Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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what he means by hearing mass, 379-80 ;true spelling of his name, 381 and n. ;andpresence of minerals, 16 573-4 ;includescows in his supplies, 7 654.Cartmell, Martha M. First woman foreignof Methodist Church in Canada,GENERAL INDEX 29missionary11 329.Cartwright, Richard (1759-1815). First judgeat Mecklenburg, 18 521 ; opposes Simcoe spolicy, 412 ;his plan for incorporation ofKingston, 421 on value of trade with;United States (1797), 4 551, 555 ;and thereturn of French Emigres, 17 55 ; engagesJohn Strachan as tutor, 18 346-7 ;onCanada s ability to furnish supplies for WestIndies, 4 557 ;introduces a grammar schoolbill, 18 352.Cartwright, Sir Richard John (1835-1912).Minister of Finance (1873-78), 6 64, 7 514 ;his deficits used as arguments for moreprotection, 9 144 ;and tariff increases,147-8 and n. ;denounces budget of 1879,6 87 ; and <strong>com</strong>mercial union, 109, 110, 9167 and Kiel s execution, 6 105 ; ministerof;Trade and Commerce (1896-1911), 131 ;member of Joint High Commission, 135, 9169 ;Old Age Annuities Act passed by, 6161.Carver, Jonathan (1732-80), explorer. NamesColumbia River the Oregon, 21 21.Cary, George Hunter, attorney-general ofBritish Columbia. His irascibility, 21 131 ;attempts to corner water supply, 131 ;builds Cary Castle, 132 ;147.Cascades. Construction of locks at, 10 507-8 ;plans for improvement, 511-12.Cascapedia. Steamer on Montreal-Pictou route,10 562.Cascapedia River. Its fishing rental, 16 563.Case, William (d. 1855). First superintendentof Canadian Methodist Church, 11 307 ;labours among Indians, 5 349 ;sketch of, 11315.Casey, Timothy (b, 1862). Roman Catholicarchbishop of Vancouver, 11 79 and n.Casgrain, Henri Raymond (1831-1904). Hisliterary works, 12 457-8, 484 ;on thehabitant, 458-9.Casgrain, Thomas Chase (b. 1852). Member ofInternational Joint Commission, 6 368.Casot, Jean Joseph (1728-1800), the last of theJesuits in Canada. Death of, 11 21, 16 408.Caspian. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 554.Cassandra. Donaldson Line steamship, 10 614.Cassels, Robert. His statement on affairs ofBank of Upper Canada (1801), 5 289.Cassels, Walter Gibson Pringle (b. 1845), judgeof Exchequer Court of Canada. Inquiresinto charges against Marine and Fisheriesdepartment, 6 164.Cassiar. Pacific coast steamer, 10 573.Castanet, Jean Baptiste Marie (d. 1798). Frenchpriest in the Maritime Provinces, 11 42.Castillon, Jacques. Granted seigniory of Isled Orleans, 2 557-8, 15 27.Castine. See Majebigwaduce.Castine Fund. Its origin and destination, 13259-60, 263, 268, 14 516.Castle, Montague. Canadian painter and designer, 12 622.Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount (afterwards second Marquis of Londonderry)(1769-1822), secretary for War and theColonies (1807-9). His Local Militia Act(1808), 7 382; and the appointment ofvicars-apostolic for Canada, 11 45.Castor. Man-of-war built at Quebec (1745),2509.Castor and Pollux Bay. The farthestreached by Simpson and Dease, 4 689.pointCatalogue, Gedeon de (1662-1729). His criticism of holidays of the habitants, 2 544 ;hisreport on seigniories, 552-9 ;on agriculturalconditions, 581.Cataract. American Mail Line steamer, 10540.Cataraqui (Fort Frontenac). Established, 1104; Iroquois chief seized at (1687), 2 356.See also Fort Frontenac ; Kingston.Cathcart, Charles Murray, Earl (1783-1859),governor-in-chief of Canada (1846-47).Administrator of Canada, 5 44 ;criticizesassembly for assuming control over salary ofgovernor s secretary, 131-2 ;on the doublemajority, 149 n. ; urges continuance ofprotection to colonial wheat, 215 ;on doubletariff, 220.Cathcart, Lady Gordon. Assists immigrationof Scottish crofters, 7 548.Catholic Emancipation. The penal laws ofNova Scotia and their repeal in 1827, 13228-9, 272 ; passed in Prince EdwardIsland (1830), 363.Catholic League. Its support of the Mowatgovernment, 17 147.Cauchon, Joseph Edouard (1816-85). Hisamendment on clergy reserves question(1854), 5 73 ; originator of Fishery Act of1857, 16 559-60 ; reason of his failure toform an administration, 15 172 ;and NorthShore railway project, 180 ; as French-Canadian journalist and statesman, 12 477,15 171-2 ; lieutenant-governor of Manitoba(1877-82), 6 73, 19 109.Caughlan, Lawrence. Introduces Methodisminto Newfoundland, 11 303.Caughnawaga Canal. Proposed constructionof, 10 534-5.Caughnawaga Indians. Condition of theirChristian settlement, 5 332.Caulfeild, Thomas (d. 1717), lieutenant-governorof Nova Scotia. Inaugurates civil government, 13 76 ;his dignified reply to thegovernor s implied censure, 76.Caussault, Justice. Arbitrator in adjustingprovincial financial obligations, 7 474.Cavanagh, Lawrence. First Roman Catholicadmitted to Nova Scotia assembly, 13271-2.Cayley, Hugh St Quentin (b. 1857). Member offirst legislative assembly of North-WestTerritories, 19 2<strong>23</strong> ; joins advisory council,<strong>23</strong>1 ; appointed to executive, 241 ; opposesHaultain, 241, 242, 243.Cayley, William, inspector-general of accounts(1845-48, 1854-58). His banking act, 5

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