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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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18 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESBouc, Charles Baptiste. Expelled by LowerCanada assembly, 4 477, 479.Boucher, Georges (1814-98). French-Canadiannovelist, 12 476.Boucher, Nicolas. School director at Chateau-Richer, 16 334.Boucher, Philippe (1665-1721). Opens schoolat Point Levy, 16 335 ; gives instruction inLatin, 384.Boucher de Boucherville et de Grosbois, Pierre(1622-1717), governor of Three Rivers (1652).On care taken to keep out dissolute women,2417; on standard of virtue in colony, 15 32 ;represents colony in France, 2 458 ; seigniorygranted to, 15 39 ;his success in settlingimmigrants, 53 ; ennobled, 53 jhis servicesto agriculture, 16 506.Boucher de Boucherville, Sir Charles. SeeBoucherville.Boucher de Niverville. His ascent of theSaskatchewan, 1 139.against navy, 171, 184 ;on aims of nationBoucherville, Pierre Boucher de. See Boucher. alism, 186-7 ; managing director of Le Devoir,Boucherville, Sir Charles Eugene Boucher de 12 477 ; on secular legislation in North-(d. 1915), premier of Quebec (1874-78, 1891- West, 479-80 ;as an orator, 478.92). His policy of railway aid, 15 180-1 ; Bourassa, Joseph (1817-1900). Missionary priestdismissed by Lieutenant-Governor Letellier in the West, 11 133, 20 478.(1878), 6 75-6, 15 181-2 ;forms a second Bourassa, Napoleon (6. 1827). French-Canadianadministration, 206 ;his financial measures, author and sculptor, 12 476, 632.207 ; resigns, 207.Bourdon, Jean (d. 1668). Said to haveBoucherville. Convent founded at (1703), 16 entered Hudson Bay, 8 882 ; granted a358.seigniory, 15 27.Bouchette, Joseph (1774-1841), surveyor-genera.of Quebec. His surveys of 1817, 8 786 Bourdon, Madame, widow of Jean Bourdon.;his Placed inprediction of Canada charge of the King s Girls ats increase in population,4 587 n.Bouchette, Robert Shore Milnes. Banished toBermuda, 2 394, 395.Boucicault, Dion (c. 1820-90), actor. His appearance in Montreal (1853), 12 656.Bougainville, Louis Antoine, Comte de (1729-1811). Envoy to France (1758), 1 275;returns to Quebec (1759), 276 ;<strong>com</strong>mandsa corps of observation, 285, 287, 290, 293,301 ; his reconnaissance after battle of thePlains, 305 ;307 ;on natural intelligence ofCanadians, 15 92 ; sketch, 12 438 n.Boughton Hill, near Victor. La Salle s councilwith Senecas at, 1 91-2.Boule, Ainsi. Canadian sculptor, 12 632.Boullfe, Eustace. His admission to DavidKirke (1629), 2401.Boulle, Helene (d. 1654). Wife of SamuelChamplain, 2 391.Build engine for first steamBoulter and Watt.sawmill in New Brunswick, 13 195.Boulton, Henry John (b. 1790). His dismissalas attorney-general of Upper Canada, 3344-5 ;chief justice of Newfoundland, 345 ;champions King s College, 18 369; attacksBaldwin s university bill of 1849, 372.Boulton, Major. Imprisoned by Riel, condemned to execution, and reprieved, 6 38,11 156, 19 86.Bouncing Polly. Liverpool (N.S.) vessel captured by an American privateer, 13 221.Boundaries, Disputed. Special article : Disputes and Treaties, 8 751-958. New Franceand British possessions under Treaty ofUtrecht, 1 190-1, 2 365 ;the Ohio boundary,1 220 ; between Canada and United State*(1783), 3 116; Upper and Lower Canadaunder Constitutional Act, 3 132-3, 134-5.Boundary Disputes. See Acadia; Alaska;Labrador-Canada ;Lake Huron ; Ontario ;Oregon Passamaquoddy Islands ; ;St Croix ;St Croix-St Lawrence ;St Lawrence andGreat Lakes ;San Juan.Boundary Waters Treaty (1909), 9 219. Seealso International Joint Commission.Bounties. See under Trade and Tariffs.Bouquet, Colonel Henry (1719-65). His engagements at Edge Hill and Bushy Run, 366 ; suppresses Indian risings, 69, 112.Bour, Father. On educational claims ofGerman Catholics, 20 459.Bourassa, Henri (b. 1868). His attitude toSouth African War, 6 141 ;and the sovereignty of parliament, 142 his ; campaignQuebec, 15 42.Bourg dit Bellehumeur, Alexandre (1671-1760).Procureur du Roy at Minas, 13 75.Bourg, Mathurin (d. 1797). Missionary to theAcadians, 11 30, 31; his services duringAmerican Revolutionary War, 13 138.Bourgeois, Jacob. A pioneer colonist atChignecto, 13 52.Bourgeoys, Marguerite (1620-1700). FoundsCongregation of Notre Dame, Montreal(1659), 2 414, 15 93 ;her educational work,16 337, 355 ; and the King s Girls, 15 42 ;returns to France, 2 417.Bourget, Ignace (1799-1885), Roman Catholicbishop of Montreal (1840-76). Invites return of Jesuits, 15 196 ;and education, 16425 ;condemns Institut Canadien, 11 89 ;refuses Christian burial to Joseph Guibord,89 ; denounces Catholic liberalism, 6 72 ;1187.Bourget College. Founded at Rigaud (1850),16 432.Bourinot, Sir John George (1834-1902). OnConfederation, 6213; his works, 12 505, 531.Bourke, Charles. Priest who ac<strong>com</strong>paniedRed River settlers to York Factory, 11 119,19, 21.Bourlamaque, Francois Charles, Chevalier de(d. 1764). Strengthens Ticonderoga, 1 257 ;at Fort William Henry, 259 ;retires fromTiconderoga, 273 ;blows up Crown Point,274 ;at Isle-aux-Noix, 274.Boutet, Martin. Teacher in petite ecole, Quebec,16 329 ;master in Jesuit College, 362 ;teaches mathematics and navigation, 374,

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