Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXCameron, George Frederick (1854-85). Hisvolume of Lyrics, 12 581 his ; songs onSpanish oppression in Cuba, 12 582.Cameron, John (1827-1910). Roman Catholicbishop of Arichat (1877-86), 11 ii.Cameron, J. D. Anglican missionary at SaultSte Marie, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Cameron, John Hillyard (1817-76). His attitude to the Red River delegation, 6 41 ; 5 70.Cameron, Malcolm (1808-76). Original directorof Grand Trunk Railway, 10 401.Cameron, Sir Matthew Crooks (1822-87). Provincial secretary of Ontario, 17 107, 200 n. ;supports the narrow gauge, 113 ;and hisdefence of Whelan, 115 ;and the SpeakNow incident, 124-5 and n. ; leader ofopposition, 131 and n. his erratic leader;ship, 132-3 and; charges against Blake andWood, 133 ;his correct attitude on the Scottmurder, 133-4 ;condemns Mowat s descentfrom the bench, 138-9 ; opposes Dr Clarke sliquor prohibition bill, 141 ;attacks the department of Agriculture, 144 ; newspaperattack on, 147 ;obstructs education bill of1876, 152 ; the March of the CameronMen, 152-3 ; supports unanimity in juriesverdicts, 153 ;two views on propriety ofopening the house with prayer, 153-4 ; raisedto a judgeship, 154 ; regards province assubordinate, 159 ;his political principles andpersonal character, 107, 131 and n., 132 ;as party leader, 154.Cameron, Colonel. Posted at Chippawa duringthe Rebellion of 1837, 7 388 ; member of<strong>com</strong>mittee on defence, 401.Camosun. Pacific coast steamer, 10 573.Campania. First twin-screw steamship ofCunard Line, 10 601.Campbell, Sir Alexander (1822-92). Adjustsfinancial differences with British Columbia,21 210; 5 358, 6 22, 47, 7 514, 17 190 n.Campbell, James. Signs loyalist petition(1787), 17 30.Campbell, John Saxtpn.Assists in construction of Royal William, 10 592.Campbell, Robert (1808-94), explorer. Winterson Dease Lake, 4 690, 21 69 ;discovers LakeFrances and reaches the Pelly River, 5 307-8,21 69 ; builds Glenlyon House, 5 308 ;discovers Lewes River, 309 ;constructs FortSelkirk, 311; and the Wood Indians,309-10 ; proves the identity of the Yukon,311, 22 605 his ; journey from Fort Selkirkto the Mississippi, 5 311.Campbell, R. H. Superintendent of Education,Prince Edward Island, 14 538.Campbell, Thomas (b. 1790). Anglican clergyman at Belleville (1821), 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Campbell, T. E., colonel. Superintendentgeneral;member ofdefence <strong>com</strong>missions, 7 396, 401.Campbell, Lord William, govemor-in-chief ofNova Scotia (1766-73). Makes unauthorizedgrants, 14 674 ; present at first Presbyterianordination, 11 259 ; presents stoves to StPaul s Church, Halifax, 203.Campbell, Sir William (1758-1834), 8 769.Campbell, William (d. 18<strong>23</strong>). Second mayor ofSt John, 13 162.Campbell, William Wilfred (6. I860). Novelistand poet, 12 559-60, 578-9.Campbell s Highlanders. Newly raised Scottishregiment sent to Nova Scotia (1778), 13 225.Campbellton, N.B. Destroyed by fire (1910),14 426.Camper, Father. Missionary priest in theWest, 11 149, 164.Campion, James W. (d. 1841), Jesuit. Missionary priest at Niagara, 11 48.Campobello, Island of. British settlement on,13 129 ; grant of, 8 769 ;courts establishedin, 769Campbell, Archibald. United States ; gypsum exports from (1802, 1817),boundary 13 183 ;Fenian raid on, 7 420.<strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 871, 877.Canada. Indian name for a district, 1 35 n. ;Campbell, Sir Archibald (1769-1843), lieutenantgovernorof New Brunswick suggestion to erect into an independent(1831-37). In kingdom, 3 296.structed to reform the executive, 3 355 ; his Canada. ( 1) Man-of-war constructed at Quebecconflicts with assembly, 13 199-201 ; 14 483, (1742), 2 509. (2) Sailing vessel owned by484.the brothers Allan, 10 603. (3) St LawrenceCampbell, Archibald William (b. 1863). High steamboat, 10 495, 541. (4) Lake Ontarioway <strong>com</strong>missioner of Ontario, 18 485.steamboat wrecked, 10 498. (5) GreatCampbell, Sir Colin (1776-1847), lieutenantgovernorof Nova Western Railway steamboat, 10 545. Scotia (6) St(1834-40). His Lawrencemilitary record and steamboat, 10 551. (7) Cunardpersonal character, 13 steamship, 10 599. (8) Dominion Line282 ;cause of his recall, 290.steamship, 10 609, 610.Campbell, Donald, captain. In <strong>com</strong>mand at Canada Act of 1838, 4 389, 392.Detroit, 3 57 ; prevents Indian risings, 59 ; is Canada Banking Company. Proposed estabtaken prisoner and murdered by Pontiac, 62. lishment of, 4 604-5.Campbell, Sir Donald, lieutenant-governor of Canada Cement Company. Its capital, 9 260 ;Prince Edward Island (1847-50). Conflict capacity of itswith mills, 16 595 ; location ofassembly, 13 368, 14 500-1.plants, 18 635.Campbell, Dugald (d. 1810). Lays out Canada Central Railway. Dominion aidFredericton, 13 162 ; on roads of New Bruns granted to, 10 442 ; purchased by C.P.R.,wick, 169.433.Campbell, Duncan. Author of Histories of Canada Committee (Huskisson s), 3 305-7.Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, 12 Canada Company. Formed (1824) for the501.purchase and settlement of crown andCampbell, Hector. A leader in Selkirk immi clergy reserves in Upper Canada, 3 333-7,gration to Prince Edward Island, 13 356. 4 514-15, 580-1, 17 89 ;its exemption from

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