Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESChastes, Aymar de, governor of Dieppe. Cherrier, Alphonsus Avila (6. 1849). MissionarySends expedition to St Lawrence (1603), 2 priest at Winnipeg, 11 164 ; editor of North-317.West Review, 187.Chateau Bay, entrance to Strait of Belle Isle. Cherriman, J. B. Professor in UniversityCollege, Toronto, 18 386.Jacques Cartier at, 1 28, 33.Chateau-Richer. Schools established at, 16 333,334, 384 ;convent founded at, 357-8.Chateauguay. Reservation for christianizedredskins at, 2 554 ;a school for Indians at(1829), 5 347; Americans defeated at, 3 8,247-9.Chateauguay River. Scottish immigrant andnon-loyalist American settlements on, 15155-8.Chatel, Aimee. Sister of Notre Dame, Montreal, 2 414, 16 335.Chatelain, Pierre (1604-84), Jesuit, 2 408.Chatham, N.B. A shipbuilding centre, 10 585 ;saw-mill owned by Cunards at, 10 585.Chatham. Ship of Vancouver s expedition of1791, 21 47, 48, 49, 51.Chatillon, Henry. French voyageur describedby Parkman, 15 75.Chatique (or The Pelican), Indian chief.Exacts tribute from Alexander Henry, 4645-6.Chauffeurs, Louis d Amours, Sieur de (1655-1708). Founds settlement at Richibuoto, 1369 ; receives grant in Acadia, 59 ,erects firste aw- mill in New Brunswick, 59, 14 602.Chaumonot, Father F. Requested to chastiseHuron children, 16 336.Chaumonot, Pierre Joseph Marie (1611-93).Jesuit missionary, 1 65, 2 407, 408 ;hisdictionary of the Neutral language, 1 67.Chauncey, Isaac (1772-1840), American navalofficer. In the campaign of 1812, 3 218 ;at the capture of York and Fort George,<strong>23</strong>9-40; 256.Chaussegros de Lery, Gaspard (1682-1756),French civil engineer. On Lake St Pierre-Lachine Canal, 10 504.Chauveau, Pierre Joseph Olivier (1820-90),premier of Quebec (1867-73). His work assuperintendent of Public Instruction ofQuebec, 16 428, 429, 430, 431 ; primeminister, 15 173 ;measures passed andworks promoted by, 173-7 ; president ofSenate, 177 ;his literary works, 12 472, 484,488 ;as orator, writer, and educationist, 15173.Chauvigny de Berchereau, Frangois (d. 1651).Nominated member of council (1648), 2 330.Chauvin, Pierre, Sieur de Tontuit. Givencharter to trade and colonize New France,2 316 ;founds Tadoussac, 11 253.Chavignaud, George. Painter of Dutch scenes.12 625.Cheadle, Walter Butler ( 1835-1310). His transcontinental journey (1862-63), 5 324-7.Chedabucto Bay. Named Freshwater Bay byJoao Alvarez Fagundez, 1 25.Cheffaut de la Regnardiere. Granted seignioryof Beaupre, 15 27.Chenier, Jean Olivier (1806-37). Implicated inRebellion in Lower Canada, 3 363.Chequamegon Point. Dispersed Ottawas settleat, 1 69 ; Radisaon builds fort at, 77, 79.Chesapeake, American man-of-war. Seizure ofBritish seamen by, 3 194 ; engagement withthe Shannon, <strong>23</strong>6 ; brought as prize toHalifax, 13 258.Cheslakee. Pacific coast steamer, 10 573.Chesley, S. Y. Superintendent of IndianAffairs in Lower Canada, 5 355.Chesnaye, Charles Aubert de la. See Aubertde la Chesnaye, Charles.Cheveux Reveies, or Staring Hairs (Ottawas).Encountered by Champlain, 1 53, 55.Chewitt, engineer. Surveys for Grand RiverCanal, 10 525.Chiappini, J. D. Missionary priest in BritishColumbia, 11 165.Chicago. Part played by French Canadians inits discovery and settlement, 15 77.Chicora. (1) Georgian Bay-Lake Superiorsteamboat, 10 546. (2) Lake Ontario steamboat, its history, 10 553.Chicoutimi College. Founded (1873), 11 101,16 432.Chief Commissioner. Red River steamboat,10 567.Chief Justice Robinson. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 537 ; her peculiar build, 537.Chieftain. Steamboat on Long Sault andLachine route, 10 538.Chignecto. Acadian colony at, 13 62 ; Benjamin Church s raid on, 57-8.Chignecto, Isthmus of. French fort built ondisputed territory at, 1 220.Its partial constructionChignecto Ship Canal.and failure, 10 449, 532-3.Child, Moses. American spy, 13 217.Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley (1827-96),president of Great Western Railway. Reports system as over-officered, 10 427 ;hisresignation, 430.Chilian. Brigantine built at Lunenburg, 10581.Chilkoot Pass.International friction after golddiscovery at, 8 933-4.China. First iron screw steamer of Cunardline, 10 601.Chinese Immigration. In the Dominion, 6 343,7 567-8. British Columbia the :problemraised, 21 250-1 ; first arrivals on Pacificcoast, 251 ; participate in first San Francisco 4th of July celebration, 251 ;vote inprovincial elections, 180 ; early proposalsat restriction, 252-5 ; deprived of franchise,196 ; regulation act of 1878 (provincial)disallowed, 255 ; reports of special <strong>com</strong>mittees, 255-6 ; question raised in Dominionhouse, 256-7 ;its moral, economic, andracial aspects, 257, 259, 266, 269-71 ;immigrants thirled to wealthy Canton merchants,259 ; statistics, 7 567, 21 259, 265, 267 ;<strong>com</strong>missions of 1884 and 1901, 260-3, 266-7 ;agitation for total exclusion, 264 ; head-taxand its successive increases, 7 507, 21 263-4,267 ; effect on wages of increase in head-tax,

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