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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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267, 272 ; prohibited from timber lands andmainland coast fisheries, 22 372 ;five objections to, 21 268-9 ;its results, 270-1, 272-3 ;legislation summarized, 211-12.Chiniquy, Charles (1809-99). Parish priest ofBeauport and temperance advocate, 11 97 ;joins Presbyterian Church, 278-9.Chipewyans. Massacre of Eskimos at BloodyFall by, 4 671 ;decimated by disease,22 649; Thibault s mission to, 11 134 ; cedeterritory, 7 598.Chipman, Thomas Handley (1756-1830).Baptist pastor in Maritime Provinces, 11 353.Chipman, Ward (1754-1824), judge of SupremeCourt, New Brunswick. First solicitorgeneralof New Brunswick, 13 153, 167 ;prepares draft charter of St John, 161 ;candidate for St John (1785), 164; opposespayment of members, 173 ; one of Maineboundary agents, 8 759, 772, 784, 786 ;administrator of province, 13 195.Cliipman, Ward (1787-1851), chief justice ofNew Brunswick (1834-51). One of Maineboundary agents, 8 772, 792 ; last judge tosit in legislative council, 13 200 ;his bequest to Anglican Church, 11 211.Chipody. Defeat of Major Frye at (1755), 1396-7.Chippawa. Battle fought at (1814), 3 255 ;occupied during Fenian raid (1866), 7 409.Chippewa. (1) Lakes vessel, 10 486. (2)British ship engaged in battle of Lake Erie,10 492. (3) First Canadian steamboat onLake Erie, 10 501. (4) Toronto-Niagarasteamboat, 10 553.Chippewas, Indian tribe. Incited againstBritish, 3 54 ;and Sir George Simpson, 5318 ;land surrendered by, 4 711, 5 336-7 ;territory and numbers before <strong>com</strong>ing ofwhites, 11 115.Chirikoff, Alexis. His discoveries and explorations in North Pacific, 8 846, 21 40-1.Chirouse, Casimir. Missionary priest in Vancouver Island, 11 145, 147.Chirouse, E. C. Missionary priest in BritishColumbia, 11 165 ;his arrest and imprisonment, 180-1.Cllisholm, John (b. 1800). Missionary priestin Cape Breton Island, 11 73.Chittenden, Thomas (1730-97), governor ofVermont. Negotiates for freedom of tradewith New France, 4 534.Choiseul, Etienne Francois, Due ds (1719-85).Plans invasion of England, 1 269, 8 891.Choke-Cherry Indians, 1 130.Cholera Visitations. In Lower Canada, 3 316,5 207, 11 95 ;in New Brunswick, 13 207-8 ;in Halifax, 282.Choquette, Ernest. French-Canadian novelist,12 476-7.Chouart. See Groseilliers.Chown, Samuel Dwight (b. 1853). Secretaryof Methodist social reform department, 11340.Chretien, the superior of the Hospitallers.Attempts to found normal school at LaRochelle, 16 344 ; his financial imprudence,345.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IGENERAL INDEX 33Christchurch Cathedral, Montreal. A specimen of English-Canadian architecture, 12673.Christian IV of Denmark (1577-1648).Fits outexpedition in search of North-West Passage(1619), 1 157.Christian Brothers. Invited from France, 16421 ;settle in Montreal, 11 88 ;in Quebec,97 ;at St Boniface, 139 ;in Ottawa, 69.Christian Instruction, Institute of Brothers of,16 435.Christian Science. History of the movement,11 394-6.Christie, Alexander, governor of Assiniboia(1833-39). Pacifies the insulted Metis (1834),1953.Christie, David (1818-80). Dominion secretaryof state (1873-74), 6 64; president ofDominion Council of Agriculture, 7 666.Christie, Gabriel (1722-99), British general.One of British pioneer settlers in Quebec,15 122.Christie, John, ensign. Surrenders Fort Presqu-Isle (1763), 3 64.Christie, Napier. British general, 15 122.Christie, Plenderleath. His benefactions, 5 347,11 218.Christie, Robert (1788-1856). Expelled fromLower Canada assembly, 4 479 ;his literaryworks, 12 497-8.Christie, William J. Member of provisionalcouncil of the North-West, 19 198 ; arrangesIndian treaties, 7 597.Christieville, near St Johns. Agriculturalschool for Indians established at, 5 347.Christinaux Lake. See Rainy Lake.Christopher. Lost vessel of Drake s expedition (1577), 21 16.Chrystler s Farm. Engagement fought at(1813), 3 249-50.Church, Benjamin (1639-1718). Raids Frenchsettlements at Chignecto, 13 57-8, 62.Church, Levi Ruggles (d. 1892). Attorneygeneralof Quebec, 15 180.Church Missionary Society (Anglican). Itswork in the West, 11 246.Church of the Children of Peace. Founded byDavid Willson, 17 46-7.Church Society (Anglican). Established inQuebec (1842), 11 220.Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer (b. 1874).Supports free trade, 9 212 his ; plan forinter-Dominion naturalization, 6 198.Churchill. Vessel captured by French atCharlton Island, 1 180.Churchill River. Hudson s Bay Company expedition in (1688), 1 191-2; its length anddrainage area, 9 <strong>23</strong>, 20 543 ; 1 195.Chute, Roger C., of Toronto. Member ofOriental Immigration Commission of 1901,21 266.Chute & Blondeau Canal, 10 517.Cibola. Toronto-Niagara steamboat, destroyedby fire (1895), 10 553.Ciquard. Francois (1750-1824). French priestexpelled by Haldimand, 11 32 ;42.Cistercians. Monasteries founded by, 11 79,81, 90.

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