Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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356 HISTORICAL TABLESVIMcCarthy, Edward JosephBorn at Halifax, Jan. 25, 1850; appointed archbishop,June 27, 1900 ; consecrated, Sept. 9, 1906.CHABLOTTETOWNiMacEacharn, Bernard AngusBora in Scotland, Feb. 8, 1759 ; appointed titular bishopof Rose, in Syria, suffragan and auxiliary to bishop ofQuebec, Jan. 12, 1819; consecrated, June 17, 1821;bishop of Charlottetown, Aug. 11, 1829; died, Apr. <strong>23</strong>,1835.IIMacDonald, Bernard DonaldBorn at St Andrews, P.E.I., Dec. 25, 1797; consecratedbishop, Oct. 15, 1837; died, Dec. 30, 1859.IllM c lntyre, PeterBorn at St Peter s, P.E.I., June 29, 1818; appointedbishop of Charlottetown, May 8, 1860; consecrated,Aug. 15, 1860 ;died at Antigonish, Apr. 80, 1891.IVMacDonald, James CharlesBorn at Allisary, P.E.I., June 14, 1840; consecratedbishop of Irina and coadjutor to Mclntyre, Aug. 28,1890 ; bishop of Charlottetown, May 1, 1891 ; died, Dec.1, 1912.vO Leary, Henry JosephBorn at Richibucto, N.B., Mar. 13, 1879; appointedbishop of Charlottetown, Jan. 29, 1913 ; consecrated,May 25, 1913.ST JOHN, N.B.iDollard, WilliamBorn at Bathkyram, Ireland, Nov. 29, 1789 ; consecratedbishop of New Brunswick, June 11, 1843 ; died, Aug. 29,1851.(Title changed to Fredericton ; later, seat transferredto St John, 1852.)Connolly, Thomas Louis.IIm(See under Halifax.)Sweeny, JohnBorn at Clones, Ireland, May 12, 1821 ; appointedbishop, Nov. 29, 1859 ; consecrated, Apr. 15, 1860 ; died,Mar. 25, 1901.IVCasey, TimothyBorn at Flume Ridge, Co. Charlotte, N.B., Feb. 20,1862 ; appointed bishop of Utina and coadjutor toSweeny, Sept. 30, 1899; consecrated, Feb. 11, 1900;bishop of St John, Mar. 25, 1901 ; archbishop of Vancouver, Aug. 2, 1912.VLeblanc, Edouard AlfredBorn at St Barnard, N.S., Oct. 15, 1870; appointedbishop, Aug. 2, 1912 ; consecrated, Dec. 10, 1912.ABICHATANTIGONISH, N.S.Fraaer, William. (See under Halifax. )iiiMacKinnon, Colin FrancisBorn at Antigonish, N.S., July 20, 1811; appointed,1851 ; consecrated, Feb. 25, 1852 ; resigned, July 17,1877, and appointed titular archbishop of Amida ; died,Sept. 26, 1879.mCameron, JohnBorn at Antigonish, N.S., Feb. 16, 1827; consecratedtitular bishop of Titopolis and coadjutor bishop ofArichat, May 22, 1870; bishop of Arichat, July 17, 1877 ;transferred his seat to Antigonish, Aug. <strong>23</strong>, 1886; died,Apr. 6, 1910.IVMorrison, JamesBorn at St Andrews, P.E.I., July 9, 1861; appointedbishop, May 25, 1912 ; consecrated, Sept. 4, 1913.CHATHAM, N.B.iRogers, JamesBorn at Mount Charles, Ireland, July 4, 1826 ; appointedbishop, May 8, I860; consecrated, Aug. 15, I860; resigned,Aug. 7, 1902 ; died, Mar. 22, 1903.IIBarry, Thomas F.Born at Bokemouche, N.B., Mar. 3, 1841; appointedbishop of Thugga and coadjutor to Rogers, Sept. 80,1899 ; consecrated, Feb. 11, 1900 ; bishop of Chatham,Aug. 7, 1902.O Leary, Louig JamesBorii at Richibucto, N.B., Aug. 17, 1877; appointedbishop of Hieropolis and auxiliary to Barry, Jan.1914 ; consecrated, June 11, 1914.29,ST BONIFACEProvencher, Joseph NorbertBorn at Nicolet, Feb. 12, 1787; appointed bishop ofJuliopolis, suffragan and auxiliary to the bishop ofQuebec and vicar-apostolic in the N.W.T., Feb. 1, 1820;consecrated, May 12, 1822; bishop of the North-West,1847; bishop of St Boniface, 1852 ; died, June 7, 1853.nTache, Alexandre AntoninBorn at Riviere-du-Loup (en bas), P.Q., July <strong>23</strong>, 18<strong>23</strong>;appointed titular bishop of Arath and coadjutor toProvencher, June 14, 1850; consecrated, Nov. <strong>23</strong>, 1851 ;bishop of St Boniface, June 7, 1853; archbishop, Sept.22, 1871 ; died, June 22, 1894,mLangevin, Louis Philippe AdelardBom at St Isidore, P.Q., Aug. <strong>23</strong>, 1855; appointedarchbishop, Jan. 8, 1895 ; consecrated, Mar. 19, 1895 ;died at Montreal, June 15, 1915.IVBeliveau, ArthurBorn at Mont Carmel, Trois-Rivieres, Mar. 2, 1870 ;appointed bishop of Domitianopolis and auxiliary toLangevin, May 24, 1913; consecrated, July 25, 1913;archbishop of St Boniface, Dec. 14, 1915.PRINCE ALBERT, SASK.Pascal, AlbertBorn at St Geuest de Bauzon, France, Aug. 3, 1848;appointed titular bishop of Mosynopolis and vicarapostolicof Saskatchewan, Apr. 19, 1891 ; consecrated,June 28, 1891 ; first bishop of Prince Albert, Dec. 3,1907 ;the diocese transferred to the new Province ofRegina, Dec. 14, 1915.REGINAMathieu, Olivier Elz6arBorn at St Roch de Quebec, Dec. 24, 1853 ; appointedbishop, July 21 ,1911 ; consecrated, Nov. 5, 1911 ;arch,bishop, Dec. 14, 1915ẆINNIPEGSinnott, Alfred ArthurBora at Morell, P.E.I., Feb. 22, 1877; secretary to thepapal delegates Sbarretti and Stagni, 1903-15 ; appointed archbishop of Winnipeg, Dec. 14, 1915.

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