Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXChandler, Edward Barren (1800-80). Memberof New Brunswick assembly, 13 200 ;Confederation delegate, 14 411 ;and Intercolonial Railway construction, 10 384, 387 ;lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick, 14427.Chandler, John (1760-1841), American general.Taken prisoner at Stoney Creek, 3 242.Chapais, Jean Charles (1812-85). Minister ofAgriculture in first Dominion cabinet, 6 22 ;receiver-general, 7 514.(1843), 10 538.Chapais, Jean Charles Louis Thomas (b. 1850). Charlottenburg, Township of.Assistant dairy <strong>com</strong>missioner of Canada,7669.Chapais, Thomas (b. 1858). His literary works,12 460, 477 ;on the French-Canadians, 478-9.Chapeton, Jean. Negotiates with Pontiac,3 62.Chapleau, Sir Joseph Adolphe (1840-98), premierof Quebec (1879-82). Member of Ouimet sgovernment, 15 178 ;on the Scott murder,19 88, 89 and n. ;his defence of Lepine, 105 ;joins de Boucherville s government, 15 180 ;opposition leader, 185 ;forms a ministry,189 ; railway policy of, 189-90 ; secretaryof state in Dominion government (1882),191 ;and Chinese immigration, 21 260-4 ;lieutenant-governor of Quebec, 6 127, 15 207.Chapan, Henry (6. 1841). British protectionist,6 144.Charnisay, Charles de Menou, Seigneur d AulnayChapman, E. J. (1821-1904). Professor in Uni (d. 1650). Ac<strong>com</strong>panies de Razilly to Acadiaversity College, Toronto, 18 386 ;389.(1632), 13 41-2Chapman, James. Captain of the ; dispossesses New Englanders,Kingston 42 ;succeeds de Razilly, 42 ; his strugglePacket, 10 493.with La Tour, 42-3, 44-5 ; captures LaChapman, William (6. 1850). French-Canadian Tour s fort, 46 ; extent of his jurisdiction,poet, 12 468.46 ; as colonizer, 46-7 ; death of, 47.Chappell, Benjamin, postmaster at Charlottetown.Refers to the Selkirk colonists, 13 of the Charon Brothers, 16 339 ; death of,Charon, Jean Francois. Founder of <strong>com</strong>munity356-7.Gharbonnel, Armand Francois Marie de (1802-91). Roman Catholic bishop of Toronto(1850-60), 11 60 ;and the separate schools,18 314.Charest, A. Missionary priest at Penetanguishene(1838), 11 51.Charest, Etienne. Petitions for full exerciseof the Catholic religion (1763), 11 16.Charity. (1) Vessel built on Niagara River,10 486. (2) Atlantic steamboat built (1854),10 604.Charity, Sisters of. Established in Quebec,11 98 ; at St Fran?ois-Xavier, 137 ; settlein New Brunswick, 78 ;in diocese of Antigonish,81 ;at Halifax, 83 ;in diocese ofSherbrooke, 90. See also Grey Nuns.Charlebois, Ovide (b. 1862), Vicar-apostolic ofKeewatin, 11 195.Charles, Thomas. In charge of Fort George,21 127 n.Charles, W. In charge of Fort Hope, 21 127 n.Charles, William. H.B.C. manager at Victoria,21 154.Charles. Luke Foxe s vessel, 1 158.Charles Mary Wentworth. Liverpool privateer,13 253.Charlesbourg Royal. Founded by JacquesCartier, 1 40 ; withdrawal of Pontbriand to(1759), 2441; 141.Charlestown. Ship engaged with FrenoUfrigates near Sydney (1781), 13 222-3.Charievois, Pierre Francois Xavier de (1682-1761), Jesuit. Outlines routes to WesternSea, 1 117 ;on the good physique andadaptability of Canadians, 15 94-5 ; 16376.Charlevoix County. Clerical intimidation atby-election (1876), 6 72.Charlotte. Steamboat on upper St LawrenceSettled by Scottish Roman Catholics (1784), 17 25.Charlottetown. Planned by Charles Morris,13 337-8; Francklin s description of (1768),346-7 ; suggested changes in plan of, 347-8 ;raided by American privateers, 353. Setalso Port la Joye.Charlottetown Conference, 14 411.Charlton, John (1829-1910). His attitude tofiscal questions, 6 80, 82, 9 167 ;member ofJoint High Commission, 6 135, 9 169.Charlton, William Andrew (b. 1841). Commissioner of Public Works of Ontario, 17 184,<strong>23</strong>0 n.Charlton Island. Captain James spends winterat, 1 159 ;French traders marooned on, 1177; 180.Charmer. C.P.R. Pacific coast steamer, 10 572.341.Charon Brothers. Their schools and foundations, 2 428, 16 339, 340, 342, 346 ; projecta trades school, 383 ;and normal schoolteaching, 344-5 ; endowed by Marine Council,340-1 ;de Ramezay s strictures on, 342-3 ;regulations prepared for, 345 ; withdrawalof subsidy and decline of, 345-6 ; value oftheir work, 346.Charpentier, Charles. Norman immigrant atSt Peter s, Prince Edward Island (1719), 13312.Charron, Claude (b. 1621). Alderman of Quebec(1663), 15 288.Chartered Bank of Canada. Charter appliedfor (1858), 5 283.Chartered Bank of Upper Canada. See Bankof Upper Canada.Chartier, Abbe Emile. Author of Pages deCombat, 12 488.Chartier de Lotbiniere, Louis Eustache (1688-1749), archdeacon of Quebec. Quarrelswith his chapter, 2 431 ; name inscribed ingrammar of Jesuit College, 16 368 ; 2 433.Charton, Francois (d. c. 1626), Jesuit brother.Arrives in Quebec (1625), 2 397.Charwell. War vessel on Lake Ontario, 10494.Chasles, Joseph. Pupil in school at Chateau-Richer (1702), 16 334.

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