874.Clark, Alexander. Conductor of Choir of StLouis de France, Montreal, 12 649.Clark, Champ (b. 1850), United States statesman. And annexation of Canada, 8 183.Clark, Dr Daniel. On Riel s mental condition,6 103.Clark, Judson Freeman (b. 1870). Provincialforester of Ontario (1899-1905), 18 597.Clark, Thomas, lieutenant-colonel 2nd LincolnMilitia. At battle of Beaver Dam, 3 243.Clark, William (1770-1838), American explorer.His overland journey to Pacific, 4 658, 668,8 840, 21 55 ;claims based on his discoveries,8 843.Clark, W. F. Editor Canada Farmer, 18 568 ;571.Clark, Sir William Mortimer (b. 1836). Opposesreciprocity, 6 180 ; lieutenant-governor ofOntario (1903-8), 17 190 n.Clark, of Paris. His threshing-mill exhibit atCobourg (1848), 18 563.Clarke, Sir Alured ( 1 7 45- 1 83 2) , lieutenant-governor of Lower Canada (1791-96). InauguratesConstitutional Act, 3141; on racial elementsin first assembly, 143 ;and assembly s privileges, 4 474 ;and land grants (1792), 3 154.Clarke, Charles Kirk (b. 1857). On Riel sexecution, 11 171.Clarke, Henry James (d. 1889). Member ofprovisional council of North-West, 19 198 ;first attorney-general of Manitoba, 19 99, 107.Clarke, Isaac Winslow (d. 1822). Commissarygeneralof Lower Canada, 15 148.Clarke, Lawrence. Member of North-WestCouncil, 19 203 and n.Clarke, Richard (1737-1824). Anglican clergyman at Gagetown, N.B., 11 209.Clarke, Thomas. Owner of township ofDumfries, 17 69.Clarke, Dr, of Norfolk. Introduces firsfc liquorprohibition bill in Ontario (1873), 17 141.Clarke, Township of. Its original grantees, 1744.Claudet, F. Q. Assayer in British Columbia(1859), 21 148 n.Claus, Daniel (1765-1826), Indian agent. Onprojected Indian rising (1775), 3 100; 1742.Claus, William (1763-1826). Deputy superintendent-general of Indian Affairs, 4 722.Clay, Green (1757-1826), American militaryofficer. Moves to join Harrison at FortMeigs, 3 <strong>23</strong>8.Clay, Henry (1777-1852), American statesman.Confident that Canada would be conquered(1812), 3 196 ; signatory to Treaty of Ghent,8771.Clayoquot Sound, on west coast of VancouverIsland. Meares wel<strong>com</strong>ed by Indians at, 2136 ; Gray at, 38.Claypole, H. Teacher in Craigflower School,Victoria, 22 405.Clayton, John Middleton (1796-1856). American secretary of state, 5 <strong>23</strong>8.Clear Grits, 5 64.Clearwater, or Little Athabaska, connectingLake Methye with the Athabaska. PeterPond on, 4 650-1.Cleary, James Vincent (1828-98). RomanCatholic archbishop of Kingston (1889-98),11 56.Clement X (1590-1676), Pope. Establishesdiocese of Quebec (October 1, 1674), 2 420.Clement XIV ( 1 / 05-74). His suppression of theJesuits, 15 195 n.Clement. Ship sent to La Tour s assistance,1344.Clench, Nora. Canadian musician, 12 651.Cleopatra. One of firstLiverpool-Quebecsteamships, 10 604.Clergy Reserves. Created under ConstitutionalAct, 3 133-4 ;Canada Company makes purchases of, 334, 4 515 ; assembly s hostilityto, 3 336-7 ; proposed abandonment of, byBritish government, 351 ;rectories createdand endowed, 352 ; principle of colonialcontrol admitted, 353 ;an impediment toprogress, 381 ; Sydenham s attitude to, 4414-15 ;later history of controversy, 5 60-7,11 225.Clerke, Charles (1741-79), British navigator.Captain of Discov~~y in Captain Cook svoyage of 1776-78, 2i 24 ;<strong>com</strong>mands aftermurder of Captain Cook, 29.Cleveland, Grover (1837-1908), president ofUnited States. His attitude on fisheriesdispute, 9 158 ;and tariff reduction, 163-4.Climate. See Physical Features.Clinkskill, James. Member of first Territorialassembly, 19 2<strong>23</strong>, <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>1 ; joins executive,240 ;and Haultain s school policy, 241.Clinton, George. Member of InternationalWaterways Commission, 6 364, 8 838.Clinton, Sir Henry (1738-95), British <strong>com</strong>mander-in-chiefin North America. Negotiates with Vermont for a change of allegiance,3 115, 4 698.

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