Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES277 ;and bona fides of bank promotions,280 ;his budget of 1858, 9 133 ;his relationswith Bank of Upper Canada, 5 289 ; andMunicipal Loan Fund, 18 448, 449.Cayuga. Toronto-Niagara steamboat, 10 553.Cayuga Bridge Stock. Six Nations funds lostthrough investment in, 5 344.Cayuga Creek. First ship on upper lakes builtat (1679), 1 101.Cayugas, Indian tribe. Mission at1Kente tothe, 1 85.Cazeau, Clement. Quebec educationist, 16 426.Cazeaux, R. F. Contributes to the PatrioticFund (1799), 15 102.Cecile, Joseph Etienne (1793-1857). Missionarypriest in Prince Edward Island, 11 42, 73.Cedars. American surrender and allegedmassacre of prisoners at the, 3 97-9.Celoron de Blainville. See Blainville.Cens et rentes. See Seigneurial System.Central Agricultural Society,Founded (1818), 14 649.Nova Scotia.Central Bank. Chartered (1883), fails (1887),10 643.Central Canada Railway. Municipal borrowings in aid of, 10 414.Centurion. Ship employed in reduction ofQuebec (1759), 1 285.Certain, Zacharie (d. 1687), Sulpician. Teachesin Montreal, 16 337.Cervona. Thomson Line steamship, 10 615.Cetriana.10 573.Vancouver-Prince Rupert steamer,Ceylon. Granted Canadian preference, 9 213.Chabanel, Noel (1613-49). Jesuit martyr, 2408.Chaboillez, Augustin (1773-1834), cure ofLongueuil. Opposes appointment of BishopLartigue, 11 86.Chabot, Captain. His defence of the Pres-de-Ville, Quebec, 3 91.Chads, Captain. Wolfe scated to, 1 295.final plan <strong>com</strong>muniChaigneau, Leonard (d. 1711). Director ofschools of St Sulpice, Montreal, 16 338.Chake (or Chaque), Martin. Sails throughStrait of Anian, 21 18.Chaleur Bay. JacquesIndians at, 1 31.Cartier trades withChallener, Frederick Sproston (b. 1869).Canadian artist, 12 6<strong>23</strong>.Chalmers, R. On soils of Saskatchewan andAlberta, 20 548-50.Chalmers, Thomas ( 1 780- 1 847 Scottish ), preacherand theologian. Declines invitation to goto Canada, and re<strong>com</strong>mends John Strachan,3 335 n. ; 18 346.Chalus, Ccmte de, French dmigre. Attempts tosettle French refugees in Canada, 11 26, 1765.Chamberlain, Mrs Agnes. Canadian painter offlowers, 12 627.Chamberlain, Joseph (1836-1914), colonialsecretary (1895-1903). Member of a fisheries<strong>com</strong>mission (1887), 6 108, 8 702, 9 158;condemns <strong>com</strong>mercial union at Toronto, 6110; and imperial penny postage, 7 643 ; atImperial Conferences (1897, 1902), 6 189-90;on obstacles to British preference, 133 ; andthe extent of Canadian preference, 9 212 ;hitariff reform campaign, 6 144-5, 9 208-9.Chambers of Commerce. Proposals for incorporation of, with special powers (1777, 1787),4 530-1, 545.Chambly, Pierre de. Seigniory granted to, 8555, 15 39.Chambly. Pierre de Chambly granted seignioryof, 2 555 ; surrendered by Major Stopford(1775), 3 81 ; secondary school founded at,16 4<strong>23</strong>.Chambly Canal. Its construction and presentuse, 10 515-16.Chambon, Guillaume (1709-68), Sulpician.Teaches Latin at St Sulpice, 16 384.Champigny, Jean Bochart de, intendant of NewFrance (1686-1702). His issues of cardmoney, 2 496, 498.Champion, Gabriel (d. 1808). French priestserving in Maritime Provinces, 11 42.Champion. (1) Steamer on the Hamilton-Montreal route, 10 540. (2) Canadian Navigation Company s steamboat, 10 539.Champlain, Samuel (1567-1635), founder ofNew France; governor (1612-29, 1633-35).His first visit to the St Lawrence, 2 317 ;ac<strong>com</strong>panies Pont-Grave s expedition, 1 45 ;his explorations in Acadia, 13 19-20 ;establishes Order of the Good Time, 30 ; foundsQuebec, 1 46, 2 449-50, 15 18 ;introducescattle to Canada, 7 654 ; encounter withIroquois, 1 46 ; exchanges hostages withAlgonquins, 47 ; forms a <strong>com</strong>pany, 2 317-18 ;his <strong>com</strong>mission of 1612, 1 48 ;on theOttawa, 49 ; deceived by Nicolas Vignau,50 ; his maps of 1612 and 1613, 50-1 ; loseshis astrolabe, 51 ; brings out Recolleta(1615), 52 ;at Sault St Louis, 2 387-8 ;inthe Lake region, 1 52-6 ;constructs fort atQuebec, 2 393 ;establishes farm at CapTourmente, 16 506 ; attempts to civilizeIndians, 2 392 ;favours race fusion withIndians, 15 43 ;defends Quebec againstKirke, 2 400; capitulates (July 19, 1629),401 ;taken to England (1629), 15 21 ;securesretrocession of Canada (1632), 2 325, 401-2 ;returns to colony, 15 21 ;death of, 1 61,2 325, 15 22 ; his exalted aims, 1 3, 2 451 ;his work for colonization, 15 17-22 ;firstof the habitants, 16 505-6.Champlain. War vessel on Lake Champlain,10 494.Champlain and St Lawrence Railway. Firstproposals for construction (1824), 10 366 ;some quaint suggestions, 368-9 ; <strong>com</strong>panyincorporated, 369 ; public or private ownership of, 369 ; meets opposition of carters,369 ; rate regulation and provision for statepurchase, 369-70 ; opened for traffic (1836),370 ; wooden rails and horse traction firstemployed on, 370.Champlain Canal. Constructed (1822), 10515.Champs d Or de Rigaud-Vaudreuil, Limited, 16581-2.Chancellor. Harrison Direct Line steamship,10 618.

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