Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESButler, Lieutenant. His mission to the Saskatchewan (1870), 19 195.Butler s Rangers. Formed from the loyalistrefugees at Niagara, 17 17 ; settle at Niagara,19, 21.Button, Sir Thomas (d. 1634). His expeditionto Hudson Bay (1612), 1 155-6.Buxton, Sydney Charles, first Viscount (b. 1853),6 199.B. X. First steamer to navigate upper FraserRiver, 10 569-70.By, John (1781-1836), lieutenant-colonel. Constructs the Rideau Canal, 10 519.Byington, E. L. Rector of Protestant normalschool, Winnipeg, 20 439.Bylot, Robert. Hudson s second mate, 1 155 ;explores Hudson Bay, 157.Byron, Captain Richard. Killed on board theBelvidera, 13 256.Bystander. History of the publication, 12522 n. ;on Mowat s domination of Ontario,17 178.Bytown. Steamboat on upper St Lawrence, 10538.Cabpt, John, navigator. Voyages of, 1 20-2 ;his self-esteem, 21 and n. ;unknown fate of,22.Cabot, Lewis. Son of John Cabot, 1 19.Cabot, Sancio. Son of John Cabot, 1 19.Cabot, Sebastian (1474-1557). Ac<strong>com</strong>panieshis father on his first voyage, 1 20 ;inHudson Strait, 149.Cabral, Pedro Alvarez (1460-1526), Portuguesenavigator. His discovery of Brazil, 1 <strong>23</strong>.Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez, Spanish explorer.His voyage to the Pacific coast (c. 1542), 8846, 21 15.Cache Creek, B.C. Account of provincialboarding school at, 22 426-8.Cadboro. First sea-going vessel to navigatelower Fraser, 21 67 ;Governor Douglas svoyage in, 76.Cadet, Joseph Michel (b. 1710). Associate ofBigot, 2 526.Cadillac, Antoine de la Motte (d. 1730). Introduces domestic cattle at Detroit ( 1701), 7 656.Cairnes, D. D. On the older geology of YukonTerritory, 22 595-7.Cairo. Name of Royal Edward while in Mediterranean service, 10 614.Calcutt Line of steamships, 10 565.Calder, James Alexander (b. 1868). Commissioner of Education of Saskatchewan, 19270, 474.Caldwell, Henry (d. 1810). Takes part in defence of Quebec (1775), 3 91 ; acting receiver-general, 4 493, 15 122.Caldwell, John (d. 1830), receiver-general ofLower Canada. His bankruptcy and defalcations, 3 299-300, 4 512.Caldwell, William. Assists in founding theNor -Wester (1859), 19 59.Caldwell, Major W. B.to Red River, 19 56.Conducts pensionersCaldwell. War vessel on Lake Ontario (1782),10 487.Caledonia. (1) Schooner which conveyed Talbotsettlers from Prescott to York, 17 74.(2) Sailing vessel owned by the Allans, 10 603.(3) One of first Cunard steamships, 10 597.Calgarian. (1) Lakes freighter, 10 557, 588.(2) Allan liner on Montreal-Liverpool service,10 608.Calgary. Roman Catholic mission establishedat, 11 164 ;Murdock s diary of its first years,19 168-9 ;its hydro-electric plants, 327 ;population (1901 and 1911), 20 327 ;statistics of manufactures (1890-1910), 328;method of real estate assessment in, 402 ;in<strong>com</strong>e tax abolished in, 408 ;educationaldevelopment at, 483, 494, 497.Calgary College, 20 499.Calgary University School, 20 499.Calhoun, John Caldwell (1782-1850), UnitedStates secretary of state. Negotiates onOregon boundary, 8 863.California. Ship employedin search for North-West Passage (1747), 1 197.Calkin, John Burgess (b. 1829). Principal ofnormal college, Truro, 14 533.Callback, Phillips. Member of council of StJohn s Island (1770), 13 345 ;administrator(1775), 349 ;made prisoner by Americanprivateers, 353-4.Callieres, Louis Hector de (1646-1703), governor of New France (1699-1703). Suggestsexchange of French West Indies for NewYork, 2 356 n. ; and migrations to NewOrleans, 15 58.Calonne, Jacques Ladislas Joseph de (1742-1822).French refugee priest, 11 32.Cambie, R. J. On productiveness of North-West Territories, 20 587.Cambria. ( ) Sailing vessel owned by theAllans, 10 603. (2) Cunarder, called theFlying Cambria, 10 599.Caen, Emery de, nephew of Guillaume de Caen.Assists in forming new merchant <strong>com</strong>pany,2 451 his ; reception of Jesuit mission, 398 ; Cambridge, Massachusetts. Expedition againstfrustrates colonization, 15 20.Quebec sets out from (1775), 3 83-4.Caen, Guillaurne de. Forms <strong>com</strong>pany to take Cameron, Alex. Member of Protestant educaover trading monopoly of Montmorency tion <strong>com</strong>mittee of Quebec, 16 491.<strong>com</strong>pany, 2 319, 451, 15 20 ; monopoly Cameron, David (d. 1872), chief justice ofbroken, 2 321 ; granted seigniory of Cap Vancouver Island (1853-58). His appointTourmente, 536.ment as chief justice, 22 351 ; petitions forCahiague. Huron village, 1 53, 54.and against his appointment, 21 118, 119;his discharge of his duties, 119, 22 389.Cameron, Sir Douglas Colin. Lieutenantgovernorof Manitoba, 19 132.Cameron, D. R. Boundary survey <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 877.Cameron, Duncan. Seizes Hudson s Bay Company trader, 19 29 ;entices Selkirk settlersto Upper Canada, 30 ; appears at the Forksin borrowed uniform, 31-2 ; ingratiates himself with the Highlanders, 32 ;takes MilesMacdonell prisoner to Fort William, 33.

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