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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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finance, 5 <strong>23</strong>3, 249 ; tonnage on Canadianand American (1863), 251 ;projects discussed after Confederation, 9 115 ; attempteddiscrimination in transhipment of graincargoes, 160-1 ; obstacles to navigation inSt Lawrence system, 10 502-3. St LawrenceSystem Sulpicians begin Lake St Pierre-:Lachine Canal (1700), 504 ;built for defence, 505 ; construction and improvement(1818-75), 605-6 total ; length, 536 ;rise inelevation between Montreal and LakeGENERAL INDEX 27Superior, 536 abolition of; tolls, 536 ;traffic(1912), 536; expenditures to 1912, 536;operation, maintenance, and repairs, 536and n. ; stimulus given by free trade on, 536.See under individual names of canals.perquisite, 674 ; reannexed to Nova Scotia,Canceaux. Conveys Captain Holland on his 13 <strong>23</strong>2, 14 453 ;courts established andsurvey, 13 332-3.abolished, 471 ; first Anglican incumbentsCanniff, William (1830-1910). His historical and their parishes, 11 206 ; early postalworks, 12 499.services in, 5 375 ;timber resources, 14 6<strong>23</strong>,Canning, George (1770-1827), British statesman. 629. See also Coal.Maintains the prescriptive right of inalienable Cape Cormorant. See Cape de Latte.allegiance, 3 193 ;and pretensions of United Cape Decision, at the mouth of Christian Sound.States on Pacific coast, 8 843 and n., 844, Named by Vancouver, 21 51.921 n. ;assents to concert with United Cape d Esperance. Named by Cartier, 1 31.States on Alaska boundary dispute, 919-20 ; Cape de Latte (Cape Cormorant). Named byhis criticism of American pretensions, 921 n. ; Cartier, 1 30.his instructions to Bagot, 922, 924 and n. ; Cape Farewell. Gaspar Corte Real at, 1 <strong>23</strong>.repudiates Bagot s action, 925 n. ;his in Cape Flattery. Sighted by Captain Cook, 21structions to Stratford Canning, 925-6.26.Canning, Stratford, afterwards first Viscount Cape Forchu. Raided by privateers, 13 219.Stratford de Redcliffe (1786-1880). Negotiates Alaska boundary treaty of 1825, 8 844,925-7 ;921 n.Cannon, John Francis. Builds first stoneRoman Catholic church in Ottawa, 11 49.Canoe River, a tributary of the Columbia.David Thompson passes winters at, 4 667.Canot, Claude Joseph Marie (1710-51). Fatherprefectof the Jesuit College, Quebec, 16 366.Canterbury, Charles Manners Sutton, first Viscount Canterbury (1780-1845). Offeredgovernorship of Canada, 3 320 ; rejected asspeaker of House of Commons, 4 473.Canterbury, Sir John Henry Manners-Button,third Viscount. See Manners-Sutton.Cap de la Magdelaine. Seigniory of grantedthe Jesuits (1651), 2 556.Cap Rouge. Jacques Cartier s settlement at,16 573-4 ; Holmes s reconnaissance against,1 290 ;295.Cap Rouge River. Fort erected by Cartier atmouth of, 1 40.Cap Royal (Bear Head). Sighted by Cartier,1 30.Cap St Jean. Named by Cartier, 1 30.Cap Tourmente. Farm established by Champlainat (1626), 16 506 ;its farm buildingsburned by David Kirke, 2 400 ;herd ofcattle at (1629), 7 654 ;site of Laval s modelfarm, 16 332 ; 333.Cape Alexander. Reached by Simpson andDease, 4 689.Cape Anguille. Sighted by Cartier, 1 30.Cape Barrow. Named by Sir John Franklin,4681.Cape Bathurst.son, 4 684.Rounded by Sir John RichardCape Blanco. Named by Martin d Aguilar, 2117.Cape Bonavista, on east coast of Newfoundland.Arrival of Cartier at, 1 28.Cape Breton Island. Discovered by JohnCabot, 13 16 ; topography of, 14 622 ;Ochiltree s attempt at colonization of, 13 38-39 ; French take possession of, 1 203 ; namechanged to He Royale, 203 ; acquired byGreat Britain, 13 101 ;erected into a county,Ii3; establishment of courts, 113; formedinto separate province (1784), <strong>23</strong>0, 14 453;its governors, 13 <strong>23</strong>0-1 official ; squabbles,<strong>23</strong>1 ; mining in the eighteenth century, 14673-4 coal ; royalty as a governor-general sCape Fullerton. North-West Mounted Policepost at, 22 649.Cape Hearne. Named by Franklin, 4 681 ;5 299.Cape Hope s Advance. Reached by Hudson,1 151.Cape Krusenstern. Rae s farthest in 1848, 5300-1.Cape Mackenzie. Named by Franklin, 4 681.Cape Parry. Rounded by Richardson, 4 684.Cape Prince of Wales. Discovered by CaptainCook, 21 28.Cape Race. Caspar Corte Real at, 1 24.Cape Ray. Named St George s Cape by JohnCabot, 1 21.Cape Riche Named by Cartier Cap Double,1 29.Cape San Lucas. Skirted by Francisco Ulloa,21 14.Cape Tourmentine. Sighted by Cartier. 1 31.Cape WeggS. Sighted by Hudson, 1 152.Cape Wolstenholme. Named after one ofHudson s patrons, 1 152.Capel, George. Owner of Capelton coppermines, Lennoxville, 16 587.Capilano. Pacific coast steamer, 10 573.Cappon, James (b. 1854). His critical works,12 529 ;on Roberts s poetry, 574-5.Captain Cook, ship. Lowrie s expedition toPacific coast made in the (1786), 21 31-2.Capuchins. Sent to Louisiana, 2 430 ; 11 69.Car of Commerce. St Lawrence steamboat,10 495.Carantouan, on the upper Susquehanna.Etienne Brule entertained at, 1 57.Carantouanais (Andastes or Eries). EtienneBrule s mission to, 1 53-4.

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