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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXBouvart, Martin (c. 1637-1705). Superior ofJesuit College, Quebec, 16 366.Bow Indians. La Verendrye brothers visit to,1 128-30.Bowell, Sir Mackenzie (b. 18<strong>23</strong>), prime ministerof Canada (1894-96). Minister of Customs,6 83 ; negotiates on reciprocity, 9 169 ;asDominion premier, 6 125-6 ;and Manitobaschools question, 125.Bowes, Barnard Foord, lieutenant-colonel.Commands forces in Lower Canada (1805),3 158.Bowles, Dr. Principal of Victoria College, 11336.Bowser, W. J. (b. 1867). Attorney-general ofBritish Columbia, 21 <strong>23</strong>2, <strong>23</strong>3 ; passesCanneries Revenue Act, 22 458 ;andJapanese control of fisheries, 459.Boy, Philibert. Member of schools associationat Montreal (1686), 16 338.Boyd, Alfred. Member of provisional councilof North-West, 19 197, 198.Boyd, John. Probes Macdonald on the tariff,6 82-3 ; lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick (1893), 14427.Boyd, Sir John A. (b. 1837). First solicitorof Baptist Church Edifice Society, 11 367 ;provincial financial arbitrator, 7 474 ;investigates Gamey corruption charges, 17183.Boyd, John Parker (1764-1830), Americanmilitary officer. Defeated at Chrystler sFarm, 3 249-50.Boyd, Caldwell and Co., 17 161-2.Boyle, John Robert (b. 1870). And theAlberta railway scandal, 19 276 ; minister ofEducation in Alberta, 20 485.Brabant, A. J., missionary priest. His labourson Vancouver Island, 11 162.Brackbill, Miss. Methodist missionary toWest China, 11 325.Braddock, Edward (1695-1755), British general.Plans for attack on French posts, 1 <strong>23</strong>9 ;ignorant of American conditions, 240 ;defeated and slain at Fort Duquesne, 240-2,13 89, 90.Bradley, William C. United States boundaryagent, 8 786.Bradstreet, John (1711-74). Repels Frenchraiders, 1 252 ; captures Fort Frontenac,268 ;his Indian treaties disavowed, 368-9.Brady, John. Roman Catholic priest atBuckingham, 11 55.Brandon. Population (1901, 1911), 20 327;temperature, precipitation, and sunshine at,617.Brandon College, 20 444.Brandon House. Plundered by CuthbertGrant, 19 35.Brandy Traffic. See Liquor Traffic.Brant, Isaac, son of Joseph Brant. Murder<strong>com</strong>mitted by, 4 712-13.Brant, John (1794-1832), son of Joseph Brant.Commands Indians at Beaver Dam, 3 243 ;elected member of assembly of UpperCanada and unseated, 4 721.Brant, Joseph (1742-1807), Indian chief. Anelective chieftain, 4 702 ;at council atOswego (1777), 706; founds Indian settlement at Niagara, 11 221 ; obtains locationfor Six Nation Indians, 17 42 ; at the Philadelphia conference (1792), 4 710 ; sells township of Dumfries, 17 69 ; qualities and characteristics of, 4 713, 17 42.Brant, Molly ,d. 1796). Sir William Johnsonattracted by, 1 <strong>23</strong>5.Brautford. Six Nations reserve at, 4 707 ;first Protestant church founded in Canadaafter Conquest erected by Indians near, 11221.Bray, Thomas, R.A. Loyalist applicant forgrant in Eastern Townships, 15 149.Bread. Price of, fixed by mass meeting of inhabitants, 2 480-1.Breadalbane, John Campbell, fourth Earl of(1762-1834). His eviction of the M c lntyres,15 156 ; attempts to dispossess MacNab,1793.Breard, Jacques Michel, <strong>com</strong>ptroller of theMarine. An associate of Bigot, 2 526 ;afinancial expedient of, 521.BrSbeuf, Jean de (1593-1649), Jesuit. Arrivesin Quebec, 2 397-8 ;his mission to theHurons, 1 59, 60, 63, 2 404-5 ; martyrdom of,406.Breda, Treaty of (1667). Port Royal andFort la Tour restored to France under,13 51.Breland, Pascal (b. 1810).West Council, 19 196,Member198, 202 ;of Northhissalary,218 n.Brennan, Michael. Roman Catholic priest atBelleville, 11 49.Brenton,Scotia.James, attorney-general of NovaOn a school project at Halifax, 14514-15.Breslay, Ren Charles (1658-1735), Sulpician.Cure&quot; at Port la Joye, Island of St John, 13314.Bresoles, Sister, 2 414.Brest Harbour, Labrador. Mentioned byJacques Cartier, 8 915.Brett, Robert George (b. 1851). Member offirst legislative assembly of North-WestTerritories, 19 2<strong>23</strong>, 229, <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>1, <strong>23</strong>4.Brew, Chartres. First inspector of police ofBritish Columbia, 21 147 ;and the M c Gowanriots, 153 ; member of first legislative council,166.Brewing. See Manufactures.Breynat, Gabriel (b. 1867). Vicar-apostolic ofthe Mackenzie, 11 187.Breynton, John. Anglican clergyman at Halifax, 11 202 ; establishes an orphanage, 202,1388.Briand, Jean Olivier (1715-94), bishop of Quebec(1766-84). Vicar-general, 11 15 ;bishop, 340, 4 440, 11 18 ;conditions of appointmentimposed by Great Britain, 18 ; vindicateshimself, 19 ; services during Invasion of1775, 19-20 ; pension granted to, 21 ;hisability and tact, 2 441, 11 18-19.Bricker, Samuel (1776-1868). Mennonitepioneer in Waterloo County, 17 48.Briconnet, Denis. Bishop of St Malo, 1 34,

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