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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXBulgarians. Their characteristics as immi Burlington Bay Canal. Opened (1830), 10 522.grants, 7 566-7.Burlington Heights, near Hamilton, 3 240, 241.Bulger, Captain Andrew (d. 1858), governor Burnet, William (1688-1729), governor of Newof Assiniboia (1822-<strong>23</strong>). His efficient rule, York. Resents French interference with the19 46-7.Iroquois, 2 366, 369.Bulkeley, Richard (d. 1800). First church Burnett, Thomas. Surveys for Lachine Canal,warden of St Paul s Church, Halifax, 11 202 ; 10 509.aide to the governor, 13 82.Bumham, Mark ( 1804-77). Anglican clergymanBuller, Arthur (d. 1869). His report on at St Thomas, Ontario (1829). 11 <strong>23</strong>3.education, 4 396, 16 465-7.Burnham, Zaccheus (d. 1896), 17 87.Bulier, Charles (1806-48). Chief secretary to Burns, Sur George, Bart. (1795-1890). One ofLord Durham, 4 391, 392, 395 ;on Durham s founders of the Cunard Line, 10 596, 597.conciliation of American opinion, 395-6 ;on Burns, John (b. 1858). His statement onland-granting system, 581-2 ;and corruption immigration (1911), 6 198-9.in land grants, 15 151 ; his scheme of <strong>com</strong> Burns, Dr Robert (1789-1869). Secretary ofmutation of seigneurial tenure, 2 589.the Glasgow Colonial Society, 11 263 ;selects* Bull Frogs. See Royal Canadian Rifles. Rev. John Black for work at Red River,Bullion, Angelique. Her invitation to Jeanne 286.Mance, 2 412.Burns, William. Principal of provincial normalBulwer, Sir William Henry Lytton Earle, after school in Vancouver, 22 434.wards Baron Dalling and Bulwer (1801-72), Burpee, Isaac (1825-85). Minister of CustomsBritish ambassador at Washington. Assists (1873-78), 6 64,in arranging reciprocity, 5 241.Burpee, Lawrence Johnston (b. 1873). MemberBulyea, George Hedley Vicars (b. 1859). of International Joint Commission, 6 368 ;Member of executive council of North-West his Search for the Western Sea, 12 519.Territories, 19 250 his ; co-operation with Burpee, R. E. (d. 1853). Foreign missionary ofHaultain, 251-2 first ; lieutenant-governor of the Baptist Church, 11 358.Alberta, 6 156, 19 275.Burr, W. H. Master of school at VictoriaBunn, Thomas. Secretary of Riel s provisional (1861), 22 404, 405.government, 11 155, 19 83 n., 85.Burrage, Rev. Mr. Master of Royal GrammarBunoz, Emile M. Prefect apostolic of the Schocl of Quebec, 16 463, 464 ;on state aidYukon, 11 192.for schools, 471.Bunster, Arthur. Member of council of British Burt, Stephen. One of fathers of ConfederationColumbia, 21 176, 180 ;and the secession in British Columbia, 21 171 n.address, 198 ; opposes Chinese labour, 256. Burton, Sir Francis Nathaniel (1767-1832).Bunting, Charles E. One of the fathers of Administrator of Lower Canada (1824-25), 3Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n. 300, 301, 4 484.Bunting, Christopher, and the Ontario Burton, Ralph, colonel. In Quebec, 1 295 ;Bribery Plot (i884), 17 167.receives Wolfe s last orders, 15 122 ;lieuBurbank and Company. Joint owners of first tenant-governorsteamer on Red of Quebec, 4 427 ;at ThreeRiver, 10 567.Rivers, 3 <strong>23</strong>, 15 122 ;transferred to MontBurbidge, George Wheelock, justice. Arbitrates real, 3 32.on financial obligations of Ontario, 7 474. Burwash, Nathanael (b. 1839), principal ofBurbidge, John (c. 1717-1812), colonel. Imports apple varieties to Nova Victoria College. On Macdonald s universityScotia, 14 655. bill of 1847, 18 370 ;as university federaBurchtown, Shelburne, N.S. Projected negro tion ist, 393, 394 ;his work and personality,settlement at, 13 <strong>23</strong>7.11 335-6.Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, Baroness Burwell. His school bill of 1833, 18 284;(1814-1906). Endows Anglican bishopric of attacks council s bill of 1835, 285.British Columbia, 11 <strong>23</strong>2, 21 147.Bury, William Coutts, seventh Earl of Albemarleand Viscount Bury (1832-94). SuperBureau-des-Pauvres, Quebec, 2 427.Burel, Gilbert, Jesuit brother. Arrives in intendent-general of Indian Affairs, 5 355,Quebec, 2 397.356.Burgoyne, John (1722-92), British general. Bushby, A. T. Registrar of supreme court ofLands reinforcement at Quebec, 3 97 ;110. British Columbia, 21 148 n.Burke, Edmund (1729-97), British statesman. Bushnell, John. Original publisherHis acrid description of Nova of HalifaxScotia, 13 248. Gazette, 12 520.Burke, Edmund (1753-1820). Missionary priest Bushy Run. Engagement at, 3 66.in Upper Canada, 11 25, 26 ;labours in the Bussey, L. White. American secretary ofMaritime Provinces, 42, 43-5 ;vicar apostolic International Joint Commission, 6 368of Nova Scotia (1818-20), 44-5, 13 271; his Busy. Brig built at Lunenburg, 10 581.educational work, 11 43, 45, 13 271 ;firstbishop of Halifax Buteux, Jacques (1600-52). Jesuit martyr, 2(1818-20), 271 ;sketch of, 408.11 25, 13 271.Butler, John (1725-96). Forms a corps ofBurke, James. Provincial secretary of Mani Rangers, 17 17; at the Indian council attoba, 11 175.Oswego, 4 706 ;and loyalist settlement atBurlington. ( 1 ) War vessel on Lake Ontario, 10 Niagara, 17 18, 19, 20 ;favours division of494. (2) Steamboat on Lake Ontario, 10 499. province of Quebec, 35.

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