Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXAmbush near LakeBloody Morning Scout.George (1755), 1 243.Bloody Run. Dalzell ambushed at, 3 65.Blossom, British warship. At Astoria, 21 61.Blowers, Sampson Salter (c. 1743-1842). Firstattorney-general of New Brunswick, 13 153 ;appointed to Nova Scotia, 154.Blue, Archibald (1840-1914). Deputy ministerof Agriculture of Ontario, 18 573.Blue Funnel Line. Its freight service, 10 618.Boat Encampment, at mouth of Canoe River.David Thompson s survey of Columbia<strong>com</strong>pleted at, 4 669.Bobe, Father. Suggests routes to WasternSea, 1 117.Bochart de Champigny, Jean. See Champigny.Bocquet, Le Simple (d. 1787). Roman Catholicmissionary at Detroit, 11 24.Bodin, Jean (1530-96), French economist.Favours freedom of trade, 2 446 n.Boels, Father.Ministers to Ruthenian Catholics, 11 190.Boerstler, Charles 0. Surrenders at BeaverDam, 3 242-3.Bogg, John. Opposition candidate at StJohn (1785), 13 164.Bohemian. Allan liner, wrecked in 1864, 10 605.Boishebert, Charles des Champs de (b. 1727).Commands irregulars at Louisbourg, 1 225 ;defeats Major Frye, 13 97.Boisram6, O.M.I, brother. Sent to He a laCrosse, 11 141 ; pioneer on MackenzieRiver, 147.public ownership of Grand Trunk Pacific,150, 10 460-1 ; supports autonomy for North-Boisson, Potier du. Describes wheat of Prince West Territories, 19 261 ; planks in hisEdward Island, 13 309.Halifax Platform, 6 165, 10 467, 18 487 ;Bolduc, Jean Baptiste (1818-89). Missionary approves ofpriest in British provincial ownership of publicColumbia, 11 131, 21 78. lands in Prairie Provinces, 19 136.Bompas, William Carpenter ( 1834-1906). Angli Borgne, Emmanuel le, Sieur de Coudray. Raidscan bishop of Athabaska (1873-1884), of Nicolas Denys settlements, 13 48.Mackenzie (1884-91), and of Selkirk (1891- Bornu. Steamship of the Elder-Dempster1905), 11 <strong>23</strong>1.Line, 10 616.Bonaventure, M. de. French officer at Louis Boscawen, Edward (1711-61), British admiral.bourg, 1 204 ;at Port la Joye, 13 320 ;landheld by verbal tenure Captures French men-of-war, 1 220 ; <strong>com</strong>from, 308.mands before Louisbourg, 222-5, 13 324 ;Bonaventure, Recollet brother. His arrival in captures French transports, 1 243 ;hamQuebec, 2 391.Bonaventure. British ship engaged in reduction of Fort Nelson (1696), 1 186.Bonaventure River. Its fishing rental, 16 563.Bond, Phineas (1749-1815), British consul atPhiladelphia. Assists in preparation ofBritish case before St Croix River Commission, 8 759.Bond, Sir Robert (b. 1857), prime minister ofNewfoundland. Enters into trade convention with United States, 8 704 ; negotiatesthe Hay-Bond Treaty, 705 raises ; questionsof interpretation of Treaty of 1818, 706-7,720.Bond, William Bennett (1815-1906). Anglicanprimate of all Canada, 11 220.Bond, Willis. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Bonnald, Etienne. Missionary priest to theEastern Crees, 11 161.Bonne, Pierre Amable (d. 1816), judge. Hisexpulsion by Lower Canada assembly, 3 162164, 4 477.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IBonnecamp, Joseph Pierre de (1707-90). Professor of hydrography in Jesuit College,Quebec, 16 376-7.Bonnington. Steamer on the Arrow Lakes, 10571.Bonnycastle, Sir Richard Henry (1791-1848).His works on Canada, 12 515; president offirst society of artists in Ontario, 12 634.Bons. See Currency.Bonsall, Richard. Opposition candidate for StJohn (1785), 13 164.Boone, Thomas. Deputy paymaster-general ofQuebec, 4 499.Booth, Cornelius. Member of first legislativeassembly of British Columbia, 21 180.Booth, John P. Member of first legislativeassembly of British Columbia, 21 180.Booth, William (^829-1912). Founder of theSalvation Army, 11 396-7.Boothia Peninsula. Explored by James ClarkRoss, 4 185-6 ; explored by Rae, 5 304.Borden, Sir Frederick WiHiam (6. 1847).Minister of Militia (1896-1911), 6 131; hisdismissal of Dundonald, 151-2 ; his contentions with Hutton and Dundonald, 7 443-4 ;at Imperial Defence Conference (1909), 6 169,7 461-2 ;his amendment to Navy ServiceBill, 6 170-1.Borden, Sir Robert Laird (b. 1854), primeminister of Canada. Succeeds Twpper inconservative leadership, 6 143-4 ; supportspered by cabinet, 246 ; defeats La Clue, 308 ;reports Island of St John to be a base ofsupplies for Quebec, 13 324.Boscowitz Steamship Company, 10 573.Bossange, H. Bookseller in Montreal (1817),12 439.Boston. Embassy sent from Canada to (1650),2 332, 334 ; Acadian trade with, 488.Boston. (1) Lakes vessel launched (1764), 10486. (2) American vessel seized by Indiansat Nootka, 21 53. (3) Steamer on Digby-Boston route, 10 562.Boston Massacre, 3 78-9.Bosworth, Newton (d. 1848), Baptist minister.Author of Hochclaga Depicta, 11 365.Botham, A., King s Loyal Americans. Assistsin surveying for loyalist settlements inUpper Canada, 17 <strong>23</strong>.Bothnia. Cunarder, 10 601.Botsford, Amos (1743-1812). Visits St JohnRiver as loyalist agent, 13 142, 143 ; speakerof New Brunsof first legislative assemblywick, 165.B

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