Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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37 SUBSCRIBERS TO MAY 30, 1916Papineau, L. J.Paquette, Harry A.Paradis, Phillipe.Par6, J. H.Par6, Dr J. Romeo.Parent, J. A.Park, Dr J. E.Parker, A. D.Parker, W. R. P.Parliament, Library of, Canada.Parsons, E. G.Parsons, S. R.Patenaude, J. O.Patrick, J. A. M.Patterson, Hon. George, K.C.Patterson, J. H., D.V.S.Patton, Rev. Daniel A.Pattullo, George R.Paul, Dr Edgar W.Pauze, Rev. victor.Peacock, Rev. T. R.Pearson, F. L.Pearson, G. Fred.Pedneault, Louis Alphonae.Pelletier, Hormisdas.Pelletier, MajorPembroke Victor.Public Library.Percivall, Rev. Maurice C. T.Perdriau, Henri.Perkins, John.Perrault, J. E.Perrett, T. E.Perrier, Abbe Philippe.Perron, Rev. J. A. S.Perry, R. R.Peterborough Normal School.Peters, L. H.Petit, P. F. E.Petit S6minaire de Quebec.Petrie, H. D.Phelan, John J.Philie, L. F.Philp, Robert H,Pich6, Gustave C.Picotte, Rev. J. Alberio.Pigot, Charles J.Pilon, J. Wilfrid.Pinoott, Charles F. R.Plamondon, Adrien.Playfair, Mrs Charlotte.Plouffe, Dr Adrien.Plourde, Rev. Joseph G. C.Poisson, Jules.Poliwka, H. Billingsley.Pope, William W.Port Arthur Public Library.Porter, R. A.Post Office Department.Potvin, Mrs Elizabeth.Pouliot, Jean-Fran9ois.Pouliot, Narcisse.Pow, Rev. R. Erskine.Powel, H. Baring.Powell, H. A., K.C.Power, W. Kent.Pratt, Mrs D. S.Presbyterian Theological College.Preston, Harold B., B.A.Price, William H.Pringle, R. A.Provencher, Adelard.Provincial Normal College, Truro.Provincial Normal School,Camrose.Provincial Normal School,Saskatoon.Prowse, J. Harper.Public Printing and Stationery,Department of :King s Printer.Superintendent of Stationery.Puddington, H. F.Punter, William T.Purvis, H. S.Pyke, James W.QUAYLE, A. E.Queen s University Library.RAILWAYS AND CANALS, Department of.Rankin, A. G. E.Rattray, J. W.Raymond, Ven. W. O., M.A.,LL.D.Rayner, E. H.Reeves, J. H.Regina Normal School.Regina Public Library.Reid, Rev. Martin P.Reid, N. G.Renfrew Public Library.Rennick, E. J.Reynolds, W. P.Rh6aume, L. N., C.E.Rice, H. A.Richard, Rev. A.Richard, Rev. Henri.Richards, Daniel E.Richardson, J. O.Richardson, Lieutenant W. F.Richardson, W. Gordon.Richter, John G.Riddell, J. C.Ridgetown Public Library.Rimouski, Seminaire de.Riou, S. C.Ritchie, Henry.Ritchie, Hugh C., C.E.Ritchie, Dr W. L.Robertson, George A.Robertson, S. N., LL.D.Robertson, W. D.Robillard, J. A.Robinson, Mrs G. W.Robinson, J. B.Robinson, Robert.Roch, Herv6.Rogers, A. C.Rogers, George J.Rogers, Dr G. W.Rogers, Leslie V.Rohleder, Rev. Francis F.Rolland, Robert.Roscoe, W. E., K.C.Rose, Hugh E.Rose, J. H.Rose, Rev. Samuel P., D.D.Rosenthal, Rev. A. H., O.M.I.Ross, Mgr F. X.Ross, Dr G. R.Ross, Dr Herbert.Ross, Dr J. A., Jr.Ross, John T.Rouleau, Mgr. Thomas G.Rousseau, L. A.Rousseau, T. E.Roussin, Rev. J. O.Routhier, Very Rev. J. O., V.G.Routledge, A. W.Routledge, John.Roy, Adjutor.Roy, Cyrias.Roy, Ernest.Royal Canadian Naval College.Royal Northwest Mounted Police,Office of the Comptroller ofthe.Rugg, F. S.Russell, Hon. Benjamin.Ruthenian Catholic Mission.Rutherford, Ernest.Rutherford, Prof. W. J.Ryan, Joseph L.Ryan, Miss Lucy E., Ecole du.St Fran9ois Xavier s College,University of.St Germain, Omer.St Laurent, Louis S.St Martin s Roman CatholicSchool <strong>Section</strong>.St Mary s College.St Mary s Public Library.St Michael s School.St Pierre, Georges.Saint-Pierre, Arthur.St Roch s School.Salmon Arm Observer.Sampson, H. M.Samson, J.Sanderson, R. M.Sandilands, J. A.Saskatchewan, Libraryof theUniversity of.Saskatoon Public Library.Sassville, Elzear.Sauve, Joseph.Savage, W. J.Savard, Alfred.Schaffer, Mrs M. T. S.Schlichter, Dr C. C.Schmalz, W. H.Schofield, J. H., M.P.P.Scott, Rev. Abb6 H. A.Scott, Colonel J. A.Scott, Mrs J. M. A.Scott, Stanley L.Scott, Wilbur O.Secretary of State of Canada,Department of the.Sedgewick, Rev. W. H.Seitz, J. J.Semple, G. Hugh.Sevigny, Albert, M.P.Shadd, Dr A. Schmitz.Shanks, W. R. L.Shannon, E. G.Shannon, Dr George A.Shannon, J. H.Shannon, R. W.Shapley, Harold W.Sharp, Alfred E. H.Sharp, P. A.Shaw, C. H.Shaw, Edwin E.Shepley, George F.Sherwood, A. W.Shillmglaw, W. H.Shupe, Stanley.Silverwood, A. E.Simard, Raoul.Simpson, Mrs J. B.Sinclair, E. Hubert.Sinclair, V. A., M.P.P.Sirois, Joseph.Sise, Paul F.Skaling, A. C.Skelton, M. L. M.Skelton, Dr O. D.

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