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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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jurisdiction, 14 460-1 ; difficulty in interpretation of sections which distribute legislativepowers, 15 269-70. See Confederation.British Settlement in Quebec. See Quebec.British Settlers Company, of Chateauguay, 15157.Britton, Henry. Canadian artist, 12 625.Bro, Jean. Repatriates Acadian families, 1130.Brock, Sir Isaac (1769-1812), <strong>com</strong>mander-inchiefin Upper Canada. In <strong>com</strong>mand inLower Canada, 3 158 ;forbids Indian raidson United States, 4 714-15 ;on menace ofsettlement from United States, 17 45 ; hisplans in War of 1812, 3 221 ;his regard forTecumseh, 224, 4715; annexes Michigan,3 225 his ; proposed attack on Sackett sHarbour, 226 ;at Queenston Heights, <strong>23</strong>1-3 ;biographical notice of, 208 ;as <strong>com</strong>manderand administrator, 208-9, 218, 221-2.Brockville. Interested in Cornwall Canal project, 10 513 ; population (1830), 18 558 ;actproviding for elective board of police passed(1832), 424; American steamer fired on byBritish sentries at, 4 393.Brockville. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 538.Brockville and Ottawa Railway. Purchasedby C.P.R., 10 433.Brockville, Westport, and Sault Ste MarieRailway project, 10 448.Vaux (1778-1868). Attacks Durham s Ordinance of June 28, 1838, 4 398 ; opposesRebellion Losses Bill, 5 56.Broughton, Charles. Canadian black-and-whiteartist, 12 630.Broughton, William Robert (1762-1821). Commands the Chatham in Vancouver s expedition, 21 47 ; explores the Columbia River, 8849, 21 50.GENERAL INDEX 21Brouillan, Jacques Francois de (d. 1705). Demolishes fort at mouth of the St John, 13 61.Brouillan, St Ovide de. See St Ovide.Broussard, Joseph, dit Beausoleil (b. 1702),Acadian insurgent. Engages in privateeringin Bay of Fundy, 13 114.Brown, Andrew (d. 1826). Minister of Protestant Dissenters Church, Halifax, 11 258.Brown, E. President of council of BritishColumbia, 21 197.Brown, Frederick (d. 1838). Manager of TheatreRoyal, Montreal (1825), 12 655.Brown, George (1818-80). Founds the Bannerand Globe, 5 61-2 ;driven into associationwith the Grits, 63-4 ;and the clergyreserves, 65 ;<strong>com</strong>bines anti-Roman viewswith radicalism, 68 ;and the Hincks-Morinadministration, 69, 71, 73 ;returned forLambton, 70 ;and separate schools controversy, 18 313-14; Horton Rhys s interviewwith, 12 660 ;endorses educational resolution of Confederation Conference, 18 315 ;and political favouritism in administrationof Municipal Loan Fund Act, 449-50 ;defeated in 1861, 5 82 ; the Clear Grit parexcellence, 82 ;drives wedge between radicalism of Lower and Upper Canada, 83 ;onconstitution of 1840, 90 ; agitates forrepresentation by population, 92, 15 169 ;hostile to Confederation in 1860, 5 94-5 ;Brodeur, Louis (1776-1839). Missionary priest favours separation of executive and legislain New Brunswick, 11 42.tive functions, 130 ;and a nominated UpperBrodeur, Louis Philippe (b. 1862). Negotiates House, 142-3, 146 ; publishes the Canada<strong>com</strong>mercial treaty with France, 9 <strong>23</strong>7 ; Farmer, 18 568 ;member of <strong>com</strong>mittee onfavours local control for Canadian navy, 6 defence, 7 421 his190 at ; Imperial Defence Conference ; part in Confederation, 5(1909), 6, 96, 99 ; joins Tache s coalition ministry,169.5 97 ; 6 17, 18 ;his dislike of coalitions, 6Broeffle, John Ludwig (1739-1815). Ministers 20, 17 108 ; resigns from cabinet, 9 128 ;to German settlers of Dundas and Stormont, defeated in South Ontario, 6 20, 17 110 ;11 266.introduces partyism into provincial politics,Broke, Sir Philip Bowes Vere (1776-1841). In 109-10 ;on failure of Galt-Howland negotia<strong>com</strong>mand of the Shannon, 3 200 ;a model tions, 9 128-9captain, <strong>23</strong>6 ; negotiates Brown-Fish draft; brings the Chesapeake into treaty, 6 67-8, 9 131, 176 ; deplores growthHalifax, 13 258.ofBromley, Robert. Army paymaster and protection, 6 68, 80 ;his services as <strong>com</strong>pam mercial ambassador, 9 130, 176 ; sketch of,phleteer, 13 273.6 18 ; his qualities, defects, and publicBrondel, J. B. A. ( 1 84 1 - 1 903 ).Roman Catholicbishop of Vancouver services, 5 83-4 hisIsland ; personal magnetism,(1880-84), 11 166. 17 HO his; biographies, 12 507.Bronson, E. H. (6. 1844). Member of Ontario Brown, Jacob (1775-1828), American militarycabinet, 17 179.officer. In <strong>com</strong>mand at Sackett s Harbour,Brooke, Mrs Frances (1724-89). Publishes the 3 241 ; captures Fort Erie, 254-5 ;at battlefirst Canadian novel, 12 534-5.of Chippawa, 255 ; Chauncey fails to coBrooke, John (d. 1788). First Anglican clergy operate with, 256 ;at Lundyman s Lane, 257-8 ;to officiate in Quebec, 11 213.wounded, 259.Brooke, Richard. Loyalist applicant for grant Brown, James. Member of assembly of Newin Eastern Townships, 15 149.Brooks, J. W. Director of Great WesternRailway, 10 395.Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham andBrunswick (1832), 13 200.Brown, John (d. 1848). Member of Antiburgherpresbytery of Pictou (1795), 11 260.Brown, J. C. Minister of Finance of BritishColumbia, 21 226 ; provincial secretary, 227 ;member of Fisheries Commission of 1905, 22456.Brown, Major. Stirs up disaffection in Canada,3 81.Brown, Richard. His work as engineer andgeologist in Nova Scotia, 14 675-6.Brown, R. C. Lundin. On agricultural prospects of British Columbia, 22 529-30; his

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